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Open Warriors, Pokemon style!

Do you like the Warriors series?

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Pokemon: Absol
Name: Bloodclaw
Rank: Warrior
Relationships: Seems to like Moonstar alot. Bloodclaw is Goldenpaws brother although he doesn't know that. Neither does Goldenpaw.
Appearance: A normal Absol
Gender: Male
Personality: Bloodclaw doesn't seem to like anything else than Moonstar and fighting.
Clan: Shadowclan
Bio.: Bloodclaw's parents was Brownfoot the Persian (Mum) and Shadowstrike the Absol. Though Shadowstrike died and Brownfoot disappeared right after his birth.
Other: He isn't very fond of pie.
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Dewstorm's name must be Dewkit for now, then Dewpaw when he's an apprentice. But his warrior name can be Dewstorm ;)

Bloodclaw: If you've read the Warriors series, one of the rules for the Warrior Code is that you don't kill if you don't need to in battle. Just pointing it out.

And I know I'm not Fluffy, but I don't know how else to do it.
Right. Here's the Warrior Code, for reference:

1. Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other clans, but your loyalty must remain to your clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.

2. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan’s territory.

3. Elders and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders.

4. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.

5. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.

6. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name.

7. A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.

8. The deputy will become clan leader when the leader dies or retires.

9. After the death or retirement of a new deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.

10. A gathering of all four clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among the clans at this time.

11. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.

12. No warrior may neglect a kit, in pain or in danger, even if that kit is from a different clan.

13. The word of a clan leader is the warrior code.

14. An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his [or her] battles unless they are outside the warrior code, or it is necessary for self defense.

15. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.
Oh, yeah XD I haven't read the books ya know (But I really, really want to T_T) I'll edit it.
Just to speed it up, using one of my NPCs:

Pokemon: Luxray
Name: Lightningfoot
Rank: Warrior
Relationships: Birdfur's mate, rivals Bloodfur and Duskwhisker (if acceptable) (heck, they're all male Luxray :P)
Appearance: Luxray Uh-huh.
Gender: Male
Personality: Lightningfoot is very suspiscious but cares a lot for Birdfur and his unnamed kits. He, for some reason, suspects Bloodfur or Duskwhisker fathered his kits.
Clan: WindClan
Bio: Lightningfoot was naturally born for WindClan, as all Electric Pokemon are gifted with speed. He has high ambitions and hopes to become leader someday. Otherwise, he has grown up a normal WindClan member.
Other: He likes reciting pi(e)
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Oh, eh XD I forgot about that paw thingy. *Edits... again* I really need to read the Warriors books. Anyone know if there is place I can read them online?
Pokemon: Persian
Name: Bluepool
Rank: Warrior
Relationships: Greatly cares for Bloodclaw even though she knows he is from a different Clan. She is also a friend of Lightningcloud. (I hope that's all right.)
Appearance: She looks just like a regular Persian, except for the fact that she has blue eyes.
Gender: Female
Personality: Bluepool cares a great deal about her Clanmates, and would die fighting for her Clan if need be. She tries to hide some of her emotions, especially since she likes someone from a different Clan. She tries to help whoever needs help, but sometimes has trouble comforting others.
Clan: ThunderClan
Bio: Her mother was a Persian, Littletail, and her father was a rogue. Bluepool doesn't know much of her father since her mother never liked to speak of him. Bluepool became an orphan once she had begun her apprenticeship since her mother was killed by a Linoone.
Other: N/A

Pokemon: Eevee
Name: Shadepaw
Rank: Apprentice
Relationships: Rival of Goldenpaw
Appearance: Shadepaw, ironically, is a shiny Eevee. Even though his pelt might be considered rare to some, he is mostly mocked by others about his odd coloring. The pads on his paws are black.
Gender: Male
Personality: Shadepaw is very eager to learn new things and is very patient. Although, he tends to leap before he thinks things through. He tries to do the best he can so he can impress others.
Clan: ShadowClan
Bio: Not much is known about Shadepaw, since he was found abandoned in the forest. Some say that he comes from RiverClan, but it has not been confirmed. Also, Shadepaw does not know that he is not from ShadowClan originally, and no one told him because they were afraid he would want switch sides.
Other: He has no idea what pie is.

(I hope everything is okay. x3 Also, I kind of associate Linoone as a badger so that's why Bluepool's mother was killed by one.)
Pokemon: Sneasel
Name: Featherstar
Rank: Leader
Relationships: I've always done without this and let relationships develop. >_>
Appearance: http://pokemon.tcgplayer.com/images/sneasel022103.jpg
Gender: Male
Personality: Ever since he was an apprentice, he's been quiet and steady, and has always thought things through carefully. Even before he answers a simple question, he thinks for a moment, no matter what it is. He can take one or two minutes to answer the question, "How was hunting?" with a simple, "...Fine." It's sometimes kind of annoying.
He's not exactly the merciful and sympathetic type to those outside of his Clan, though he does care deeply for each and every one of his cats. For instance, he took much convincing to agree to take in Dewkit.
Very little sense of humor. Sometimes he needs Icestorm to make him lighten up a tad.
A tad sensitive about his feminine name...A tad as in, throat-ripping, corpse-burning fury.
Clan: WindClan
Bio.: Teased for being "Featherkit" when he was a kit, "Featherpaw" when he was an apprentice, and "Featherear" when he was a warrior. He hates it, hence the throat-ripping, corpse-burning fury.
Featherstar says: I've put up with it all my life! I've had it with you people and your immature name-calling! I AM NOT A GIRL, YOU IMBECILES!
Other: If you don't want me being leader, I can just change him to a warrior. I was doing this to help speed up the whole starting process.
Featherstar says: What is all this talk and laughter of pie? It is nonsense. -_-
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Thanks shadow, for giving me that site :D *Starts reading*

Oh, and I accept the relationships, Mercedes :)
Pokemon: Absol
Name: Bladewhisker
Rank: Warrior
Relationships: Tries to avoid developing these, as she's horribly afraid of embarrassing herself. She thinks Bloodclaw is awful purdy, though...
Appearance: http://www.foroswebgratis.com/imagenes_foros/5/5/0/4/4/614979absol.jpg
She often appears to be a shiny Absol because of dirt in her fur.
Also, she has blue eyes. I'm working on a pic of her, more or less. >.>
Gender: Female
Personality: Bladewhisker is quiet, and though she comes across as snooty, she's actually quite shy. When she feels a need to be heard in decisions about the Clan, she'll often talk to Moonstar after the Clan meeting rather than speak up during.
Because of her ShadowClan heritage, however, she's very proud of her Clan and not exactly a sweetie pie towards non-Clanmates.
Clan: ShadowClan
Other: I might call Bladewhisker Bladewolf sometimes, because that's the name of my dear little Absol in Pokemon Blue Mystery Dungeon. Bladewolf is teh luffles! Just give me a chance to notice and edit it. >_>
Just for a quick introduction:
Bladewhisker says: ...I'm going to go do something else now. *edges away quietly*
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...Images :DD?

Icestorm: ...Featherstar kinda scares me.

Me too, Icestorm.

On a ranodm note...

s_l, I love the Barbecueshipping pic. -^.^-


*sigh* Fire+cinders=barbecue.

Featherstar: I'm not scary, I just...
Me: Have no sense of humor. :D

Well, he really cares for his Clanmates, like they're his own kits. But he is fair - mind-numbingly fair. e_e

(I like Reflectionshipping myself, but Barbecueshipping made me lol. <3)
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