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    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What do you do when you're bored?

Try not to think about penguins.

Go ahead. Try it.

I've never understood this.

Someone comes up to you and says 'don't think about penguins', I say I wasn't and they say it's impossible because they said the word penguin.

It's perfectly possible, I wasn't thinking about penguins. I was thinking of the word penguin, and how I'm not supposed to think about what it means.
Sleep or eat, I guess. I read, draw, play games, go online and watch DVDs a lot, but I don't think "I'm bored; let's watch something!", I just think "Let's watch something!".
I do various dull things.
- Go on the Internet, the cure for boredom...
- Read a book, or read a children's book aloud in funny voices- or read it substituting the name of characters and some details for those of other fictional characters. (Edgeworth as Junie B. was really odd.)
- More Internet.
- Pace around dramatically while daydreaming.
- Take random pictures of things.
- Ask my parents to take me somewhere (anywhere). In summer, the beach. <3
But mostly number one.
(Edgeworth as Junie B. was really odd.)

I go on the internet, play video games, and think of random crossovers and things that would never work.

You kinow you've gone crazy when you picture Ren dressed up as Franziska von Karma. O_O Well, they both use the the word "fool" often. :D
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I go on the internet, play video games, and think of random crossovers and things that would never work.

You kinow you've gone crazy when you picture Ren dressed up as Franziska von Karma. O_O Well, they bother use the the word "fool" often. :D

It was really hilarious because Edgeworth was spazzing over an evidence box and kept getting in trouble.
You kinow you've gone crazy when you picture Ren dressed up as Franziska von Karma. O_O Well, they bother use the the word "fool" often. :D
That's just wrong.

Aaaanyway, when I'm bored, I:
-Browse forums
-Attempt to list plz accounts on dA
-Listen to music
You kinow you've gone crazy when you picture Ren dressed up as Franziska von Karma. O_O Well, they both use the the word "fool" often. :D

D: You just put a very scary image into my head...

I've never understood this.

Someone comes up to you and says 'don't think about penguins', I say I wasn't and they say it's impossible because they said the word penguin.

It's perfectly possible, I wasn't thinking about penguins. I was thinking of the word penguin, and how I'm not supposed to think about what it means.

See, by not thinking about penguins, be it the word or the animal, you need to distract yourself. If you can not think about penguins, then you have successfully distracted yourself and is actually thinking about something else. Therefore, you have something to do, which means you're not (as) bored anymore.
I've never understood this.

Someone comes up to you and says 'don't think about penguins', I say I wasn't and they say it's impossible because they said the word penguin.

It's perfectly possible, I wasn't thinking about penguins. I was thinking of the word penguin, and how I'm not supposed to think about what it means.

Whenever anyone says that to me I just picture caramelldansen in my hand or Mr Game and Watch doing that scary pump move... disturbed me for life.

I'm hardly ever bored, and whenever someone mentions being bored, I reply, "I am a board," for the sake of amusement. If I get bored, I start, um, cleaning things .w.; I really have no clue as to why.
Whenever I'm bored, I try find something interesting to do, or I usually phase out completely and forget what I'm doing.

I think sometimes I play games, but I don't usually play long before I get bored of that.

Oh, and I usually tap my fingers, but I almost always do that anyway.
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Come here
Troll on 4chan
Play Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike, or Team Fortress 2
Spam on MSN
Run a virus scan
Download a new web browser
Read blogs
Stare at the wall
Listen to music
Deal with Vista's bullshit
Deal with iTunes' bullshit (even worse)
Did I miss anything?
Complain to JJHF that I am bored and they should entertain me B) Or sleep.

Maybe draw, write in my blog or annoy my cats if I have any energy hmmmm.
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