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Viral Mafia- MAFIA WIN

Re: Viral Mafia

Day broke once more in the world, users logging in to see what may have happened during the night. As they count the avatars before them, they are surprised to see what is before them. They were all there, no one was missing from what they could tell. They all turn to the tower and wait for something to happen.

No one has died.
48 hours to discuss
Re: Viral Mafia

Hold up, hold up, hold up: I didn't get to comment on this, Mawile, but you are most certainly not the inspector; I am. In fact, you should know this from the fact that she hasn't died yet!

Also, Mawile, you did an incredibly shabby job at fabricating the Inspector Role PM:

Internet Inspector: You are a member in the Internet Prevention Squad, a real-life police officer taking it upon yourself to search out the cause of the infection. They choose a user each night to do a deeper background check on. The only roles that give him a false readings are Unstable Program and the one the Designer used their powers on.

And just so you know, honey, I investigated you last night.

So, obviously my choice for lynching would be Mawile, but I'll have you know that there is another Mafia member left besides her.
Re: Viral Mafia

Let me tell you something, honey.

You are most definitely going to lose. After all, you're the last innocent left.

Re: Viral Mafia

Yeah, the only reason you're alive is that [O] is inactive and we can't really kill you without him/her sending in night actions. Sorry. It's been fun.


Hey, moon-panther. Since it's never really come up...do we need a majority of the people (IE 3 to lynch in this situation)? Because otherwise the game will be a stalemate and that would not be fun.
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Re: Viral Mafia

Nope. And also, you guys could have straight off killed her you know. When the leader is inactive as long as [o] has been, you can take the kill action. You did so before, remember?
Re: Viral Mafia

(Since it is going to be obvious)

The remaining members turn to Flora, a wicked smirk on their faces. As their avatars shift shape, they look to be clothed in black and green, numbers flowing off of one while the other has what appears to be a mini computer watch strapped to their arm. The other member that has fallen silent for a while now resembles a professor of sorts is blacks and greens. As Flora backs away, eyes wide when they see that they are truly alone, their back hits the side of the tower. Glancing up to it, she prays for the tower to save her and delete the infection.

...till the point the tower turns green and black with numbers on the screen. Laughing, Mawile steps forward and grabs Flora by the front of their shirt, spinning her around and holding her arms behind her back. Blazie smirks and walks over, placing a gloved hand on her face.

"Sorry, but you lose. It was fun as it lasted. But be happy you lasted until this point. Time to join the others in the delete file" She whispered, allowing the virus in her system seeping into Flora's skin. Back in the real world, Flora is found dead at her computer, blood dripping from her eyes and mouth.

With a victorious laugh, the Virus members turn to the tower and pour their codes into it, spreading the corruption into the world wide web. By this time tomorrow, more people will be found dead across the globe. You have failed to halt the threat.

Flora is Dead.
Mafia wins.
Now to do some revealing...

The Mafia Faction

The mafia know of one another, may communicate privately at any point during the course of the game, and will show up as mafia when killed or inspected by the inspector, unless otherwise stated.

Mafia don: The leader of the mafia. During the night, he sends in the mafia's choice of target to attack, and if other mafia members send in a night action, his choice always overrides theirs.

The Creator: The one that caused the whole thing. He and his followers are the one that manufactured the virus that has killed countless computer users across the globe. As the creator, you have the power to unleash and control your virus on any of the players, but to be sure to watch them squirm for as long as possible, you kill only one person each night. You and your…”students” are able to talk at any point, but if they disagree on whom to kill it is the Creator that gets final say.

With the Creator’s death, one of the students will take their role as the Creator.

Mafia goons: The other members of the mafia. May send in the mafia's night action if the mafia don is away. One of the mafia goons at random will become mafia don if the original don is killed.

The Reseacher: As the student of the Creator, the Researcher is able to pick one person to investigate to weed out the few innocents that would be ideal to kill during the day rather than night. They can do this one every night, but their readings aren’t always perfect. They are given vague clues on what they find. It is up to them to figure out what each role is.

The Designer: As a student of the Creator, the Designer is able to make a program to disguise the alignment of one person other than themselves, rendering them to be viewed as innocent. But this can only be done once every other night. After use, they must wait one night to create another design.

The Code-Monkey: As a student of the Creator, the Code-Monkey is able to tap into the skills of another player and mimic it for the night. They can choose to use their powers at night to code themselves as one of the others, which will be put through the randomizer. They won’t be told whom they mimicked but they will be told what they did.

Terrorist: The terrorist is on the mafia's side; however, they do not know of him, and he does not know who they are (and as such, he may not communicate with them during the night). The terrorist's goal is to ensure that the mafia win, and to achieve this, he has one secret weapon at his disposal: he is a suicide bomber. At any point during the day phase, he may blow himself up and take one player of his choice with him. If the inspector inspects the terrorist, he will be shown as not mafia, and if he dies, he is also shown as not mafia.

The Glitch: This single user has been infected with a deadly glitch, rendering them to self-destructive urges. They wish to aid the Viral users in anyway possible, giving them the ultimate weapon if the Glitch feels it fits. They can attack a single person at any given time by grabbing their Avatar and infecting them with their glitch, causing them both to crash.

The Innocent Faction

Unless otherwise stated, innocents do not know the role of any other player, may not communicate with other players about the game outside of the public day discussion, and show up as not mafia when killed or inspected by the inspector.

Inspector: During the night, he may inspect one player to find out whether they are aligned with the mafia, though certain roles may show misleading information (as described for each role).

Internet Inspector: You are a member in the Internet Prevention Squad, a real-life police officer taking it upon yourself to search out the cause of the infection. They choose a user each night to do a deeper background check on. The only roles that give him a false readings are Unstable Program and the one the Designer used their powers on.

Doctors: During the night, each doctor chooses one player, other than himself, to heal. If this player is targeted by the mafia, vigilante or a fishing brother's revenge kill on this night, he does not die. However, if two or more doctors choose to heal the same player, that player overdoses and dies, even if he was not targeted by the mafia.

Firewall: You are one of the only ones that can protect the users from death during the night phase by throwing up a shield to block to protect a single player each night from attack. The only thing that can get through this shield however is the Antivirus. If both programs clash, the user will overload and crash.

Antivirus: You are one of the only ones that can protect the users during the night phase by writing a program to destroy any attempt one a single user’s life. The only thing that can cause that program to turn into a deadly weapon is if it goes through a Firewall sheild, killing the user instead of preserving their life.

Lover: On the first night, he picks one player as his lover. From this point on, regardless of either player's previous alignment, their ultimate goal for the game is to be the only two players left, and they may communicate privately with one another at any point during the game. However, if one of them dies, the other immediately commits suicide in grief.

Merger: You are the one that can take your avatar and bind it to another to increase your chance of surviving the attack with the help of another. You can pick one person in the beginning of the game to share your program with, thus creating a private window in which you both plan on how to be the last two to survive the virus pandemic However, if either of you die, the other will delete themselves as well from the bonded program. So be careful with what you do.

Vigilante: During the night, he may kill one player of his choosing.

Strike Program: You as a user have been upgraded with a new power. You have the power to take out one person of your choosing in the night. The drawback is that it is a limited and conditional attack. You are the only killer the Innocents have and you must be sure on whom you are killing. If you hit a Mafia, you are given another chance to attack a member, but if you hit a Innocent, you no longer have your upgrade and are reduced to a normal user.

Choose wisely.

Fishing brothers: There are always two of them. Every night, each of them targets one other player of their choosing; if the other fishing brother is killed that night, the live one will kill the player he targeted in revenge.

Net Navi: You are half of the same program with the Web Warrior. You both know whom each other is but you can’t see nor talk to each other. You both share a special bond that transcends the computers and internet, being able to sense when the other is dead. You pick a single user to target each night, killing said user if Web Warrior dies that night. If they are killed in the day, your night action is carried over to the next night.

Web Warrior: You are half of the same program with the Net Navi. You both know whom each other is but you can’t see nor talk to each other. You both share a special bond that transcends the computers and internet, being able to sense when the other is dead. You pick a single user to target each night, killing said user if Net Navi dies that night. If they are killed in the day, your night action is carried over to the next night.


These roles are an alignment of their own, having their own specialized win conditions. Unless otherwise stated, they show up as not mafia when inspected by the inspector, do not know any other player's role and may not communicate with other players outside of the day discussion thread.

Alien: If the alien is attacked by the mafia, a vigilante or a fishing brother during the night, he does not die; instead, he turns into an activated alien.

Activated alien: If the activated alien is chosen to be lynched during the day, he wins the game. When inspected by the inspector, he shows up as mafia. The activated alien role is never given directly to a player; activated aliens only exist when a regular alien has been activated.

Unstable Program: You are the chaotically unstable user that has been infected by a mutated virus unlike any others. You function like a normal user, working closer to finding the cause for all these deaths. If you are attacked during the night however, you will not die do to your infection. Instead, your virus will take control and turn you into a ultimate Trojan Horse virus. When you are a Trojan Horse you are able to wipe out the entire game if put to death during the day. If you aren’t however, the Mafia is able to kill you during the night.

If you are still in the dormant form, you can be killed like any other user during the day phase.


[O] = The Creator
Blazie = The Researcher
Mawile = The Designer
blazheirio889 = The Code-Monkey

Superbird = The Glitch

Flora and Ashes = Internet Inspector
dragonair = Firewall
Emerald Espeon = Antivirus
RespectTheBlade = Merger [<3]
demonickittens = Strike Program
Big Red Cherry Bomb = Net Navi
sreservoir = Web Warrior

Brock[Hidan] = Unstable Program [<3]

Night 1:

BLAZGEIRIO889 codes self as BLAZIE, targets SUPERBIRD
[0] kills BRCB
FLORA AND ASHES investigates [0]
RESPECTTHEBLADE is lovers with BROCK [HIDAN] <Randomized>

DAY 1:



BLAZIE investigates HIDAN

DAY 2:

The Tower was not pleased. FALLOUT BLADE was deleted, and in response, HIDAN fell too.

Night 3:

BLAZIE investigates EMERALD

DAY 3:



BLAZIE investigates FLORA
FLORA investigates MAWILE

DAY 4:

I have to say, being a researcher was handy. :) Thanks for a great game to moon-panther and all of the players.

I find it amusing that RespectTheBlade happened to choose the alien as his lover. xD
My death was... interesting, to say the least. Of all people, why did I happen to channel Superbird? Would've been better to stick around a bit longer, haha.

Either way, good game, people.
Oh yeah, Superbird wins with us. :D Haha, thanks for taking out an innocent and not one of us. ;D
Suicide tactic; 1
First, ensuring I wou't get killed by my own team. Second, taking down someone I know is an innocent.

You know, this is actually the firse Mafia game I've been in that's actually finished.
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