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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What do you do when you're bored?

Sonic Boom~

Yeah, it is those ears...
As the title implies, what do you do when you're, you know, bored?

I'm usually pretty random about the things I do, especially when I'm desprate.

Things that aren't so random~
-Watch a DVD
-Get on the computer
-Fall asleep from extreme bordomness
-Turn on the radio

Things that are a bit random to certain people~
-Turn on the TV and captions and recite every word that comes out of the charecters mouth, trying to match the voce
-Sit and stare at something (It doesn't help, really. xD)
-Pretend to be someone from a TV show
-Other stuff
Let's see...

~Work on my comic
~Play with my sister
~Surf the Internet

I think that's it. Sometimes I do my homework when I'm bored, but I'm usually trying to avoid doing it the best I can.
- Poke around on forums
- Write a philosophical essay or story
- Read a book
- Draw something
- Screw around in Photoshop
- Consume vast amounts of sweets.

That list looks more like things I do everyday.

6. Practice my sketches of Pokémon and try to make them take AS LONG AS POSSIBLE so they look best.
5. Look around the Insanity section of this forum
4. Play Animal Crossing
3. Play Pokémon Sapphire
2. Play Pokémon Crystal
1.Write my NaNo!
when I get bored at school I go to the Happy Place

I don't get bored at home, there's always something to do
I draw when I'm bored. On anything, with anything. I've pricked holes in the shape of an eye into my pants with a needle before.
I've had an as-of-now obsession with reading; my bookshelf is piled with new books that I have yet to read. I'm going to the bookstore tomorrow and will likely buy a lot of books.
So, that, or I come on here.
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