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Warriors Fan Club

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Hmm, too lazy to read right now, but I'll eventually review it here or with mah FF.

*adds to the list of things to do*

Um. So yeah.

Oh there you are why aren't you replying my PMs >(

Anyway. I'm wondering why Tigerstar/Lionblaze thought that TEH THREE weren't kin of Firestar. I mean seriously if the prophecy was true about their having powers (although admittedly Hollyleaf doesn't think so, and she doesn't think they're Fire-kin either) why wouldn't the first bit be true.

... although it does make me wonder a little.

Darksong said:
Where can I see the excerpt?

Buy the book. O< Or maybe I could send it to you or something.


First Ravenpaw trilogy book name: Strangers in the Snow. I like it. :3
Bluestar's Prophecy release date: September 22. Ack, the possibility of being released on a marching band rehearsal! D:
The Fourth Apprentice release date: November 24. NaNoWriMo release again :/
Two rumors: fifth series called A New Reign that follows Lionblaze as leader of ThunderClan and first book is Chasing Stars. I don't buy it - the authors said that they were going to finish with four series. Besides, how would they have already picked the names for a book so far in the future (Cruel Season/TFA as fourth series' name, anyone) and how does someone get info that Lionblaze is going to become leader when he hasn't even had an apprentice yet? As for the second, it doesn't sound so unbelievable, but eh.
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oh oh send it to me too? =D

And Warriors is ending with four series? DDDDDD:

We'll keep it alive. 'Ficcing.
*eyes wide* Leafpool, I'd type up the excerpt, but I dun have GBL near me. Could you...? These peoples need to see it. THE PWN.

... Then agaaiin, it's incentive for them to buy Seekers... >D
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