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Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [TOWN WIN]

Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Maimi, if you can roleblock Flora, then that would pretty much guarantee us winning.

Yeah, I still have one roleblock left!

Tailsy's thing is interesting, but I still know what I know from roleblocking everyone else, and it shows that she's the don. Really creative claim, though? Props.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Snort. What, precisely, do you know from roleblocking? I also don't think I'd make up a ridiculous claim when I'm about to be lynched regardless. Just thought you ought to know you're killing the inspector, you know.

Have fun with that!!! :o( sad honking
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

If you'd like me to thoroughly pick apart your claim, I can break out the Ace Attorney sprites one more time.


Shall we begin?

I was originally Oddish



What part of "do not mention your Pokémon" was so difficult to understand?

I was a doctor who could heal themselves, but I was also the backup

This sounds like a pretty ridiculous role to me. But then again, my role is practically invincible, so I guess it's safe to say some of the roles aren't exactly "balanced."

which of course means that once a player is dead, I can take on their role. ILS only told me during the last day phase that Superbird was the inspector

"can" implies that you have a choice. The way I have always seen the backup role used is that the player transforms automatically into the first player to die. If ILS reveals to you the roles of every player who dies, then that is a pretty broken role.

so I took on their role last night and inspected VM, which got me 'no result'. Which is unusual because generally I thought one couldn't roleblock investigatory roles

Investigatory roles are just like any other role, and, at least in my experience, can always be roleblocked. Furthermore, our roleblocker has specifically said she has not targeted you. Are you accusing her as well?

I'd be kind of annoyed if this is some kind of sanity inspector role, but hmmmm. I'm voting Vanilla Mongoose, because although he's claimed to be unlynchable I'd rather test that theory. Even though I'm certainly about to be lynched myself.

People often bring up the possibility of sanity roles, but they are almost never used. I highly doubt that this is the case. It seems a bit silly that you would vote me even if you were telling the truth, because, to me, "no result" sounds more like an alien than a mafioso. If I were you, I'd instead try lynching Maimi, as there is no way to win by lynching me.

Maimi has already shown that you are the don because she has blocked both Flora and me, and there were kills on both nights. The only possible way that you could be innocent is if Maimi was in fact lying. So it is your word against hers. Given your suspicious behavior earlier in the game, and given the plausibility of Maimi's role, I am much more inclined to believe her claim. If, by some chance, she actually orchestrated all of this, then I willingly concede defeat, as she will have truly bested me.

Flora, I admire your last-ditch effort to try and appear innocent at this point, but there is little you can do now. If you try to persuade Maimi to vote with you during the next day phase, you cannot possibly succeed. I highly doubt that she would favor you, who still has not role-claimed, over me, who has been honest this whole time. And even if you could, remember that my role prevents me from being lynched. That is all.

Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Oh. Sorry, ILS. I forgot about the 'don't mention your Pokemon' rule. :o( But it's too late now.

Usually games played on here (admittedly, this is the first one I've played in a long time) tend to have investigative roles as unblockable. Apparently this isn't the case in this particular game, but you know, whatever. I think the roles in this game are unbalanced at best, so claiming my role is 'implausible' at this point, especially when you've pointed out your own is ridiculous, isn't exactly a solid refute of my roleclaim. I also can't see why I'd be given a 'no result' unless I was roleblocked, so obviously either Maimi blocked my night action or she's lying about being the roleblocker and one of the other players did so. Aliens do not produce 'no result' purely on being the alien; aliens are innocent when unactivated and mafia when activated; that's a basic mafia rule!

The backup role seemed confusing, which was why I didn't bother backup-ing into Superbird's role since I was, in fact, given a choice in my role PM (although I agree that generally backup is a vanilla townie role that activates automatically). I was told Superbird was the inspector, which I don't think is general GM protocol, but I don't really understand what's going on in this game anyway at this point.

I'm not lying. I've been telling the truth the entire time, actually! Not even your hilarious Edgeworth gifs can counteract that :o( :o(
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

I'm beginning to see that there is a possibility that you are telling the truth. Mafia roleblocker is a pretty common role. I doubt that the don could also roleblock, but if Maimi was mafia, then that means she is lying about who she targeted, and Flora is likely the don.

In either scenario, whether you are mafia or innocent, Flora must be mafia-aligned. I don't know if we have enough time to change votes, but maybe if we vote for Flora it will give you more time to prove your innocence? Maimi and Tailsy, are you two willing to change your vote?
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Damn, it makes perfect sense now. Maimi must have blocked you last night to stop you from healing Alligates. Obviously, instead of killing you as well, they needed to kill the pair of lovers. What they didn't know was that you were inspecting me as well. And if that were true then your story makes perfect sense.

I thought that Superbird was most likely the inspector. But no one else could have been the doctor (except possibly Majora, but Alligates said that he had not sent in night actions, and if you were indeed blocked, then it means that Maimi knew you were the doctor. Any mafia game has a doctor in it, so that means the only one who could be the doctor is you.


Grrrrrr, I have been played this whole time. Maimi and Flora have been very quiet; it must be because they think they have already won. I thought Flora voting for Tailsy was a facade to show that she was innocent, but of course, it was because Tailsy wasn't mafia.

I said we should vote for Flora, but given that Maimi can roleblock, she could use that power to still win against us. That's why the only way we can win now is to vote for Maimi.

I have been using instinct and emotions this whole time. It was blinding me from the truth right before my eyes. Tailsy, I'm sorry. We can't let them win now, though. I'm not sure what ILS will do in the case of a tie, but I guess we have no choice.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

[creaky old man voice] boy i TOOOOLD you

Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

If ILS is operating under the standard "last player to die breaks the tie" rule, then we still have a chance. That would mean either Alligates or Majora can determine the outcome of this game.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Unfortunately, even if we do manage to lynch Maimi, Flora is going to kill one of us during the night, and it's probably going to be me, considering I won't die from being lynched and you can still heal yourself.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Oh, wow, I missed a lot of discussion here! Sorry, I've been reading throughout the day - the last I post I saw was the one where you were picking apart Tailsy's claim, and I didn't have anything to say to that, other than a "well, yeah..." I suppose I should've said that???

Tailsy: As you said, almost everyone has inspections as unblockable, and I didn't block you in the first place! It's kind of your word against mine at this point, but at least I know mine are true.

Aliens do not produce 'no result' purely on being the alien; aliens are innocent when unactivated and mafia when activated; that's a basic mafia rule!

Are you sure, though? This whole game we've been questioning ILS's decisions. Your claims are based on questioning ILS's decisions! Even if you are inspector, this doesn't necessarily mean that "no result" was a roleblocking. Maybe aliens would always show no result, or ILS invented the role based off of aliens.

In either scenario, whether you are mafia or innocent, Flora must be mafia-aligned. I don't know if we have enough time to change votes, but maybe if we vote for Flora it will give you more time to prove your innocence? Maimi and Tailsy, are you two willing to change your vote?
I would if you don't lynch me. :X For now I have to keep my vote, since otherwise the tie is broken and I die - and no matter what, we can't survive an innocent execution at this stage, so I have a very vested interest in remaining alive.

I thought that Superbird was most likely the inspector. But no one else could have been the doctor (except possibly Majora, but Alligates said that he had not sent in night actions, and if you were indeed blocked, then it means that Maimi knew you were the doctor. Any mafia game has a doctor in it, so that means the only one who could be the doctor is you.


Grrrrrr, I have been played this whole time. Maimi and Flora have been very quiet; it must be because they think they have already won. I thought Flora voting for Tailsy was a facade to show that she was innocent, but of course, it was because Tailsy wasn't mafia.

I believed that Tailsy was the doctor until this phase, so I didn't block her! Since Tailsy isn't, it's possible that Superbird was the doctor, and there was no inspector. After all, the only evidence we have for one is Tailsy's claim... but if there wasn't in the first place, maybe ILS thought that your practical invincibility was enough. Who even knows what's going on in this game.

If Majora was the doctor, then he would have been an inactive doctor. I don't see a problem with this? Hell, Flora was probably an inactive mafia. Maybe for half this time there were no deaths because the mafia forgot to send in their night actions... that's a pretty sad game, but we just don't know. This doesn't make Tailsy innocent at all.

I was quiet because I was gone! Though I have to say, I was sure that Tailsy was caught yesterday, and figured the town's win was pretty much set. After all, we had both of the mafia pinned. As for Flora, mafia do that all the time - it would be the only way for her to "secure" her own innocence, so to speak - obviously that didn't work.

And since I kind of want to start using reaction sprites in Mafia now...


Why would I be a better lynchee than Flora, anyway? Even if Tailsy was telling the truth and I was mafia, roleblocking powers wouldn't do too much to help the mafia now - all that would be left was an inspector and a person with no night action (right now there's Flora, too, and all I can say to that is "some form of mafia"), and blocking the inspector would do no good at all. For one, it probably wouldn't work, and if it did, then there'd be no defense once day comes. Depending on ILS's rules, the kill power might not even be inherited. So even if I was mafia, I wouldn't even be the mafia to target.

Tailsy is doing this to get her and Flora out of hot water, and obviously it's working. But if you don't believe me that Tailsy is the other mafia (and note: if I'm alive, then I can roleblock her or Flora and prevent her from killing), then think enough so that we can avoid a fatal innocent lynch.

Of course, I'd still prefer that we lynch Tailsy... but as long as we lynch a mafia this phase, we can get an innocent win. Remember: I can roleblock the remaining mafia this night phase, practically guaranteeing an innocent win! This makes being the mafia a lot more difficult with me alive - if I survive this phase, then they'd be blocked and have to go through another day phase unlynched. Which, of course, would be a lot harder to convince when I roleblocked them and can conclusively say they're the don. If I'm dead, then they can go ahead and kill you, making for a mafia victory.

Tailsy's plan is pretty clever, right?

And Ibuki figured it all out!

... (Okay, picking Ibuki sprites is hard. I think I chose the wrong character.)
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

????? I don't understand why I would get a 'no result' due to anything other than being blocked. ILS' GM style is... odd, but it's not going to be so outlandish that an alien role is going to be magically uninspectable. That doesn't make any sense??? These role powers are imbalanced but I really highly doubt that that basic rule is going to be magically waved off. Besides, any sensible mafia roleblocker would choose to block the person who claimed doctor - which I was, until last night phase - and I don't think there's another blocker in this game. You obviously roleblocked me. There's no other way around it!

Also, there's always at least one doctor and one inspector. This is a weird game, but it's not that weird.

While I agree that Flora is very likely mafia, we're still better off lynching Maimi now (regardless of who has what power, we're going to have to pick one of them to lynch) since when an innocent player dies during the night, they can be resurrected to break the vote tie with only two players left, since I don't believe I have my doctor powers any more. I've lost my doctor role due to inheriting inspector, I think. Which is unfortunate and was probably a bad decision. uwu Oh well.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]


Well, your role doesn't make sense to me! The simplest explanation is that you're lying, and the one that I believe. But rather than just yelling, "you're lying!", I'm trying to figure out what's happening and consider other angles. Though I still think you're mafia, and that you're lying.

Besides, any sensible mafia roleblocker would choose to block the person who claimed doctor - which I was, until last night phase - and I don't think there's another blocker in this game. You obviously roleblocked me. There's no other way around it!


Eeexcept I'm not mafia roleblocker, so. As for you, getting rid of the innocent roleblocker would be really convenient for the mafia! Any sensible mafia don would choose to get rid of the person who could block their kills, and since you can't lynch VM, you knew that I had to be the one to incriminate.

While I agree that Flora is very likely mafia, we're still better off lynching Maimi now (regardless of who has what power, we're going to have to pick one of them to lynch) since when an innocent player dies during the night, they can be resurrected to break the vote tie with only two players left, since I don't believe I have my doctor powers any more.


... So why are you better off lynching me, again, rather than the obviously mafia player who's agreed upon by the other three people? (It's because I'm innocent.) Neither of those sinces make sense for lynching me rather than Flora - they're just reasons for lynching in general. I think you're trying to protect her.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

If Majora was the doctor, then he would have been an inactive doctor. I don't see a problem with this? Hell, Flora was probably an inactive mafia. Maybe for half this time there were no deaths because the mafia forgot to send in their night actions... that's a pretty sad game, but we just don't know. This doesn't make Tailsy innocent at all.

If we end up tying the vote, either Majora or Alligates will have to break the tie, and they will know for sure. If Majora was either the doctor or the inspector then Tailsy's story completely falls apart, but if not, then we will know she is innocent.

Why would I be a better lynchee than Flora, anyway? Even if Tailsy was telling the truth and I was mafia, roleblocking powers wouldn't do too much to help the mafia now - all that would be left was an inspector and a person with no night action (right now there's Flora, too, and all I can say to that is "some form of mafia"), and blocking the inspector would do no good at all. For one, it probably wouldn't work, and if it did, then there'd be no defense once day comes. Depending on ILS's rules, the kill power might not even be inherited. So even if I was mafia, I wouldn't even be the mafia to target.

I had thought Tailsy could still use her healing powers. If she did, then it would have been a shame if you could block her and kill her at the same time. If perhaps, she did still have those powers, and maybe she does, then there would be a chance that she could block the kill.

Tailsy is doing this to get her and Flora out of hot water, and obviously it's working. But if you don't believe me that Tailsy is the other mafia (and note: if I'm alive, then I can roleblock her or Flora and prevent her from killing), then think enough so that we can avoid a fatal innocent lynch.

Foolish fool! Do you think I was born yesterday? You could just not send in your night action to make me think you had successfully blocked her.


Honestly, if Tailsy's story was made up, it's probably one of the most foolish mafia strategies that I have ever heard.

We are not trying to "protect" Flora, we are trying to protect ourselves. One of us will probably die during the next phase, but if you're gone, at least you can't block Tailsy's healing and we have a better chance of not dying.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

If we end up tying the vote, either Majora or Alligates will have to break the tie, and they will know for sure. If Majora was either the doctor or the inspector then Tailsy's story completely falls apart, but if not, then we will know she is innocent.


We can't depend on the dead players to solve this. If ILS does it a different way, or if Majora has a role that misleads him, then their help isn't actually helpful. They cannot solve this case with their roles alone. Resurrecting dead players is actually a pretty bad way to solve ties, in general - it leads to dependency on them.

I had thought Tailsy could still use her healing powers. If she did, then it would have been a shame if you could block her and kill her at the same time. If perhaps, she did still have those powers, and maybe she does, then there would be a chance that she could block the kill.


Tailsy said she didn't even think she could, though. If you're going to trust her, then why not listen to what she says about her own role? She should ask ILS, but unless she gets information from ILS otherwise I'm going to trust that her powerful "role" wouldn't get that boosted up. Roles are replaced, not added, and I don't think people ever get to use more than one action at a time. This leads to... nothing against me?

Foolish fool! Do you think I was born yesterday? You could just not send in your night action to make me think you had successfully blocked her.


Where would that lead to? That would be way too obvious for you to listen to: you just said that yourself. If you're so defensive of Tailsy, I can block her once just to be sure. Then when I'm out of blocks, she can kill one of us freely. Would that be better?

Honestly, if Tailsy's story was made up, it's probably one of the most foolish mafia strategies that I have ever heard.

We are not trying to "protect" Flora, we are trying to protect ourselves. One of us will probably die during the next phase, but if you're gone, at least you can't block Tailsy's healing and we have a better chance of not dying.


But it's working. Outlandish claims seem to do that.


Tailsy doesn't have healing to block. If I'm gone, you lose the innocent roleblocker and we have a worse chance of not dying.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Discussion's over.

Total Tally:

Tailsy: 2
Maimi: 2

I have sent the tie-breaking person (not disclosing who it is here) a PM. They'll PM me their decision, and with that, this day will have ended.

I must say, this phase has been quite amusing. Once this whole shebang's over, please send me your constructive criticism over PM, so I can improve as a GM.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

After a fervent discussion in which confusion abounded, a heated argument split the remaining team in two: one for lynching Maimi, and the other, Tailsy. They consulted the HELIX, which communicated with one of their released team members, and told them this member's wish.

Maimi (Digrat) has been released. She was Mafia.
48 hours for night actions.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

The tensions are high the following day. The three survivors stare each other down.

No one is dead.
48 hours for discussion.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

... What.

Well, OK. I inspected Flora and got a mafia result, so like it wasn't obvious already... Flora.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]


Sorry Kitten, didn't I tell you?


I'm a three-shot bulletproof.

I've seen death not once, not twice, but three times.

Now it's your turn.

Your defeat shall be as bitter as Godot Blend #102.


Farewell, Flora.
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