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    Votes: 12 14.3%

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No, The Ulster accent is just different from Scottish accents

i.e. occasionally one can understand what Northern Irish people say
I was born and raised in the USA, but I want to move to either:
France, because the language and location seems awesome, and because France is generally awesome,
Or Canada, because they speak English and French, and they have a leaf on their flag. And maple syrup.
To the people who speak French: Je suis fous, non? Ignore the misspellings, if applicable.
Je ne parle pas français is a lot better (and grammatically correct)...

Also France is nice if you don't count the people...
Je ne parle pas français is a lot better (and grammatically correct)...
Well I did say, in a way, I didn't speak French. =P Thanks for the correction, though.
Also France is nice if you don't count the people...

They hate Americans and Parisians are supposed to be the biggest jerks on the planet?

Are they still very defensive of French culture and France's place in the world?
Parisians are nice if you know how to speak French. They'll just ignore you if you speak English to them, which is pretty rude in the first place tbh.

actually I missed an accent and screw accents, they're a pain
France, because the language and location seems awesome, and because France is generally awesome,
Well it depends where you are in France, really. Accents from Tours and Paris are my favourites, but yeah the French language is really nice in general.
Lots of places in France are very much worth visiting as well. I hope they get rid of Sarkozy as soon as possible so I can like France again.

Je suis fous, non?
Je suis fou, otherwise you're using the plural form of 'mad'.

They hate Americans and Parisians are supposed to be the biggest jerks on the planet?
Can't say I blame them for disliking America, but yeah Parisians are usually pretty big jerks, especially in traffic. When you're meeting them formally though they're absolutely delightful.

Are they still very defensive of French culture and France's place in the world?
Rightfully so.
France is more culturally rich than America will ever be.
oh yes france has given the world overrated cuisine, a shitty language, some strokes on paper nobody cares about, and uh.... yeah.

france is so overrated :(

though it's nice if you can speak french there because then they just ramble on and on and you're like "what? i didn't get a word of that" because you know like your school french and that's it
freedom, human rights, crêpes, fashion, writers, music, a beautiful language and more sexiness than I can ever hope to experience, read about or watch.
freedom, human rights, crêpes, fashion, writers, music, a beautiful language and more sexiness than I can ever hope to experience, read about or watch.

I'm gonna grant you the first two, but the rest are all things the French hugely overrate themselves in.
I'm from the United States. In general because I technically call two states home.
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