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What Games Are You Playing?

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Still playing Persona 4, I just defeated Kunino-Sagiri, goddammit he was hard, the hardest one so far, at least.
Ragnarok Online. -shot-

Oh, and Twilight Princess. Yes, I got it over a year ago, and I STILL haven't finished it. OTL
What I do want to play is Tales of Hearts. D| COME OUT ALREADY, DAMNIT.
What I do want to play is Tales of Hearts. D| COME OUT ALREADY, DAMNIT.

Good luck. Namco's already stated they have no interest in localizing Hearts. You might do to wait for the fanslation patch being made by Crimson Nocturnal (click me!) though, since they seem to be the only ones interested in translating it, and they seem intent on getting it done.

Playin' some more Tales of VS here, though.
I am still playing Persona 4, and I just created my first ultimate Persona! Loki, to be exact, I think he turned out pretty decent, the only notable skill he got added was Ice Boost, which will help the overall damage output.
omg, the characters in that game are <3 Play that for several hours, and tell me Guy and Jade aren't fucking awesome.

Free-run's really the only thing that kills battles in that game though, cause it gets so broken later on. I honestly can't wait for the Around Step in Graces. Free Run is Star Ocean's thing, and I think it should stay that way D=
Guy is <3 and Jade is epically snarky.

Huh... well, it's been saving my ass so far (I'm not exactly amazing at the game, and I'm still stuck on freakin' Legretta), but maybe I'll change my mind later on.

...uh I'd better stop talking right now because if I keep talking about this game I will eventually force you to listen to my theory involving clones and prophecies and whatnot >>;
Guy is <3 and Jade is epically snarky.

Huh... well, it's been saving my ass so far (I'm not exactly amazing at the game, and I'm still stuck on freakin' Legretta), but maybe I'll change my mind later on.

Well, it's not to say I don't like Free-Run myself. I like it, but it's just not very "Tales of" like, and I'd rather leave "free-run" to Star Ocean. I liked in for a good long while, but after a bit, I just stopped using it completely. Tempest is a much better, and more stylish medium for dodging spells and FOF Changes xD

...uh I'd better stop talking right now because if I keep talking about this game I will eventually force you to listen to my theory involving clones and prophecies and whatnot >>;

Meh, I'd probably listen xD

Borrowed Fragile from a friend, and I'm checking that out now.
PS2: Xenosaga Episode I, Gran Turismo 4

DS: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (replaying)

PC: Crusader Kings, Chaos;Head, Football Manager 2010 (demo, but tomorrow it will be the real thing)

GBA: Yggdra Union

Games I get a fair number of chances to play, just not regularly:

Wii: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom (while very simplified in gameplay, it makes up for it with everything else)

Xbox 360: Street Fighter IV
PS2: Xenosaga Episode I, Gran Turismo 4

DS: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (replaying)

PC: Crusader Kings, Chaos;Head, Football Manager 2010 (demo, but tomorrow it will be the real thing)

GBA: Yggdra Union

Games I get a fair number of chances to play, just not regularly:

Wii: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom (while very simplified in gameplay, it makes up for it with everything else)

Xbox 360: Street Fighter IV

Chaos;Head, and Tatsunokoooooooo

Isn't Tatsunoko vs. Capcom awesome?
Sin & Punishment 2: Successor of the Sky.

Getting my ass handed to me in the final stage. This is definitely the extreme difficulty that Treasure's known for, that was lacking in the original.

Not to mention, several boss fights have already just completely made Seven Force in Gunstar Heroes look lame, easy, and boring. This is definitely their best since Radiant Silvergun, and Mischief Makers.
Sin & Punishment 2: Successor of the Sky.

Getting my ass handed to me in the final stage. This is definitely the extreme difficulty that Treasure's known for, that was lacking in the original.

Not to mention, several boss fights have already just completely made Seven Force in Gunstar Heroes look lame, easy, and boring. This is definitely their best since Radiant Silvergun, and Mischief Makers.
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, which I beat yesterday. That had to be the worst Castlvania ending ever...Dracula was a joke. At least the bonus stuff I unlocked is fun (you can play as 8-bit Simon Belmont in Boss Rush!!!)
I'm weirdly juggling Persona 3, KH 358/2 Days, and Tales of the Abyss. Mainly P3 though, because I'm in the middle of the last month and god I love fusing Personas <3 And my crazy theories came correct partially and stuff, phwee.
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, which I beat yesterday. That had to be the worst Castlvania ending ever...Dracula was a joke. At least the bonus stuff I unlocked is fun (you can play as 8-bit Simon Belmont in Boss Rush!!!)

Dracula Wraith? No, saying that it's a joke is putting it lightly.

Playing Persona 3 Portable now. I get to play as WOMENZ
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