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What do you think of...

I think has something to do with this post >.> <.<

What do you think of perfidious bananas sold by McDonalds?
They should all be burned in the depths of... my fireplace. Yeah.

What do you think of a giant 40-foot Metapod roaming the streets near your house?
I think it was the perfect opportunity to delete my stupid posts of the past forever.

What do you think of Snickers (the candy)?
Bleh. Dumb air-polluting, lung-destroying, cancer-giving maniacs. I don't like them.

What do you think of Microsoft Works Word Processor (for those of you who don't know, it's what replaced Microsoft Word as the default WP for Windows Vista)?
((XP pwns Vista. Seriously, Vista is THE worst operating system of the millenium.))
I don't like IE either. I always use Firefox--a sign of rebellion against the evil empire. (No reference intended)

What do you think of Pluto being a dwarf planet?
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