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Type Change


Bask In Da' Glory (The Arsenal of Awesome)
What Pokemon shuld have a type change?
These include adding types, taking away types, and doing both.

I think the Phanphy, Donphan, Hippopotas, Hippowdon should all go from Ground to Water because they are elephants and hippos, animals associated with water.

I also think that Machop (not Machoke) and Machamp should be Fighting/Rock, cause they look like rocks.

Any more/comments
Hippos may be water-based animals, but Hippopotas and Hippowdon have been made ground-orientated. THey're some weird variety of sand hippo. So ground's perfect for them.

And I'm not sure how elephants are water animals...
Its simple, they pick water up with their trunk and bathe in it.

Some Pokething said that they bathe by pouring water on each other.

Picture this. Phanpy use water gun! oh noes! It killed you! if only you were water we could bathe you!
Well rats can tread water for three days straight, but that doesn't make Rattata any different from other Normal-types...
Yeah but, when i see elephants and hippos, i see water.

when i see a rat, i see trash
I'm surprised no one has said Gyaridos and Charizard. But flying fits them very nicely. Lucario should have psychic for its second type. Kangaskhan should be pure fighting. Glalie should be ice/dark and Froslass ice/psychic. Cloyster should be half rock instead of half ice. Gligar and Gliscor should be flying/steel.
I don't have a CLUE how Gyarados is flying-type - its 'wings' are more like little chinese fans, and can you picture one flying? I think it should be water/dragon, but that's just my opinion.
Froslass should be ice/psychic.

Froslass should stay Ice/Ghost because of her origin. She is based on the Yuki Onna(spelling?), a japanese spirit said to roam icy places and areas generally isolated.

Gligar and Gliscor should be flying/steel.

Gligar and Gliscor do not resemble Steel types. In fact, they seem to be Poison or Dark at first glance...
I don't have a CLUE how Gyarados is flying-type - its 'wings' are more like little chinese fans, and can you picture one flying? I think it should be water/dragon, but that's just my opinion.

It has something to do with a Chinese legend about a weak carp that got up a waterfall and somehow gets superpowers and can fly. Then, it wreaks havoc all over cities and its flying ability is taken away.
Glalie should be ice/dark Or ice/steel Or maybe even ice/rock That just what it seems like to me.
Elephants are not associated with Water by any stretch of the imagination. Yes, they come into contact with water; most living things do.

I think that Glalie should be Ice / Steel because it looks to be made of metal to me.

Jirachi shouldn't be Steel because it doesn't seem to be made of metal. The same goes with Lucario.
Lucario should be fighting/psychic because of it's aura powers. but i still like the fighting/steel combo.
I thought Chimecho and Absol were ghost pokemon to begin with, but then again when I first saw them I thought Chimecho evolved into Absol... ¬_¬

I also want to see a ghost/fire pokemon with fire burning from its soul, or like a Hinotama
Glalie is ice/dark.
Um... no it isn't ^^;
Or maybe even ice/rock That just what it seems like to me.

Ruby Dex Quote: Glalie has a body made of rock, which it hardens with an armor of ice.

That makes the most sense of all of the suggestions since it is a rock.
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