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Warriors Fan Club

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Those are adorablez.=3
Yay! Smudge return! But Firepaw for in trouble with Tigerclaw for talking to him.D=
=DD Hey, Eclipse and Into the Woods are on warriorcats.com! We can expect an excerpt any time now, I suppose. *bounces around with excitement*

EDIT: Since I'm not gonna double-post, ZOMG ECLIPSE BROWSE-INSIIIIIIIDE! http://browseinside.harpercollinschildrens.com/index.aspx?isbn13=9780060892111

<3333 *bounces around whilst squealing in delight*

EDIT #2: Oh. My. StarClan. You can search pages 337 and 338. HOLLYPAW AND LIONPAW'S NAMES.
Hollyleaf and Lionblaze!
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BUMP because Flametail insisted I should.

See her above post.

Gah it is so hard for me to resist looking at the link! (It's been less than ten minutes since I looked at the page. I've already read the Allegiances and the warrior names posted above. Lack of willpower much?)
There's a Warriors movie coming out?=D

YAYZ! I can't wait!

By the way, I finished Into the Wild and Fire and Ice, I'm getting the next book next week!

Does anyone know if Shadowstar, the leader of the Shadowclan at some point, is a boy or a girl?
What makes you think there'll be a Shadowstar >.> Girl. Thick black fur, green eyes. And not "is", "was" - first leader of ShadowClan.

EDIT: The Warriors author chat starts in 6 1/2 hours. Anyone have any questions they want to ask? (I won't ask the question if it's related to, say, Into the Wild but the answer's revealed in Fire and Ice, for example. Just to let you know.
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Oh! Thank you. I thought it was in the future, but I guess that wouldn't really make sense... ^^;

What makes you think there'll be a Shadowstar >.> Girl. Thick black fur, green eyes. And not "is", "was" - first leader of ShadowClan.

EDIT: The Warriors author chat starts in 6 1/2 hours. Anyone have any questions they want to ask? (I won't ask the question if it's related to, say, Into the Wild but the answer's revealed in Fire and Ice, for example. Just to let you know.

Tell her/them that somebody should bug the UK publishers into going faster. ;3

In all seriousness, can you ask how many lives Blackstar has left, please~? :D I've been dying to write something about him for ages but I have no idea how many lives he's lost.

Hollypaw & Lionpaw's names are... okay, I suppose. D: I was expecting something else for Holly, but Lionpaw's is pretty cool.
Eee 2nd of September~ :D I can't wait, it's four days before my birthday.
I have a question: If Ravenpaw hadn't run away and got his warrior name, what would it be?
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I have one too.

What do the Clan cats do with all the non-edible parts of their fresh-kill, like the bones and teeth and fur and ear wax?
They already answered Shadowstar's question; they never really thought about it, but I /think/ it was Vicky who said she liked Ravenflight?
I'd like to know: What emotions occur when you kill off a beloved character?
Does Sorreltail have any bottled emotions due to her brothers', father's, and mother's deaths?
What suffixes are you planning on using for the some of the new Warriors?
Have the Tunnels been sealed before?
You seem to be just a bit late, Spoon. ;~; The chat's over. BUT. Vicky shall be going on tour for the release of Eclipse, so there's still time for question asking!

I'd like to know about Sorreltail, too. T_T Poor thing--her parents, brothers, and son killed. Not to mention the almost-death of Poppypaw and Cinderpaw's injury. Let's not forget having to train twice as long as other apprentices due to an accident on the Thunderpath and nearly being killed after being deliberately fed a deathberry, either.
I tend to be late on everything, so I don't mind, and I still have chance.

Ah, so what questions you were able to ask (and get answered)? I'd ask how you enjoyed it but it'd be meaningless to~
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xD Yeah, you don't need me to tell you that it was incredibly awesome.

Hmm. I can only remember a couple, considering the transcript isn't out yet, but here are some:

Q: Will there be another point in The Fourth Apprentice (which is apparently what the next series will be called)? Because from what I can tell, there's a new character here...
A: Ooh, well spotted Flametail! Yes, there will be another viewpoint, but I'm not telling more than that. ;) [/paraphrased]

Q: In the last chat, it was said that there were two she-cats and a tom in Tawnypelt’s litter. However, in Outcast it appears that Flamekit and Tigerkit are both male. Which is correct?
A: (Something about them being both male, don't remember the exact quote.)

Q: Will the Bluestar, SkyClan, and ancient Clans special editions be about Firestar’s Quest-sized? Or smaller?
A: Definitely Quest-sized! (Can't remember the rest.)

Q: How did Firestar lose two lives between The Darkest Hour and Firestar’s Quest?
A: (Something about losing one in a fight while helping out Ravenpaw and Barley, and then saying he lost the other in the fight with the rats. [But that doesn't answer how he had six lives instead of seven in the beginning...])

Q: Will there ever be some sort of huge natural disaster in the series? I think that would be quite interesting to read about.
A: We've already had a fire and a flood! Hmm, maybe an earthquake. Or would that be too traumatic for our cats? [/paraphrased]

=D I got several answered. n_n
Ooh, a lot all of these are really awesome questions :D

I'm surpised you didn't mention the multiple apperance errors in the Cats of the Clans.
8D Thanks.

... Yanno, I'd post more, but I think that going to the website Leafpool posted should answer most questions.

Hmm, actually there are some things Leafeh didn't get. I'll edit this post as I remember them. xD

-Icepaw, according to Kate, probably has a crush on Lionpaw
-Heatherpaw is still in love with Lionpaw
-CinderxJay probably won't happen (Tch, my non-existant fanfics say otherwise!)
-Vicky says she hopes Ashfur will have a mate, and that we should keep our fingers crossed
-Littlecloud isn't evil (as Kate, who wrote the book, said), which was apparently the rumor circulating after the Eclipse browse inside came out (O_O I read the whole two pages you can search, and I thought WTF? when I saw that. Where did we get that idea again?)
-... What was I going to say here? xD

EDIT: Yeh, but they'd just tell us "Oops!" and carry on, so... xD

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Ah, thank you~

I actually tend to have obsure questions wanted to be answered, like: Was Lionblaze disappointed that he wasn't named Lionclaw, as Heatherpaw called him in DarkClan ? x3
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