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Veldrimon, Yet Again.

(Read 12th post before voting) Should we purge all the accounts?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

S. E.

I'm a crow, don't'cha know?
Veldrimon: The Petsite

Well, I've brought back this thread from the old forum. Yet again, I'll explain a little about the site...

As you can see, it's hosted by the super awesome vPetsite.com. I, of course, didn't program the virtual pets or anything, and I must also credit Bakuphoon and RainbowRayquaza for much of the artwork. The rest such as Veldrimon concepts are by me, though. There are currently 20 species, and that number has been growing creature by creature since May. The site was made on my 11th birthday. Well, I can't explain everything myself, so if you're interested, I suggest you join.

And uh, just a side note, but August VIP Cards are being given out right now. They will stop selling on Wednesday. Despite how it sounds, they are important, as explained in the Information Center.

Discuss, critique, etc..
It's probably your font size. If it's too small, it crams the text together. I can't seem to fix that...
It's a cute site... makes me want to start one too but goodness knows I'll forget about it. D:

But anyway, I signed up a while back, and it's cool. I have a couple little... I dunno, problems? Not sure what to call them.

But anyway, first, the Elements... Are you planning on making more? I hope so. Stuff like Darkness comes to mind. BUT the thing that bugs me is that they're mostly just fancy recolours of the base, and that's kinda boring. A few aren't (the Ardicloud Comes to mind), but most of them are. Something like how Neopets changes the appearance rather than just colour would be awesome, but that's probably take a while to do. And some of them look nice with just the colours (my Finx is Lightning, and ADORABLE)

Second, and I dunno if this is possible to do anything with, but is there any way to implement games? More than just the Passwordy-things (which are fun BTW. I'm stuck on one though D:) If it is possible, you should try to do that. Would be cool. Nothing too complicated for games, but like... a spiffy version of Pong or Tetris I dunno. xD

But it's a nice site. :3 Pets are cute.
But anyway, first, the Elements... Are you planning on making more? I hope so. Stuff like Darkness comes to mind. BUT the thing that bugs me is that they're mostly just fancy recolours of the base, and that's kinda boring. A few aren't (the Ardicloud Comes to mind), but most of them are. Something like how Neopets changes the appearance rather than just colour would be awesome, but that's probably take a while to do. And some of them look nice with just the colours (my Finx is Lightning, and ADORABLE)
Well, certain Veldrimon have certain exclusive elements, such as Rainbow Escaleaf and Space Dracomage, but I've recently been considering doing Veldrimon with, rather than Fire, Ice, and Lightning, just Light and Dark. Implamenting these two on all the old Veldrimon as well would be a real hassle for our artist, not to mention me. Though how the elements turn out is in the hands of our aforementioned artist, RainbowRayquaza. Any complaints on that matter should be taken to her, although I did do the Finx Elements, that's it.

Second, and I dunno if this is possible to do anything with, but is there any way to implement games? More than just the Passwordy-things (which are fun BTW. I'm stuck on one though D:) If it is possible, you should try to do that. Would be cool. Nothing too complicated for games, but like... a spiffy version of Pong or Tetris I dunno. xD
I'm no good at that sort of thing. Unless of course Fant(The admin of vPetsite) makes some more default games, I don't know...

But it's a nice site. :3 Pets are cute.
Why, thank you. =3
Is it supposed to be possible to element pets without getting the items? How do you give full credit to someone without saying their name?
1) There seems to be a glitch. Hopefully vPetsite will fix it soon.

2) If you mean the staff, they're on the front page, plus there's even a staff section.
Well, certain Veldrimon have certain exclusive elements, such as Rainbow Escaleaf and Space Dracomage, but I've recently been considering doing Veldrimon with, rather than Fire, Ice, and Lightning, just Light and Dark. Implamenting these two on all the old Veldrimon as well would be a real hassle for our artist, not to mention me. Though how the elements turn out is in the hands of our aforementioned artist, RainbowRayquaza. Any complaints on that matter should be taken to her, although I did do the Finx Elements, that's it.

I'm no good at that sort of thing. Unless of course Fant(The admin of vPetsite) makes some more default games, I don't know...

Why, thank you. =3

Ah, I see. I can't wait to see what you do with Light and Dark. :3

(pssst make a goat one! Goats are cute!)

OH and I was wondering, I checked out your Links page... and you haven't got any buddy petsites! :0 I was wondering if the one I make (I have decided I will, and I WILL remember to maintain it grr! *hits self*), if you like it, we could be buddies? :3

D: I'm still trying to figure out this question, why is it so hard durn it. ; ;
Really? I was thinking about deleting that section, but I think I'll keep it now. Thanks. X3
Oh. Well, Bakuphoon first found it, and she didn't know who made it, so. I was just saying that I didn't do any of it.
A lot of the images hosted on iaza are 404'd. I'm in the process of adding them to a new host, called PicOodle.com. In the process, I thought that perhaps we could all start fresh and purge the old accounts. Of course, since pet images don't refresh, you would have to abandon all your pets anyways. So what'll it be? Purge all the accounts and start fresh, or just abandon all your pets but keep your account? I'll leave that to the poll. Only vote if you are a member of Veldrimon. And please, don't join in case we do have a purge.

(Sorry for the double post)
*NEWSFLASH* There will be no need to terminate your Veldrimon! You see, because I deleted and replaced the elements, and that Normal form counts as an Element, you can use a Revert Piece to fix your Veldrimon's images! Now hang tight, I don't have all the Elements replaced yet, but I will update the site once I've finished!

(Sorry for the triple post. >>;)
Yay! I can keep my acc then :3

So, uh... any items you want me to remake or something?
"Varification" is spelled wrong on the Register page. Just thought I'd pop in and let you know. It's spelled "Verification".
There are a lot of spelling mistakes, but those are in the parts Fant coded. I really hate it because I'm a grammar Nazi freak. ><
Hey Shiny'vee~ (is that an ok nickname? x3)

I said I would make a petsite and ask to be buddies, want me to post here or PM you the link or something? :3
Sure. ^^

And yeah, you can call me anything as long as I know who you're referring to.
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