• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What do you think of...

I think it depends on whether it's mutual and how it happens.

What do you think of break-up songs?
I think it sucks when I'm not doing it, but kicks ass when I am.

What do you think of The Cookie Monster?
I think that they're dangerous in the hands of a criminal.

What do you think of Dragon_Night's "poor excuse for poetry"? (I was running low on ideas)

What do you think of the fact that Dark Tyranitar has managed to post the same thing twice in a row, one minute apart?... 0-o

What do you think of me? (Posting of positive opinions will result in you being submitted for mental treatment.)
Well I don't want to be submitted for mental treatment, so I won't answer.

What do you think of me?
I think it's not fun. You shank ONE blow-up doll... In Disneyworld.... Then touch a kid in places.... Then strip naked and run around.... Then take the heads off the mascots shouting "HE'S A FRAUD!!!"... JUST ONE TIME and then... Whatever.

What do you think of people who do that?
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