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Not with England's whole "yeah we are going to ignore the continent k" thing!

we went into europe and royally raped them frenchies. i wouldn't exactly call that "ignoring the continent".

wellington is mai bishie.

you're all cunts

nationalism is for cunts like wilders and the bnp and such

i am a child of the world
the world is a miserable place.

might as well spend your life in a corner of it that has good tea.

we went into europe and royally raped them frenchies. i wouldn't exactly call that "ignoring the continent".

wellington is mai bishie.

oh, sure, the moment there's a war you charge in swords raised, but I don't think the idea of limited monarchy would have spread to mainland Europe particularly quickly
oh, sure, the moment there's a war you charge in swords raised, but I don't think the idea of limited monarchy would have spread to mainland Europe particularly quickly
incidently, most countries in europe hated france for removing their monarchy. they also actively fought wars against said republic.

so yeah.

If that is the case, I would move to Ceylon, not England...
as a corollary to "might as well spend your life in a corner of it that has good tea", i'd also add "don't choose somewhere that's filled with minefields and nasty diseases".
re: welsh nationalism:

it exists and why is it a ridiculous idea? (not that i am a welsh nationalist but yeah)

also britain had this HUUUUUGE "ignore the continent k" thing going on. during the 1800s Britain's pov was basically "k let's just protect British interests. if the continent explodes we'll help i guess but uh we hope it doesn't come to that."
Whats so fucking wrong with France? They invented movies and shit, and their language actually makes sense. They're way better than whatever kind of hellhole you live in.

you're all cunts

nationalism is for cunts like wilders and the bnp and such

i am a child of the world

hurr durr
re: welsh nationalism:

it exists and why is it a ridiculous idea? (not that i am a welsh nationalist but yeah)
wales has not been independent in at least five hundred years.

it has no need to be independent. welsh people are not regarded as inferior to any other british citizens. the culture of the average welshman is no different to that of an englishman. wales does not suffer by being part of the Union, and i doubt it would have much to gain from independence.

in short, it's as ridiculous as if cornwall demanded to become the Free Republic of Southeast England.
I read that as corny nationalists exist. Then I had to think of Manowar.

Man, that was a bad thought.
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