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Dear Mr Amos
Congratulations; The University of Gloucestershire has asked us to tell you that it is offering you a place for Law, M100; starting in September 2010 at point of entry 1.
The conditions of the offer are:
This offer is subject to you obtaining
Obtain a minimum 300 points from the UCAS Tariff Scheme,
including 2 passes at A Level.
300 points? :/ I'm probably not going to Gloucestershire then.
300 points is only BBB!
Oh, well, I suppose. But biology's not that bad! It's not as if you're being attacked by chemistry. :(
Congratulations; University of St Andrews has asked us to tell you that it is offering you a place for Evolutionary Biology, C182; starting in September 2010 at point of entry 1.
The conditions of the offer are:
This offer is subject to you obtaining
35 points in the International Baccalaureate, including 6
points in HL Biology and English
I have just recently gotten five recruitment-type letters from colleges. That's a lot. Out of them, USC, UGA, and Duke sound bad, but University of Chicago and University of Rochester sound decent. I might actually apply to them.
I hate how they send you a letter telling you to request more information. Can't they just send the poster about whatever in the first place?
Yes. And not really bad as in "poor quality," but I don't think I'd want to attend that college.... Duke as in Duke University? As in one of the best universities in the US?
The fact I love my subject is complete coincidence; I more or less picked it at random out of the prospectus.