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What Country Are you from?

What Country do you live in?

  • U.S.

    Votes: 31 36.9%
  • U.K.

    Votes: 25 29.8%
  • Canada

    Votes: 9 10.7%
  • Australia

    Votes: 6 7.1%
  • South Africa

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Other Countries

    Votes: 12 14.3%

  • Total voters
Actually our mascot is a drunken violent ned, but unfortunately we can't get rid of him.
But Tailsy, Wales has hoodies and chavs too ):
Are you saying Scotland doesn't have them?
Another reason i'm jealous.
Talking about Scots is making me do something i'd never normally do...Damn it, I must.

Frazer Hines!
I'm surprised there's as many australians here as there are Canadians. Speaking of canadians.. *scrolls back to check who is one.* ,,xD

I think canada is awesome, I wish I could move there without having to be a rocket scientist to surpass the whole immigration process. >>

Everything is confusing in Canada, even the weather. One day it will rain, and a second later it will be sunny. Then it will snow. In early October.

The skies clearly dislike our "Eh?"s and maple syrup production.
Currently living in Belgium but will hopefully move to Great Britain to study History, poison your wells and steal your jobs and men in two-to-three years.
As for where I am from, well, Portugal maybe?
You're Scottish, ergo your opinion of Scottish accents doesn't count.

Mind you, you're the first Scottish person I've seen to actually have any sort of opinion on the accent.
Scottish accents are better than any other ones from the UK and Ireland. Although there are some better ones elsewhere.
Whenever anybody says 'British accent' I think of your classic English, Scottish, Welsh and (Northern!) Irish accents put together. :/ Now THAT. Would be the most awesome accent ever.

(I have no idea why this should deserve an entire post. But it does!)
This is called 'Tom Clancy is not a good source for info on Irish accents.'

Damn you, literature. =P

As I understand, it is at least related, though?
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