• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What do you think of...

(What's wrong with it? =( )
I think OMG I HAVE 1501 POSTS.

What do you think of 1501 posts?
(The fact that it creeps me out)

I think that you post an insane amount of times. Now you're up to 1,504 and counting.

What do you think of me having only 470 posts?
(Well what about it creeps you out? Also should we do this in PMs so that it doesn't annoy anyone?)

I think it's not a small number, I just need a life.

What do you think of Hong Kong?
(Nah, who would it annoy?)

I think that it has a very high population density.

What do you think of me having 470 posts DESPITE coming on five days after the forum re-opened and playing Pokémon Sapphire upwards of seven hours per day? (I think I need a life more than you, Zim.)
I think that you're obsessed with shanking.

What do you think of me having to go be social in real life now? :(
I think =( you'll be gone and you DON'T REPLY TO PMS EVER.

What do you think of PMs having the same letters as PMS?
She's the admin of this site. Oh, And if we aren't talking about her, I guess it sounds like that someone or something has gone Butter Free *cough cough*

What do you think of plagirism?
I think that it doesn't exist. Plagiarism, though, I think is illegal and should not be done, except by me.

What do you think of Evil Pidgeot?
That you did an excellent job on the spriting, and that it's so evil it done stoled my wheels. (Sorry, just heard it somewhere.)
What do you think of TCOD?
Annoying little pests, and I would be glade if they were gone from this earth (even if it somehow kills the environment)

What do you think of break-ups?
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