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Weird Phobias?

I also have this fear that if I post something, if it's typed weird or something in it seems weird, people will react badly to it. It's really weird.
I have a fear of falling...I can be at the top of the Empire state building and be fine if there is an adequate railing, but as soon as that is gone I, well, I guess that I don't panic, but I do get scared
I'm not afraid of loud noises, I just don't like them unless I'm the one making it.
I HATE it when people are afraid of snakes. They are a lot more afraid of you because people kill them for no reason!!!!!!! They are not slimy! Not all of them are venomous! Some people even think they are poisonous! There is a difference between poisonous and venomous!!!!!!!!!
I like snakes!

I also have a fear of... what was it again... oh yeah! I don't want to time travel. Not like it's possible, at least not now (hi people from the future) but it seems intimidating to me.
I'm afraid of Billy the puppet from Saw, spiders (especially wolf spiders, I went into my bathroom after helping my dad build stuff in the backyard and there was a frikkin HUGE one behind the toilet!!!!), Meeper from The Muppets, dead cats, and puke. And people puking. and teeth.
I also have this fear that if I post something, if it's typed weird or something in it seems weird, people will react badly to it. It's really weird.

Hmmm, that sounds like me.

I'm also afraid of electrical sockets, using markers on paper (for fear of screwing up), stalkers, some hobos, my mother (at times), looking stupid in front of people, and eating squishy vegetables.

Not so weird, hmm? Yeah, I'm boring =P
I'm not afraid of loud noises, I just don't like them unless I'm the one making it.
I HATE it when people are afraid of snakes. They are a lot more afraid of you because people kill them for no reason!!!!!!! They are not slimy! Not all of them are venomous! Some people even think they are poisonous! There is a difference between poisonous and venomous!!!!!!!!!

You act as though they can help it.

I used to be emetaphobic but I'm pretty much over it. I don't know though I haven't been in the presence of someone vomiting in a long time... but yeah, people say emetaphobia is wierd but it's suprisingly common.

I think there can be a phobia of anything. Think of it and someone out there has probably had a phobia of it.
I don't like super deep water. Especially if I'm swimming in it. My imagination is to strong for my own good.

I'm also terrified of jelly fish, and Portuguese Man 'O War...creepy squishy things that can kill you while they float around....ewwwwwwww
I also have a fear of... what was it again... oh yeah! I don't want to time travel. Not like it's possible, at least not now (hi people from the future) but it seems intimidating to me.

time travel is very possible. :O well, time travel into the "future". relatively, of course. you can't travel back in time.

I don't know what'd be scary about it (barring coming back 2000+ years later or something)
I used to be emetaphobic but I'm pretty much over it. I don't know though I haven't been in the presence of someone vomiting in a long time... but yeah, people say emetaphobia is wierd but it's suprisingly common.

I used to really hate vomit, but then I started looking after my sister, who used to (and still does, thinking about it) puke at pretty much anything (like being forced to eat meals) and now I'm pretty much unaffected. Unless it's spewed all over me, but that really goes without saying, no?
I have this really weird fear that I'm going to say something really insensitive to one of my friends cause I didn't think before I spoke.
^ Well, look at Back to the Future theydid fine with parts found in this guy's garage.....lol
unless you've ever been to a certain small country in central america called guatemala (they probably have them in other countries but guatemala's the only country i've been to where they use them as decorations a lot), you'll probably think "what the hell is this person talking about" but

multicolored molten wax piles

serious, here; i hate the goddamn things. they're really ugly and disturb and kind of scare me for some reason, i have no idea. i swear 70% of all formal middle class restaurants that are moderately fancy (i dunno how to describe what kind of restaurants i'm talking about really) in guatemala have tons of them as decorations. they're ugly and freak me out.

edit: oh and bees. post above this one reminded me of that
Current Fears:
-Deadly Diseases
-Deep Water
-Loud, Sudden Noises
-Blood(makes me queasy)
I really hate people calling me on the phone. Even if I have to. Even if it's expected that I call them. :3 I get really nervous and I've burst into tears and started hyperventilating before. I'm okay with receiving calls, though.

I think spiders are creepy, but I'd much rather encounter a spider than have to make a call to someone. And I think snakes are adorable, by the way. <3 I've also never understood why some people are afraid of bats. Bats are my heroes... they eat mosquitoes.
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