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What are you reading?

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I'm reading Pretties by Scott Westerfeld for pleasure. It's slow going though because I don't really have a lot of time to devote towards reading.

For school, I'm about to start The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. That'll be fun.
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I'm reading Evelyn Waugh's Vile Bodies for the fun of it. Two chapters in and it's already surpassed Decline and Fall (which was also amazing) in terms of sheer fun.

I think Waugh is my new favourite writer. :3
I finished Pretties and have moved on to Specials by Scott Westerfeld. Still reading The Scarlet Letter for English, but I also started Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte last night because I had an odd craving for English literature.
The Demonata Series - Darren Shan (For those who love horror...)
Gardens Of The Moon - Steven Erikson (For those who like Epic Fantasy...)
The Executioner: Black Death Reprise - Don Pendleton (For those who like counter-terrorists...)

And others soon to come....
Finished Specials. the series is getting less interesting as I progress. Started The Letter Writer by Ann Rinaldi but can't really get into it. And attempting Gone With the Wind for about the hundredth time. I love it, but I always get distracted after Charles dies. And my love-hate relationship with The Scarlet Letter continues.
Dune - Harkonnen
Three Hainish Novels - Le Guin
The Lathe of Heaven - Le Guin
Orsinian Tales - ... Le Guin
The Eye of the World - Jordan
Dragonflight - McCaffrey
Battlefield Earth - Hubbard
Legal Drug #1 - Clamp :(

Am I about to read a pile of crap or a pile of gold? Either way, it's cheap. Support library book sales o/
I just finished reading The Neanderthal Parallax by Robert Sawyer. It's a trilogy consisting of Hominids, Humans and Hybrids. It's cool! :D I'd read it before but I left my iPod at a friend's house so I had nothing to do on the bus Thursday/today. So I read three books.

...now I have nothing to read. :( I have to obtain some more books some how!
I just finished Drowned Wednesday by Garth Nix

I want to make that series into a movie so bad, I can just see it happening!
Dune - Harkonnen
Three Hainish Novels - Le Guin
The Lathe of Heaven - Le Guin
Orsinian Tales - ... Le Guin
The Eye of the World - Jordan
Dragonflight - McCaffrey
Battlefield Earth - Hubbard
Legal Drug #1 - Clamp :(

Am I about to read a pile of crap or a pile of gold? Either way, it's cheap. Support library book sales o/

Mostly excellent with the glaring exception of (in particular) Hubbard. Eye of the World is still decent (the series seriously goes out of control around book #4). I am unfamiliar with any Dune novels past Dune, so I can't comment on that.

The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin. I need to finish it in time for my interview D:
the wind-up bird chronicle. ~1/3 of the way through it, and i'm really enjoying it so far. so weird, but so good.

i finished it. it was probably the most satisfying book i've read in months. i loved it.

i'm not really sure what to read next.. i'll probably read some poems from an arthur rimbaud omnibus i purchased awhile back. i might start the picture of dorian gray, but i don't really know.
i finished it. it was probably the most satisfying book i've read in months. i loved it.

Murakami is amazing. My favourite of his is Dance Dance Dance, but I think that's fairly atypical.
Murakami is amazing. My favourite of his is Dance Dance Dance, but I think that's fairly atypical.

i read underground back in the spring and really liked that as well. i figured i would like this book, but not nearly as much as i did. he's an author i really want to keep checking out, for sure.
Just finished Mein Kampf by You-Know-Who

Am now reading:
Das Kapital (Karl Marx)
Genesis of Shannara: The Elves of Cintra (Terry Brooks)
Uh, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone by JK Rowling for (at least) the fifth time.

It's amazing how much foreshadowing is included in the first book, knowing what happens in the rest of the series.

Also there were alot of changes (what happened to the the hats they had to buy for first year? Never mentioned again (I don't think))
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