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Warriors Fan Club

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(Now I know your username, Cinderpelt...)


What exactly is shipping? I saw some pictures in someone's sig and failed to understand...
I've guessed it to mean romances, which most of them are, but there are also same-gender shippings. I assume those are close friendships. So a shipping, I think, is a close bond in a fiction.

But I was never quite sure, so I'm sort of curious to know if I'm right =P
'Shipping is short for relationshipping, which is what it sounds like -- supporting a pairing. It's generally taken to be romantic unless specifically stated otherwise (i.e., same gender 'shippings are the same as other 'shippings except gay.)
O_o. That may have just ruined the books for me.

It was bad enough that Dumbledore was gay...

(It won't, really, but I thought Erin Hunter was being tactful with relationships. If I may, again: O_o)
For instance, a same gender shipping, one you should know unless you just barely started the first book. Which is unlikely.
It has spoilers for warrior names, but they're not that big of a deal, not like a plot spoiler:

I actually just got to the second series, so I'll find out soon enough. *Waggles finger*

"Oh crap! I just used Metronome!"

ERINDOR used Flamethrower!

It's super effective!
I don't think anyone likes my fic.

I can't belive Yellowfang KILLED Brokentail, I mean, he's her kin!=O


Have you no shame?

Oh and,
Blackstar will come head to head with the origional four clan leaders at one point, just an idea. Thunderstar will eventually meet with Firestar, and tell him about what's happening.
O_o. That may have just ruined the books for me.

It was bad enough that Dumbledore was gay...

(It won't, really, but I thought Erin Hunter was being tactful with relationships. If I may, again: O_o)

It's never explicitly said in the books that male X character likes male Y character, only hinted. And, unlike Dumbledore, most of the characters involved in same-gender shippings usually do have other-gender mates/loves. So for the most part the same-gender shippings wouldn't be taken as canon by the authors, as far as I know. You can ask them, but they'll probably either give you an extremely cryptic answer or deny it.

shadow_lugia said:
Yeah, but when you get to Dawn...

Oh shhh I shouldn't tell you ;D

I actually find the late New Prophecy and The Sight to have much more hints of that than Dawn does, actually. Graystripe got all disappointed that Firestar didn't wait for him, and Firestar admitted that he would have risked his life (lives?) to wait for Graystripe. He also is clearly extremely reluctant to admit Graystripe's gone from the Clan forever when questions of a new deputy arise, however, and has to take about four cats' word for it (Leafpool, Brambleclaw, Sandstorm, Stormfur) before he realizes that ThunderClan needs to have a new deputy, whether Graystripe is still alive and coming back or not.
Hooray for spoilers =D

Well, anyway, my favorite shipping right now would be Fireheart x Sandstorm
I've finished Rising Storm this morning which, by the way, is AWESOME. The books only get better as they go on in the series =D

I've also just finished the prologue to my Warriors fic, but I don't plan to post it until I have several chapters done and the handful after them planned out.
I read The Rise of Scrouge, which was amazing, at Borders <3~

I've actually only need Fire and Ice to complete the main series collection, which is odd because Into the Wild was my first book of the series (gasp, a surprise, isn't?). I need the all of the manga (which I just discovered is in a different section than normal manga, and as of recently Pokémon manga, which is quite a lot, actually) , Secrets of the Clans, and other things :D
I've also just finished the prologue to my Warriors fic, but I don't plan to post it until I have several chapters done and the handful after them planned out.

Awsome, I bet it'll be alot better than *sniff* mine...*burst into tears*

WHO RATED IT THAT BAD AND DIDN'T EVEN POST TO TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG????*sobsob* I hope it's not one of those people that hate me to peiceds!D=

I've now written several paragraphs of the first chapter, though I don't think that's half of what I want the first chapter to be, length-wise. I'll continue this tomorrow, or maybe even Monday.

Since I've only just finished Rising Storm, the locations and such are based on the original area where the Clan territories where situated. And there are no official/published characters in it, they're all my own. Though, considering that I've not even finished the main series yet, there may be some names that are the same as or similar to existing characters.

I'm enjoying this Warriors series immensely =D
My favorite shipping=
Leaf x Crow or Feather x Crow
Because JayLeafCrow theory is awesome :D
Awsome, I bet it'll be alot better than *sniff* mine...*burst into tears*

WHO RATED IT THAT BAD AND DIDN'T EVEN POST TO TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG????*sobsob* I hope it's not one of those people that hate me to peiceds!D=

Aw, don't be so hard on yourself. Like I said, I'm willing to review stories; where can I find yours? ^^ (If you have the time, constructive criticism on my poems would be awesome... >_> *pokes FF link in signature discreetly*)
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