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Weird Phobias?

I wouldn't necessarily call it weird, but I posted so, and others did too

I'm afraid of falling/heights, calling strangers/customer service people on the phone (I might screw up or something!), and the dangers of time travel (I might accidentally erase me and my family, might make a confusing timeline split, change too many important things, something like what happened in that movie The Butterfly Effect...)

I'm not afraid of any spiders or bugs or snakes unless they try to bite me or explicitly try to harm me (even then, I'll just try to toss them off me or squish them if needed). In fact, I find those kind of things kind of interesting.

(And I used to be afraid of wallmasters (those hands that come out of the wall and drag you back to the beginning of a dungeon/temple in the Zelda games.).)
You act as though they can help it.

I used to be emetaphobic but I'm pretty much over it. I don't know though I haven't been in the presence of someone vomiting in a long time... but yeah, people say emetaphobia is wierd but it's suprisingly common.

I think there can be a phobia of anything. Think of it and someone out there has probably had a phobia of it.
Err... I don't know if you're saying that emetaphobia is fear of snakes, but I read a book that said ophidiphobia was fear of snakes.

I might just be really shy, but I think I have anthropophobia, fear of people.
I hate looking at people's faces on magazines- or even having my hand contact the photos. In the shower/bathroom, my parents leave a lot of magazines. Every time I enter, I HAVE to turn them over so I don't see the faces. Same in my room, on my desk. It's less severe for cartoon faces- but even so I feel awkward in my own bedroom due to the occasional poster.
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