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University Applications


actually very huggable
Staff member
I'm sure there are a few of us going through the wonderful process of applying to universities this year! Especially Harlequin, who seems to do it every year.

Anyway. Places I am applying to:

Through UCAS
Trinity College, University of Cambridge (Natural Sciences)
Imperial College London (Biology)
University of York (Biology)
University of Edinburgh (Evolutionary Biology)
University of St. Andrews (Evolutionary Biology)

and maybe if I can be bothered also MIT and Georgetown in the US.

So. How about you guy(s)?
I shake my head at St. Andrews. Full of snobby English people!!

I'm applying to Dundee, Aberdeen, Edinburgh Napier and er. Probably Glasgow and Edinburgh just to fill out the rest of the spots. Yay English (Language & Linguistics)!
I keep telling you, Tailsy, I can ignore snobby English people.

Also man it is going to be awesome we will totally end up studying half an hour apart.
I do not do it every year. >:( This is, like, the first year I've done it. (woe is me I should be at university already oops.)

I only have four choices atm. I need to make a fifth by tomorrow.

The University of Sheffield (Biology with a modern language)
The University of Manchester (Biology with a modern language)
Cardiff University (Biology)
The University of Warwick (Biological Sciences)

And I don't know which/where to choose for my fifth choice. I'm toying with an evolutionary biology option but I don't really know.
Art schools woah.

I'm applying to CCAD (first choice), SCAD, Ringling, and SVA. Need to get on my portfolio so I can get a respectable scholarship.

Apparently CCAD is piss-easy to get into and pretty generous about scholarships too... the crazy-ass workload freshman year is the hard part.
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Gloucestershire, Anglia Ruskin, Southampton, Wolverhampton and Buckinghamshire New University. Basically, I went through the UCAS website noting down every university that offers Law, is not a million miles away, and has very low requirements. Should be visiting one or the other a week from tomorrow, though I don't remember which.

Sadly I'll be going to the Chelmsford campus of Anglia Ruskin and not the Cambridge one, which means I'll never be able to go around bragging that I went to university in Cambridge. Doh.

(I get to write about Phoenix Wright on my personal statement, I love Law)
i am applying to six right now:
-university of richmond, in richmond, va.
-new york university, in new york, ny.
-university of virginia, in charlottesville, va.
-penn state, in university park, pa.
-elon university, in elon, nc.
-northwestern university, in evanston/chicago, il.

i'm hoping to major in english and minor in history. call me what you will.. :x

i'm not actually expecting to get into any of these. if i do, hopefully i'll get into richmond or nyu, because i want to go to those most.
i think i have to decide this year. or is it the beginning of next year? i think it's the start of year 13 when you have to decide, 'coz you get your AS-levels then.

either way i have no fucking clue. not even sure what subject i want to take.
Should be visiting one or the other a week from tomorrow, though I don't remember which.

Actually no I won't- booked the wrong date derp. And it was Southampton Solent.

I'm now visiting Gloucestershire on the 7th November, Southampton Solent on the 14th and Anglia Ruskin on the 21st, meaning three weeks off work :D (Still wondering what on earth a Solent is)

Ah, apparently it separates the Isle of Wight from the mainland. 'kay then.
Not american people talkin about colleges for once :B



Or ball state in IN, despite its unfortunate name.

But grinnell has a swingset
I only have 2 choices at the moment and ARGH writing my personal statement is doing my head in ;o;

I'm applying to Nottingham Trent and Leicester De Montfort, both for History/International Relations
I'll probably have to find another 2 or so. Even though I've only visited the above.

inb4 pfft ex-polytechnic
I've got a few places I'm looking at at the moment.
I plan to apply to Miami University (in Oxford, Ohio), Oberlin, and Ohio Northern (mostly because it's my parents' alma mater and I suspect that I'm nearly certain to be accepted) right now, but I've yet to finish any forms.
In the past few months alone, my hatred for essays has reached a new level. Even if I don't have to write too many essays, I still don't want to write any.
I'm taking a more slow-but-steady (and much cheaper) route through my higher education. I'll be starting out at a community college (Rend Lake College, to be exact) and getting my general studies out of the way and making absolutely sure that I'm taking the path I want, then moving on to an actual university. As for which university, I don't know just yet. I'd be happy with Southern Illinois University (Carbondale), which is a beautiful place and from what I've heard is a pretty damn good school. But if I end up going somewhere else, then that's fine too.

I want to major in English and hopefully end up teaching (Well, I really hope to be a literature/writing teacher, but yeah)
I get why Tailsy's sticking with Scottish unis (though you mention English snobbery and I have to mention that I don't know a single English person who's gone to a Scottish uni and not been totally bowled over at all the anti-English racism up there), but how come you're only applying to Welsh ones, Grim?

Don't worry yourself about it too much, gq; I didn't pick what subject I actually wanted to do until about three weeks before the application was due. Even then I pretty much flicked through a prospectus and happened to stop on the Sociology page. Fate ftw.
I get why Tailsy's sticking with Scottish unis (though you mention English snobbery and I have to mention that I don't know a single English person who's gone to a Scottish uni and not been totally bowled over at all the anti-English racism up there), but how come you're only applying to Welsh ones, Grim?

It's much, much cheaper than going out of Wales. Welsh students pay half the amount of fees and if you can live at home it's even cheaper. It'll cost like £1700 or so per year compared to the £3100 or so in English or Scottish universities.

idk, maybe he just doesn't want to leave Wales. Lots of Welsh students prefer to stay at home because they won't have to leave friends and family behind.
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