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i remember when claydol girl was furret and when verne was still a girl do i win
Number 100:

Change your signature so that the words can be sung to the tune of Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel and I will love you so much more. Lyrics lyrics lyrics! These lyrics are so deep! Lyrics lyrics lyrics when I sing them my heart weeps!
Number 100:

Change your signature so that the words can be sung to the tune of Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel and I will love you so much more. Lyrics lyrics lyrics! These lyrics are so deep! Lyrics lyrics lyrics when I sing them my heart weeps!


please do, it would amuse me
Number 100:

Change your signature so that the words can be sung to the tune of Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel and I will love you so much more. Lyrics lyrics lyrics! These lyrics are so deep! Lyrics lyrics lyrics when I sing them my heart weeps!

thank you Verne, now my signature has grown to level 3!

(as an aside, it was not meant to be sung like actual lyrics at first, I was somewhat overt in my overall theme)
:V I don't put lyrics in my signature/title in an attempt to be deep, you know. I'm not shallow enough to do something like that.
I've only put them in there when it's a song that has really cool lyrics which is a good reason. But now it's part of an old poem.

oh right i'm nobody atm because I haven't had real computer access for weeks just to let you know
I've been wondering: does my tendency to change my icon and usertitle every few days confuse people?
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