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Warriors Fan Club

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I recently bought and finished The Rise of Scourge. In like 10 minutes :P

Yeah, tons of deaths had me all choked up.

Whitestoooooooooooooooorm ;~; My loooooooooove why did you have to leave me?

Omigod I loveded you Spottedleaf

And you too Yellowfang

Cinderpelt... That death was soooooooo tragic DD; Christ, why do the medicine cats always have to die like that?

Silverstream was tragic too

As was Feathertail's
I've just finished chapter 19 of Fire and Ice. Silverstream = <3

...but Spottedleaf is still better! ;-;
...that would have been nice under a spoiler, Shadowstar. Some people, like me, want to read the Warriors books for themselves. The suspense and wondering is part of what makes the books seem so real.
...that would have been nice under a spoiler, Shadowstar. Some people, like me, want to read the Warriors books for themselves. The suspense and wondering is part of what makes the books seem so real.


Please don't post things directed at one particular person without spoiler tags when you know it'll BE a spoiler for them.

And Shadow, how was TRoS? Isn't it awesome? :3
Yeah, I loved that last picture.

I am Scourge, the leader of BloodClan...
...and I have won.
Leafpool said:
And Shadow, how was TRoS? Isn't it awesome? :3

Sorry, I forgot that it was a spoiler... My head is filled with fanfiction and sprite comic ideas.

I haven't bought it yet, I will today after school.

Oh it's my first day of fifth grade!=D
Beh, that means I'll be more active from 6:00 AM to 7:15 AM my time.(Central)
Oh, and thank you for apologizing to Leafpool, who it wasn't a spoiler for since she already read FoS. And she was talking to shadow_lugia about TRoS, notice how she said she had just bought it at the top of the page.

I got halfway through Forest of Secrets last night, but my mom started yelling at me and telling me to go to sleep. I swear, she must be on her period or something... Anyway, I'm playing DS to forget about and it relieve my stress, then I'll continue to read. It's very emotionally taxing on me when my mother never approves of all the things I do to try and make her happy.

But FoS is really good so far. Silverstream = <33333
And Cloudkit...he's so adorable! =D
Yes, Cloudkit is adorable!

(By the way, the following is a spoiler for his warrior name, since spoiler tags don't conceal images):

You could always link to the image and say that it's a spoiler, since it's really quite easy to accidentally see that picture while scrolling down.

Almost through The Sight. Jaypaw's my favorite character so far, though that's probably because Cinderpaw hasn't really gotten any important roles yet. =3
The ending of FoS shocked me. Very very muchly. Like...wow. I was O.O

Can't wait to read Rising Storm, but I have to finish this last bit of homework I have.

EDIT: Also, does anyone know what herbs a Medicine Cat uses during a kitting? I'm writing the prologue of a fic and, well, someone is giving birth =P
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EDIT: Also, does anyone know what herbs a Medicine Cat uses during a kitting? I'm writing the prologue of a fic and, well, someone is giving birth =P

Well, that was fast. The fanfic-writing, I mean. I didn't start writing Warriors til well after I finished what was out of the series when I first got into it (then again, I read ItW - Starlight in the space of a week... not much time for fanficcing is there? xD)

Borage to help the queens' milk, and... uh... I don't think there are any other herbs that were ever mentioned. Poppy seeds were almost used once during the end of Twilight with a kitting (due to the queen having just gone through
intense emotional shock
), but apparently it's better for the kits if a queen can sleep without the seeds.

*goes to look at list of herbs once more*
Heh, I'm too obsessed with it at the moment. I've gone through three consecutive days reading a book a day with my mother always yelling at me for not finishing homework. And school starts in just over a week, jumpstart being tomorrow and the day after. Besides, it's better if I start planning everything now. I've already got quite a few ideas, though I'm not sure which one to follow.

Poppy seeds are for easing pain, but you're to have only a little bit - Yellowfang once said that it's good to feel a little pain to see how it's progressing. It was for some injury in maybe the second book. They basically dull the senses. But that's all I know.

EDIT: I found a list of herbs and what they do =D
Though there was nothing specifically mentioned to use during births (Borage is used after the birth, if there are problems with the milk and its flow), but I found several things that help to calm. Thanks for the help, Leafpool! =D
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Poppy seeds are for easing pain, but you're to have only a little bit - Yellowfang once said that it's good to feel a little pain to see how it's progressing. It was for some injury in maybe the second book. They basically dull the senses. But that's all I know.

Technically they're used for putting cats to sleep (you'll see many examples of this in the future books), but they do ease pain too.
Oh, thanks. Yeah, that's what it said in the herb list. But I doubt I'll get the other books till December, because I'm too young to work and my birthday is in the same month as Christmas =(

I really should do my homework before reading Rising Storm...
I know how you feel. I hate homework especially when it stops you from reading Firestar's quest. Uhh.. Stupid Homework!! :angry:

I'm currently reading the fifth book of the first series, which I got today. Yay plot twists! (To quote The Alpha Banana,) even better than plot churros! :D
I have shippings :D

Spoilers follow and I don't feel like putting them all in seperate spoiler tags, so I put them in where the first signs start to show in which books:

Ravenpaw x Barley

Bluestar x Tigerclaw

Ashpaw x Cloudpaw (Ashfur x Cloudtail)

Ashfur x Squirrelpaw Ashfur x Squirrelflight
Blackstar x Russetfur
Tawnypelt x Blackstar

Stormfur x Brambleclaw

Ashfur x Whitewing

Berrypaw x Honeypaw Berrynose x Honeypaw
Brambleclaw x Bird


Oh, it seems I must take a shower. Will add the rest later (as in tomorrow).
I just remembered I have a FanFiction account, so I made myself write the sixth poem in my poetry series, 'Afterlife.' (Just FYI, it has spoilers for... uh... the first series, Firestar's Quest, and a little Power of Three.) I was wondering if anyone could help me with some constructive criticism? (I'll be glad to review anything you guys have written. =3)

Ashfur x Squirrelpaw Ashfur x Squirrelflight

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