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What Country Are you from?

What Country do you live in?

  • U.S.

    Votes: 31 36.9%
  • U.K.

    Votes: 25 29.8%
  • Canada

    Votes: 9 10.7%
  • Australia

    Votes: 6 7.1%
  • South Africa

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Other Countries

    Votes: 12 14.3%

  • Total voters
taiwan is better than hong kong cuz it isnt a communist country

To be fair, Hong Kong won't be subjected to all the laws and such of the People's Republic until 2047. Currently, only defence and foreign affairs are handled by Beijing, everything else is handled by the local government.

I take it you've never been to Hong Kong?

Long live the Republic!
Yeah, I know. I have horrendous sleep patterns. It's 4:15 now, and I'll probably still be on later.

The best thing ever was when I was talking to Mhals on MSN, who's 6 time zones behind me, and she got off the computer to go to bed before I did XD
It's strangely hilarious when you out-awake people who are in a massively different timezone.

Except when they're ahead of you, that's just dumb. xD
Also, question. Why are people saying "the UK is not a country?"

@Tailsy, Dannichu: yeah I hate it when people who are timezones behind me go to bed and I'm like "what."
Australia~ home of kangaroos, platypuses and vegemite. And horrendous sunburn.

srsly you northerners with your pale skin and whatnot
Yet another American here. :3 Specifically, Northwest Pennsylvania, quite possibly one of the most hick-infested areas around. We have Channellock, though, so... woohoo?
I am one from the Northland. We have a maple leaf on our flag, which counts as one "Epic Point" for us.

I'm not exactly surprised to see only several votes for Canada. It's quite cold here at times, though the cold is what I enjoy.
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I'm surprised there's as many australians here as there are Canadians. Speaking of canadians.. *scrolls back to check who is one.* ,,xD

I think canada is awesome, I wish I could move there without having to be a rocket scientist to surpass the whole immigration process. >>
There are better Scottish things than David Tennant


Yeah you're right actually.
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