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What Dreams May Come

The bright pink creature floating on the breeze catches her attention, a small, wistful being, that was about to be turned to dust. Better to be dustified than eaten, she told herself, approaching the pokemon.
Gary Oak

When the water in the can is all sprinkled on the soil, you feel a slight breeze rustle the stale air. It flutters up the heads of the flowers (and, against all logic, they stay upright and healthy-looking), but since you're looking behind you you probably notice the girl on the balcony instead.

She seems to have come on the wind - she certainly wasn't there when you walked through, or even when you turned around. A fair-skinned maiden of pre-adolescence with a head of hair so beautifully golden red you'd think it couldn't be natural except for her age. She's smiling at you with her slate-blue eyes.

"Thank you," she says, except it doesn't sound like it's coming from where you see her, her voice is close by and all around like you heard it on headphones. "That was nice of you."

And then the breeze turns into a gust and you turn your head instinctively, closing your eyes for a second and it's gone. The wind - and you look around - and the girl. Nothing shows where she could have come from, where she might have gone. Nothing changed.

... Except that eevee you thought could move before? It's looking a little fluffier. There's a little more life in its eyes. A little more "bui?" in its throat.


So the eevee walks up to you, red leash of sorts dragging behind, and starts nuzzling your ankle. Yeah, you'd guess it's not just a toy anymore.

[ Obtained one (1) male eevee! ]

Full Metal Cookies

((You're fine! c: Although, for clarity, the red door is a door in the nexus outside the bedroom door. I've gotten a few comments on that being unclear...))

Timidly opening the door and stepping through, you nearly step on the tail of a small rattata. She scurries and jumps on an unsuspecting skiploom, soaking up rays when he's jolted out of his sleep. He wobbles up, trying to fly away, but it's hard to carry a passenger.


Come now, we'll never make any progress if you continue to stonewall. This is an open environment; there's no need to keep secrets.

... Well. That might not have been the best of plans. You bonk them both on the heads - good aim! - and they turn to look at whoever interrupted them with fire in their eyes. Your own eyes widen, and even though you can presumably predict what would happen if one of them tried to sink their claws into you, logic doesn't come into play too much when two six-foot-tall mother pokemon start running at you. At that point, it's down to instincts.

Your instincts are very loudly telling your feet to run away as fast as possible. So you do.

You run off down a flat patch, the two pokémon howling close behind. Running running running, looking behind you, smacking into a tree... Waking up violently. Sitting up on the bed, you rub your nose from the phantom pain. You hop out, picking up your missed pokéballs and the two love balls, and walk away grumbling about rare pokémon and missed opportunities.


The nidorina might want a second opinion on that! You grab the hoppip in your hands as he's bounding up to fly off again. Like before, he turns to silver light and glitter the second you get your paws on him. The nidorina growls gutturally, then 'hmphs' as well as a nidorina can and dashes off.

[ Obtained one (1) male hoppip! ]

Whether you were wearing pants or not before you thought to check and look down, you are now. Your hat is striped with multiple colors and has a little red propeller in the center. Trés chic.

In the meadow, your nose alerts you to something fetid and foul and perhaps a bit familiar. Covering your nose with your hand, you turn around and see a female gloom being chased around the hill valley rather pitifully by a skarmory, delighting in raising fear in his prey.

(Assume the unspoken question at the end of every entry is "What do you do?")

first the skarmory
then the gloom

first I will take some delicious delicious ... bottlecaps ... and try to see if the SKARMORY IS INTERESTED (it's a steel type maybe it's like an aron or a larvitar (but larvitar's not steel (don't let anyone tell you you can't be what you wanna be larvitar believe in me who believes in you!!))) but if it isn't I will offer it a ... um. kind of nasty-looking omelet in a plastic takeout box that I apparently had in my pocket
and then I will be friends
I roll over a little in the bed, but end up falling to the floor. With a soft groan, I open my eyes and push myself to my hands and knees, looking around at the odd room. My eyes linger on the TV set for a beat, before I huff and walk over to the door leading out. I pause in the doorway for a second before stepping into the black abyss and lightly shutting the bedroom door behind me. I make a quick circuit of the black room, grimacing when one of the doors disappears as I accidentally stick my foot through its illusionary form. I blink in surprise, before heading for the only other solid-looking door in the abyss.

Opening the frighteningly red door, I step through hesitantly.
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"Noooo...." I mumble half-asleep, waking up with a jolt, "NOT THE...oh, it was just a dream."

I had just dreamt I was being chased by a sentient piano. It also involved floating pies, comedians, and a pair of pants, but that was beside the point

"Where am I?" I ask myself, "Where are my Pokemon?"

My head snaps up.

"I'm still dreaming, aren't I? I'm having one of those dream within a dream thingies." I say triumphantly, "Cool, I'm lucid."

I walk towards the red door.

"Since I'm lucid, maybe there will be some lawyers and cool Pokemon around." I giggle as I turn the handle.
After saving the hoppip from certain digestion, she had the idea to take the sparkly dust with her in order to make entrances, to whom she had not yet decided on. Taking a handful of the glittery remains in her pocket she proceeded.
Ninja Chatot

You could if he was still there, and not in a love ball in another time and space. He turned to light and dust and disappeared. Anyway.

On your next trek, you see a mareep being bitten by a raticate! The sparks flying through her wool aren't doing much to detract him.


The skarmory approaches your open hand cautiously, then pecks at a grape soda cap. ... Did you know skarmory pecks hurt? You'd probably be bleeding if it wasn't through a bit of metal, and if he hadn't poofed to silver radiance and sparkles when his beak hit your hand.

The gloom shows her appreciation by letting loose a stench that you might describe as old sneakers mixed with some rotten eggs and dead fish with just a hint of skunk fumes. She trots away, oblivious to your suffering.

[ Obtained one (1) male skarmory! ]


Once you step into the field, you see a doduo trying to snack on a paras! He tries to skitter away, and her beaks snap at thin air.


In the meadow, you see an ekans and... an ekans! He looks like he's trying to kill her! At least... you hope it looks like he's trying to kill her. You don't really think about the alternative.


Anything you scrape up disappears in your pocket. It's less like dust and more like the sparks off a firework or welding torch.

On the crest of the next hill, you spot a pidgey hopping behind a female bellsprout. He stares hungrily at the aikido-practicing sprout. (Does this sound familiar? No. This one is doing aikido. They are completely different. Yes.)
I only paused for a split second before slowly approaching the scene, my eyes set on the Doduo. As much as I disliked Paras, I wouldn't feel right watching one get gobbled up in front of me...so when I was close, but not too close, I cleared my throat to get the Doduo's attention (hopefully) and offered my hand.
The skarmory approaches your open hand cautiously, then pecks at a grape soda cap. ... Did you know skarmory pecks hurt? You'd probably be bleeding if it wasn't through a bit of metal, and if he hadn't poofed to silver radiance and sparkles when his beak hit your hand.

The gloom shows her appreciation by letting loose a stench that you might describe as old sneakers mixed with some rotten eggs and dead fish with just a hint of skunk fumes. She trots away, oblivious to your suffering.

[ Obtained one (1) male skarmory! ]
wow giant metal birds that are usually carnivorous except for when it's convenient biiiiiite? I AM SUPER SURPRISED no really I am it's a dream I'm not allowed to be pecked he's my friend

also I object to the idea of the skarmory vanishing in a royal rainbow er I mean silver glitter
I wanted my very own skarmorangs
I could get a whole set of skarmory-themed equipment
then, and only then, would I truly be Batman

I approach the two Ekans quickly and try to grab both of them.

"This is a dream, therefore, I won't die." I whisper

One of the heads of the doduo looks at you, and the other looks at your hand. You don't have any food. Feh! The doduo pecks at your hand in defiance, but it's hard to be defiant when you're suddenly crystal dust and sparkly light.

Inches away from your true (but is it true?) sleeping form, a pink pokéball with a heart motif sits near your bag.

The paras sighs in relief and skitters off.

[ Obtained one (1) female doduo! ]


Continuing like a pro, you look around, scanning the area for more pokémon. You do this so thoroughly that you miss the translucent purple step whacking you in the forehead! Ow.

You take a step back and take it in. Seemingly arising from and held by nothing, you see a tall, literally floating staircase stretching from the ground to... you can't see that high. The semitransparent purple steps seem solid and unmoving enough when you press on them and step on the lowest ones.

What do you do??


Luckily the ekans seem to be too ~wrapped up~ in their own... business... to notice you! You lay a hand on each of them for a second before they disintegrate in a blinding light.

Um. You have something sticky on your hand now, and you don't think that's venom. You quickly wipe it on your pants.

[ Obtained one (1) female ekans and one (1) male ekans! ]
Ignoring the fact that I pretty much just saved a species of Pokemon that I despised, I furrowed my brow and bit my lip, thinking over the light show that I'd just witnessed. After a few moments of deep thinking, I concluded that this must be some messed up dimension, or even some type of odd dream, and started to walk around again.

Continuing like a pro, you look around, scanning the area for more pokémon. You do this so thoroughly that you miss the translucent purple step whacking you in the forehead! Ow.

You take a step back and take it in. Seemingly arising from and held by nothing, you see a tall, literally floating staircase stretching from the ground to... you can't see that high. The semitransparent purple steps seem solid and unmoving enough when you press on them and step on the lowest ones.

What do you do??

... SKIP UP THESE STEPS LIKE THE AMAZING PANTSLESS (it's a dream I'm allowed to no longer have pants since I'm not thinking about it) WONDER I AM
"I guess I better continue." I say, "But what was with the fireworks display?"

I look around, trying to spot any other Pokemon or anything interesting.

Wandering around some more, you spot a sentret attempting to nibble a sunflora! He waves his thick head from side to side, trying to get her off.


You pounce fiercely up the mysterious staircase like a fierce thing! Lucky you don't fall and break your neck!

... Okay, it's been like /five whole minutes/ and you're getting tired of climbing. You look down to see how far you've gotten... and the grass is gone and there's sand. There's sand one step below you, actually, so you hop off and look around where you've gotten.

To your left, sand. To your right, more sand. Behind you, mostly sand, but you can make out some trees. And in front of you... the ocean. Crashing waves and white foam washing up and the smell of salt water.

The staircase disappears when it's no longer noticed.

A new door solidifies in the nexus.


Well, it depends on what you call interesting! You do see a parasect clamp a phanpy right on the trunk, ow. Apparently everyone wants to nom the parasect. It's not his fault she can't find some fruit or something!
On second thought, pants would be a wonderful, wonderful thing, so I'm going to trade my pantslessness for jacketlessness. It's the sort of thing that works out surprisingly well. (I'm keeping the dorky hat, though.)

Let's run into the water! ... a bit. But stay near the shore because sometimes you can find shark teeth and more importantly swimming is hard so shores are good. ... Unless there's broken glass. Then they're bad. But I'm sure I have swimshoes or something equally uncomfortable.

Letting the water lap your feet, you see a poliwag nibbling the white end of a slowpoke's tail. He hasn't seemed to notice her yet.
I would like to make a complaint.

Poliwag and slowpoke are very clearly freshwater pokémon. Poliwag's some sort of poliwog, and more importantly you find it in ponds and lakes (presumably freshwater ones!) and not in ... oceans. Slowpoke are in wells. Wells are drinking water and NOT SALTY.

My suspension of disbelief is so totally shot right now, dream.


That said, I would like to make friends with both. Ninja up behind the poliwag, flick it in the head, then bag the slowpoke! ... Or possibly tap its tail. Either way.

The dream has noted your objection, written it down to submit to the proper authorities, then folded it into a paper airplane and thrown it at your head. If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts...

Also, flicking things in the head behind them is not a good way to make friends at all! ... It seems to be a good way to do the dusting of pokémon thing though. (Dusting. Who do you think you are, a vampire slayer?) The poliwag vanishes, and before he has time to react, so does the slowpoke, in an awfully bright light.

[ Obtained one (1) female poliwag and one (1) slightly chewed male slowpoke! ]
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