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What Country Are you from?

What Country do you live in?

  • U.S.

    Votes: 31 36.9%
  • U.K.

    Votes: 25 29.8%
  • Canada

    Votes: 9 10.7%
  • Australia

    Votes: 6 7.1%
  • South Africa

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Other Countries

    Votes: 12 14.3%

  • Total voters
Hooray, that means I don't have to fly to kill Mike if I ever need to.
I was born in England and live there now, but since my mum is Scottish and my dad was from right on the borders I don't really know what I classify myself as coming from. XD Mainly because I'm pretentious and want people to know I'm at least a little Scottish
Duh, all scottish people are awesome:-

David Tennant

anyway, thats not the point, scottish people are awesome. ^-^
Duh, all scottish people are awesome:-

David Tennant

anyway, thats not the point, scottish people are awesome. ^-^

Why am /I/ not on this list! I'm the most irritating Scots(wo)man here!! And I'm more Scottish than Cirrus and DAVID TENNANT

(He's not allowed to be Scottish any more. I said so.)
D: Can't Linoones be born in Taiwan? Like, a panda that had been born in the US of the A! It works.

And I mean "next to" as in "see that ocean over there? Go across that and you will reach Japan" sort of "next to".
I'm from Sweden, small country is very small. :l
A scary fact is that yet I talk to myself in English, always, I can sit and yell things to my computer/Nintendo DS, talking perfectly English all the time. (English IS a cooler language anyway)
The UK. Which is not a country.


Much better.

'Cause we have sheep, and... Uh... Um, hills... And Red Dragons... Roald Dahl... Other stuff, too...


The UK. Which is not a country.


Much better.

'Cause we have sheep, and... Uh... Um, hills... And Red Dragons... Roald Dahl... Other stuff, too...



Is 7 your favourite number or what?
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