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Warriors Fan Club

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... Hmm, that's certainly an interesting question. I'll bet they at least thought about carrying on the -claw tradition. After all, they've had Gorseclaw, Thistleclaw, Tigerclaw, and Brambleclaw. I was kind of expecting Lionclaw, even though I'm not too fond of that name.

Oh, and there was this (ZOMG EXACT =O) quote:

Squirrelflighty: Why was Lionpaw named Lionblaze? To remind Firestar of himself? Cx We love browsing HarperCollins to find juicy info!

VickyHolmes: Yes, I wanted to keep a "fire" theme going, and also "blaze" sounds
like a powerful force bursting into the open; I think Firestar is very aware of Lion's power, and wanted to acknowledge that in his name.
Ah, thank you~

I actually tend to have obsure questions wanted to be answered, like: Was Lionblaze disappointed that he wasn't named Lionclaw, as Heatherpaw called him in DarkClan ? x3

I was hoping it'd be Lionclaw all along, actually. Lionblaze is still extremely awesome though.

Questions asked and answered by you guys~
Tailsy: They said they didn't know at the moment. Ha, I'd thought they'd keep up with it.
Shadow Lugia: Bury them.

*waves hands in circles*

Hay guys! Hay hay hay guys! We can have info!

Okay, first off on the subject of Seekers (for those of you that've read it): We have the third cover. Yeah, you heard me right, the third. Not the second, the third. Located at http://ina.lunarmania.com/~tuibo0/sites/default/files/Seekers3 Cover_2.jpg .

Next, we have the warrior names for Cinderpaw, Poppypaw and Honeypaw via an Amazon excerpt. They are
Honeyfern, Cinderheart and Poppyfrost.

Finally we have the names and descriptions for Millie's kits. They are
Bumblekit -- gray tabby tom with black stripes. Blossomkit -- tortoiseshell and white she-cat. Briarkit -- dark brown she-cat.

Fwee, teh excerpt one can view only while logged in on Amazon is the awesomeness.

Poppyfrost and Hollyleaf should switch name endings. D=

Oh, and look at the shiny BirchxWhite quote! "'That reminds me! Have you noticed how Birchfall has started sharing tongues with Whitewing?' 'The nursery could start getting crowded,' Hollypaw purred. ..."
I like Poppypaw's name. Very original and nice-sounding. :3

I still hope Honeypaw and Berrynose somehow get together. xD The teenage-girl crush she has on him is hilarious. lol or even Hollypaw/Honeypaw
... Barbecueshipping (either way) is epic win. 8DDD

I don't think Firestar would ever have considered naming her Cinderpelt, despite the brilliance of the name. It would have been too sad. Not to mention that Leafpool would have a heart attack. xD

HollyxHoney? YESPLZ.
Hey wait a minute how come we never have same-gender shippings (other than Honey-x-Holly, which I didn't realize was same-gender until I looked it up. I'm telepathic!)?

...O_o I don't know why I had the urge to say that.
Tch, what are you talking about? We have RavenxBarley, DarkxTiger, JayxKestrel, LeafxSorrel, AshxSoot, SandxSpotted, BramblexHawk, NightxLeaf, FirexGray... the list goes on and on. xD
I've just bought all five books of the original series! =DDD

But I have to do my homework before I read them...I can't wait! =D
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