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Warriors Fan Club

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I LOVE THE BANNER IN YOUR SIG TALIAX. @_@ I could never tell if that cat was supposed to be Leafpool or not; if it is I need to add her to the banner in my sig. :/

Loved the pictures from CotC II though, especially Badgerpaw and Ravenpaw. Badgerpaw's story actually made me tear up because he was so damn cute in that picture. D:
I loved Badgerpaw's picture, too. He was so cute I just wanted to cuddle him! ^^ Oh, and about the banner in my sig, I got it from this website. I'm not sure who it is in the picture, though, or even which book he picture's from.
clicky clicky

This time, I remade the family tree. Last time the tree hadn't been updated since Outcast, but things were still there, so what I had to do was add a few trees, add a few unknown cats, change some names, add cats to a few existing trees, combine Moonflower and Frostfur's trees (in Dovekit and Ivykit) and move Hollyleaf, Jayfeather and Lionblaze to a new tree.

This time, I realized that CotC II had simply too many (I think I counted almost 200) new cats and new trees to put into the tree. I toyed with the idea of making it wider, but that wasn't going to be nearly enough space. I copied the existing trees into a document that was a lot taller and wider, added a new layer, and put the old layer at 50% visibility.

From here on, I had to sprite and place every pixel on this tree. There is not a pixel on that tree that was created before CotC II came out. I stayed up til two AM working on the damn thing. This was after a month of practically ten hours a day doing this. And then I'm going to have to spend a lot of time moving everything over and down and aaaggh for the BP family tree! Greaaaaaaat! Not.

The reason the BP info from Smoke Mountain as well as Bluestar's father aren't on there is because I'm very particular about how accurate anything I do that's related to Warriors (same with the characters section) on my site). It's got to be up-to-date to the most recent book.

... By the way, if any of you are looking at Moonflower's huge tree and wondering why the hell Mistyfoot's kits are put down as Graymist and Reedwhisker, that's true fax as of the author chat. Actually, Vicky said Graymist and Rippletail first, but Rippletail's waayyyyyyyyy too young for that. Later in the chat, when Vicky said that (
Leopardstar was going to die in Fading Echoes and Mistystar was going to make Reedwhisker her deputy, a lot of people were saying "making her son deputy?" or something. Vicky saw the comments and sort of went "Oh, is he her son? I guess so," or something along those lines.

... I just realized that that means for once that fanon became canon.
Wow. I didn't see that comming at all. Of course, Leopardstar is the oldest leader, right?
Wow. I didn't see that comming at all. Of course, Leopardstar is the oldest leader, right?

That's what Tigerstar said. ... in Sunset. She's been leader the longest and she's the oldest of them, she's got to be susceptible to whatever it is that kills her.

Also, Barkface is dead by this point. Foxpaw, Icepaw and Tigerpaw are Foxleap, Icecloud and Tigerheart, and Poppyfrost will have a mate (I SAY MOUSEWHISKER) and kits in TFA. Also, Dovekit is the actual prophecycat.
Yeah, I figured it would be Dovekit since she's on the cover of TFA.

Also I looked in CotC II and I'm pretty sure that's Leafpool. The picture's on a page where she's talking.
I like the way Ivykit looks better. Wait, didn't Leafpool say that the pelt color of Ivykit on the cover of OotS 2 (I forgot the title) is wrong? If so then I'm not sure who I like better.

Finished Sunrise (finally Dx) and... whoa. Plot twist! O8

I'm not too sure I love all the characterization Hollyleaf gets, but the idea of the twist in general was brilliant~
Author chat also said that Ivykit, contrary to the Fading Echoes cover (which really sucks because I LOVE THAT PICTURE), is a silver tabby with blue eyes.
I feel so left behind ;~;
I don't have money for the new books and I don't get allowance until school starts again =/

Well, in any case...I've been writing at least a page of my fanfic almost every day now. I'd decided to leave chapter two as it was, with five pages, to edit when it's rewritten as a Word document. I have about five pages of chapter 3 now. It's actually easier to write from this character's POV than from Dawnpaw's =D

~Until next time
Temporal Flight (my fanfic) has been moved from node 7717 to "node/TemporalFlight". Or you can click this link to get to it. I'm really happy with Temporal Flight. I mean seriously happy. Usually I have to force myself to write chapters of the fics I write and abandon them after two chapters, three if I'm lucky. Once I got all the way to six before quitting! Temporal Flight, however, is another matter. For once I decided to write each chapter over time instead of all at once, and that's proving very beneficial: when I feel like writing I'll hop over to the notepad at User CP and churn out a bit of a chapter. I actually wrote chapter 6 in one sitting; my friend was over and we were doing... something. I intended to write just a little, but ended up writing the whole thing. This is also helped by the fact that books two and four have a promise of being epic to write (I've already written the prologue to book two and one of the last chapters). Additionally, I actually have the plot for all six books roughly planned out by now. It's all written on one of those yellow legal pads that also contains previous plot points which were later scrapped and sone basic points written for The Kits' New Game. Knowing the plot gives me more motivation to get to the cooler plot points. :D I'm already planning how the end of the second and fourth books go...

... yeah, I'm talking more about my fic than about Warriors. There is, however, a Bluestar's Prophecy browse-inside, which I've read no more than the Allegiances and the prologue of because I avoid spoilers on principle. I made Flametail fix my family tree instead of me because working on mine sorta broke my brain, and BP (as the Allegiances show) doesn't help that. You can't get much more on family tree info than BP. Not even CotC II created such horrible trees. I mean, come on, BP shows that
Mistyfoot and Silverstream are cousins, for StarClan's sake! Just look at the tree that involves Mistyfoot and the one with Silverstream...
I need to actually read your fanfic it sounds so epic. :D
And I probably should mow the lawn to save money for BP... but I hate mowing lawns. >_<
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