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Weird Phobias?

Oh, I've also got a fear that I'm going to start yelling and screaming at someone for no apparent reason. (I've got a weird emotional problem. That's why I'm in counseling.)


I have this weird fear of straightening my thumb. I always keep it bent forwards unless I'm playing the cello, in which case it always slips into that position and then it ends up hurting. For some reason I think my thumb's going to break if I straighten it and even put the slightest bit of pressure on it. But for some reason I'm not afraid of that with any of my other fingers.
It's not a phobia as much as a hatred/one-look-and-it-makes-me-vomit, but I can't stand soggy cereal.

I also don't like the sounds of balloons popping (I have a theory that I was shot in a past life) and I'm very scared of the idea of being pregnant, being physically dominated in any way or getting raped. Not that normal people don't find rape frightening; it just seems to weigh more heavily on my mind than other people's. I can get very uneasy when people I don't know (and even some that I do) touch me or invade my personal space, even in large crowds.
- Not weird per se, but needles. Anything long, thin, and pointy stabbing into me and injecting a small amount of disease into me scares the living fuck out of me.
- I don't have this, but I heard there is a word for the phobia of the little cotton balls that come with medicine.

I'm not at all scared of bugs or arachnids - maybe gigantic tarantulas make me a bit uncomfortable, but that's about it. Then again, I've loved them since I was like five, so :|
Me too.
It used to seem like I had every phobia in the world. I'm getting over some. But I will always feel I will mess up.
I have a phobia of peeling oranges. Y'see, every time I tried to peel an orange, it always squirted some juice in my eye, and that's pretty painful. Eventually I learned to force my mom to peel orange for me.
i know it's dumb but i'm really freaked out by anarchists who say think they're communist just to be different
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I'm scared of water, loud noises, bugs, spiders, needles, thunderstorms, heights... and just about any other common fear you can think of. I also have a very strange phobia of horrible things happening. I'm also scarred whenever something bad happen, because I always feel like it's all my fault. I'm scarred that if I do something even remotely against whatever rules are in place, I'm going to lose all of my freedom or something equally bad.
Also, I'm not afraid of heights most of the time, but it's being a tall office building or anything more than a couple stories of the ground in a shopping complex and looking down through a window drives me insane, I start whining at the people I'm shopping with to go to a lower floor.
Being hurt in the eyes, or just in any really messy manner.
Heights. I'm so freaking terrified of heights.. it's pathetic. ;_;
I have a fear of the dark. But it is an odd, very specific, conditional fear. I am only afraid of the dark in open spaces. The more room there is, the worse the fear is. And even so, there still needs to be stuff around for something to be hiding

So, it is like this for me:

Dark Closet = Ok, Dark Bedroom = Me nervous and a bit afraid
Night in the Open Plain = Ok, maybe some slight fear, Night in the Forest = GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!

Also, I have a slight fear of bathroom doors. Only when they are unlocked while I am in said bathroom though. It has to do with a nightmare I had once
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