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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What do you think of...

Fine in moderation and context, but a bit bothersome if just shouted sporaticly.

How about watching French kittens play with each other through a window instead of fetching a camera to tape them?
Quite silly. And a bothersome addition to already below average loading times on substandard connections.

French vanilla ice cream?
I think they're one of the cutest Pokemon ever.

What do you think of thunderstorms?
I think that if I didn't like them, I doubt I'd have nearly 1,400 posts.

What do you think of how many posts I have? (It creeps me out.)
I think they're cute, but they get annoying after a while.

What do you think of Hong Kong?
I think of Naruto and Shinobido: the Way of the Ninja. (Which was an awesome game that was really addicting)

What do you think of road rage?
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I think as long as it isn't that guy who was starving the dog it's nice.

What do you think of ME?
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