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{We will...} ~How to Fight Evil: A Tokyo Mew Mew/Pokemon RP~ {...defeat you!}

Okey dokes!!! I've got two aliens.
Tier(pronounced Tear):He's evil.
Scant:He's also evil.
You can see them when I load them up.
I have no idea of what I should put for them so yeah.

Gale noticed that a girl was looking at him. He watched her go and groaned as he tried to cool off some more. He quickly got up. he had to look for some shade. As he was looking for a place with AC, he was hit by someone who was running. He fell on the floor and growled.He was irritated enough already by the damn heat but now this?
He got up and went to reach for the man when a green vine shot out of his wrist and slashed the guy's back. The guy fell on the floor and screamed in pain. Gale's eyes widened with shock and he ran for it while people stared at the man on the floor.
'What the hell is going on?' he thought as he ducked into a fast food restaurant.
He examined his wrist and found a green sort of rope thing coming from under his skin. He gasped and put a hand over his wrist. He looked around to make sure no one was lookingat him and he left quietly but quickly.
((Wow. You can draw ^^))

Berry was still bouncing, when she realised that the bar that was on the roof was in front of her. She reached out a hand, and grabbed it. Then she looked down.

The floor was about 20 metres down.

'.......The hell?' Berry thought. She wasn't afraid of heights but...wow.
She let go of the bar and let herself fall down, bounce back up, and grab the bar again. She repeated this several times.
"Wow." She said once she was off of the trampoline. That was some jumping.
She changed, and went into the cafe she had left.

She sat in one of the corners alone, and several boys whistled at her, but she ignored it.
She knew she shouldn't have worn a combination of a miniskirt, long socks and heels. What was she thinking when she woke up? And why did she wear a long sleeve black top as well?
Berry was musing over the fact that she had jumped to the roof of the school. How the heck would she have done that?

Meanwhile, Gatae was watching this from the roof. He had drilled a small hole into it, so he could watch the potencial Mew. He wasn't going to screw up this time.
"I won't screw up this time." He said, to emphasise the fact.

Berry decided it was too hot inside the cafe, and went outside into the sunlight. She layed down in the shade of a tree.

Wow, it was hot. Berry's eyelids began to droop. She yawned.
'Well, I suppose a short nap wouldn't be that much trouble.' She thought to herself.

Gatae waited in the tree above.
'Why does it take so long for humans to sleep, damnit?' He thought irritably.

A few minutes later, Berry fell asleep. Gatae took his chance, and before anyone saw him, dived down, grabbed Berry's wrist, and teleported.

((Okay, a message to my friend: If you are reading this, see? I did it this time without the sleeping gas? Happy now?
To everyone else: Ignore the other part. It's an inside joke, that I will now explain. My other Mew character, Mew Melone, was knocked out with sleeping gas before being abducted by another OC alien, and turned into a mew. The sleeping gas was used about 3 times in that particular scene.))
Doe-Shitzu was hiding behind a strange looking building. She was drawn to it but had also used it as her hiding place from the angry drivers. She got on her knees and began to crawl around the corner but stiffened when she somehow could see directly behind her. She saw a male figure adavncing on her and got up to run but was grabbed by her collar and pulled back.

"Ah! Let me go!" She kicked backwards furiously.

"So you are the one everyone was ranting on about. A pleasure to actually meet you. Doe-Shitzu right?" He spoke in a smoothe but relaxed tone and loosened his grip on her so she could face him.

He had magnificently blue eyes, locks of gold, and a strange but appealing choice of clothes. He took her hand and brought it to his lips and kissed it.

"I am Ryuk. I'm the one responsible for your strange behaviour. If you come with me I'll explain everything."

She hesitantly followed him inside what turned out to be a cafe and learned of what was happening to her through a brief discussion with this boy named, Ryuk.
Kiichigo settled onto the thick branch, propping her sketchpad on her bent legs and gazing out at the skyline. Well, she had absolutely no clue how she got up here, but a dragonair would look fantastic twisting its way through the air there. She set to work, her pencil moving over the paper in quick yet delicate strokes. Sachi would adore it; he had told her once that dragon pokemon were among his favourites for their grace and power. Maybe she could give it to him as a gift.

If she could get its headwings to look half-way decent. She erased them over and over, starting her hiss in frustration without realizing it. She closed the sketchpad, taking a deep breath to keep from losing her temper; it was then a familiar mop of black hair caught her attention below her.

"Himiko!" she shouted, much to the shock of the girl at the base of the tree, who looked up and adjusted her glasses in disbelief.

"Kiichigo?" she asked, looking little short of bewildered.

"Uh-huh!" Kiichigo chirped in reply.

Himiko just stared at her strangely for a few moments before asking, "...What are you doing in a tree...?"

Kiichigo opened to mouth to reply, then closed it. She then grinned and stated, "Sketching!"

"...Right..." Himiko sighed, used to Kiichigo's quirks. "...I'm on my way to Michiko's to study. You want to come?"

"Sure thing!" she chirped and started to move her leg. She froze in place and then looked at the branch she was on and blushed a little. "But...I...um..."

"You want to change out of your school uniform first?" Himiko asked, looking mildly confused.

"I happen to like the uniform, Himiko. Besides, Michi has about three of my tops and a pair of my shorts at her house."

"Then what is it?"

Kiichigo face was bright red now, and she mumbled something incoherent. When prompted to repeat herself, and said in a squeaky little voice, "I...don't know how to climb down..."
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Berry slowly opened her eyes, and was greeted with rope burns on her ankles and wrists. She also realised she couldn't actually move.
Berry blinked, and the world came into focus. She was in some sort of dingy alley, tied to a post, and not able to move.
Suddenly something moved in the corner of the alley. It was a youngish looking boy, with girly looking hair, and pointy ears. But the weirdest thing was, he had bright orange eyes.
"Heh heh heh, See, I didn't fail this time, I didn't!" The figure said.
"Excuse me, but would you kindly tell me WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?!?" Berry yelled.
"...Oh. You're awake. Well, no-one else is here, so I'll guess I can tell you before I destroy you." It said.
"....And you are?"
"My names Gatae. I'm an alien."
Berry giggled. "No seriously, who are you?"
"I'M AN ALIEN OKAY SO SHUT IT!!!!!" It yelled, throwing a jelly like thing that exploded next to Berry's head.
"Riiiiiiiiiight. And I am tied up because?"
"I was getting to that before I was so rudely interupted."
Berry rolled her eyes.
"I am an alien, and I have been sent to destroy you."
"And how does that explain why?" Berry said, getting annoyed.
"You don't know? Wow, humans are so dumb. I was sent to destroy you because you're a Mew Mew."
Berry was now shocked, even though she didn't look it. Gatae now continued to rant about not failing and something about potatoes.
'Well, if this guy was a genuine alien like in the legend, and I am a Mew like in the legend, then that would explain the really high jumping.' Berry thought.
Doe-Shitzu came out and flipped the sigm to say closed when she suddenly saw the. "Huh? Oh hi! Sorry we're cl-"

"We can let you guys in." Ryuk had clasped a hand over her mouth. He then whispered to her, "You have a job to do now get to it."

While Ryuk let them in, Doe-Shitzu climbed into the portal he had reopened and went looking for Berry.
Berry sighed. If this guy was going to destroy her-and she doubted he would-she would have to make time while she figured out a plan.
Berry played dead.
"...and then I.....wait...she's dead? DAMNIT thats no fun, wake up damn human WAKE UP!" Gatae yelled.
Berry wanted to smile, but she had to keep this up. If this alien guy was as lame as he sounded, then this wouldn't be hard.
"Maybe she can't breathe, I think I read somewhere humans have to breathe...." The ropes around Berry slackened a bit.
'Just a little more...' She could almost move her arm.
Doe-Shitzu slyly crept through the mysterious place and found the room with the girl that matched the picture.

'Looks like she's got things under control. Lemme distract him while she's loose.'

Once she was able to move, Doe-Shitzu kicked him from behind and he fell on his face.

"Berry right?" She was helping her undo the rest.
"Erm...yes." Berry said, pulling at the remaining ropes. Finally she came free.
Gatae got up.
"Hey you're not..." he didn't have time to finish the sentance. Berry jumped on his head, and used it as a trampoline.
After a couple of flips, she landed on the floor, legs straight, arms outstretched.
"Hope you had a nice day, Buh bye now!" She yelled, running off, and half-dragging Doe-Shitzu along with her.
"He-hey! The portal is that way! Hurry before it closes."

Doe-Shitzu hoisted her onto her back and sprinted at amazing speed till they reached the shrinking portal. She jumped through and theyt landed on a bed. They were in Ryuk's room. Ryuk was downstairs informing Kiichigo of her unique abilities while her friend was in the bathroom.

"I have to introduce you to the guy who is responsible for the reason you were kidnapped. He's just downstairs."
"......" Berry didn't say anything. For quite possibly the first time in her life, she was speechless. She picked herself off the bed, and opened the door. She the proceeded to slide down the bannister, and almost crashing into Ryuk and Kiichigo in the process.
Ryuk spun around as if expecting her to do so and caught her in his arms.

"Berry I suppose? You're prettier in real life. I'm Ryuk." He put her down and looked up at Doe-Shitzu, "So you are capable. How smart of me to choose a kick-boxer." He stretched and blew a bubble with his gum.
"........." Once again Berry didn't speak. She still wasn't actaully sure what was going on.

Pretty much flying, aliens, kidknapping, desroying, Mew Mews, a random cafe, said random cafe's owner,......

It was too much for her. The events of the last hour caught up with her. Berry fell to the floor. (She fainted.)
Ryuk held her up. "Doe-Shitzu, Kiichigo. Come back tomorrow morning."

"But it's a Saturday! I'm supposed to go ou-" Doe-Shitzu tried to say.

"No excuses. You'll be here tomorrow morning. 9:30 latest. Don't tell anyone about what I told you, got it? Go!" Ryuk carried her upstairs and let her sleep over for the night.
((@ Rat-In-A-Cage: They're awesome!!!!
While my brain is working:
Info on Gatae: He literally phails at everything. He was sent to Earth after the Mew's as a last chance. And he phails again. XD))

Berry's eyes opened.
"What...happened?" she muttered.
He had been sleeping and sat up. ((Light sleeper))
"How ya feeling?" He put his mouth to her forehead to check her temperature. "You've cooled down atleast." He sighed and got out of bed. There were fresh clothes on the bed for her.
Ryuk came back with a towel around his waist and scooted her out.

"You can use the shower." He closed the door after dropping the uniform in her arms.
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