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Video Game Mafia: Edition II

Well, the foremost issue with that picture isn't even the fact that it's wildly unofficial theory, so much as it neglects the way research has (or hasn't) been done for this game. Even if Zackrai hadn't already told us he didn't get a fitting role, we could assume pretty safely that ILS didn't dig deep enough to unearth this kind of fanon.
Actually, I'm more inclined to believe that whoever is Steve from Minecraft may be closer to Alien. Or something.

Anyhoo, WUE.
Well, the foremost issue with that picture isn't even the fact that it's wildly unofficial theory, so much as it neglects the way research has (or hasn't) been done for this game. Even if Zackrai hadn't already told us he didn't get a fitting role, we could assume pretty safely that ILS didn't dig deep enough to unearth this kind of fanon.

True on all counts. Basically I check appearance, then what they do in the game. For some of them, though, it's hard to decide their role, and it ends up not quite matching with the character. Ex. Last time, Superbird was Pac-Man and he got Silencer. In retrospect, (seeing as I have more exp. as a GM now) he should have been Jack of All Trades.

The characters decide WUE should be attacked. His flying Koopa (yes, Lakitus are Koopas) is swarmed. It turns into a trophy, with a letter I on the bottom.

WUE is dead. He was innocent.

Let me explain his role: he produced bodyguards, iirc.

Sorry for the lateness. 72 hours for night actions.
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