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What Games Are You Playing?

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I've had a sudden obsession with Animal Crossing: Wild World now, since I play it 24/7. And also Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team. I'm finally getting farther in it( I stopped playing it for a while because I got frustrated).
Started playing Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier again. It's an awesome game, but it does a real nice job of making male players feel indecent when they play it >.>

I just got Reiji and Xiaomu in my party... I love how their Overdrive is the same one they had in Namco X Capcom, but on steroids... Them and KOS-MOS being in the game make me want to throw that in again too...
Picked up Platinum and have starting obsessively playing it again. Currently EV training some Pokemon before heading north to Snowpoint.

On the Wii I've picked up Animal Crossing: City Folk so I play it a little of that every couple days.

I'm actually looking for some good Wii or DS games so if anyone has any suggestions that would be nice.
Recently picked up a copy of Mario Party DS. I was skeptical at first but it turned out to be pretty fun. Very similar to the Gamecube versions, but the minigames offer more variety because of the touch screen and mic.
NOT A MEGA MAN GAME, amazingly.

I'm playing Platinum right now. About to fight Byron.

Mah Team:

Salsa - Monferno (F)
Candygram - Gabite (F) (If you actually get the reference, I'll be amazed)
Flash - Luxray (M)
Beat - Swablu (F)
Pixel - Porygon
Miles - Floatzel (M)

Loving Platinum a whole lot more than I thought I would. I thought it would pretty much just be the same as playing through Diamond again. Oh, was I wrong. :D
Well, I'm still playing KH2, and discovered that there is a level S+3 in the high-score runs :D

And my sis connected up the Nintendo 64, so I'm playing some random games on that. Mainly Mario Party 3's story mode.
Finally got a PS3! Or should I say... It's on loan from my friend; he's selling it to me with my promise to pay him back in increments =3 So now I've got a trusty ol' PSWii60 >.< I got Cross Edge with it, which I'd been wanting to play for like, the last year. Next up is Disgaea 3, and in September, Tales of Vesperia.
Well, I'm still playing KH2, and discovered that there is a level S+3 in the high-score runs :D

I actually got to S+5, and I think there's S+6.

Also got the Ultima Weapon & Save the Queen (upgraded Save the Queen too), and am now working on Save the King.

Also playing Harvest Moon: Magical Melody on GameCube. I miss my old file on that.
I'm kind of an RPG maniac. When I'm not playing Pokemon, its usually Final Fantasy XII, which I'm replaying because I beat it not long ago.

@ Do not fear! I'm not one of those Final Fantasy fans that'll rip your head off for bashing the series in the slightest bit. I know that some of those fans are pretty insane, but I'm not one of them.
@ Do not fear! I'm not one of those Final Fantasy fans that'll rip your head off for bashing the series in the slightest bit. I know that some of those fans are pretty insane, but I'm not one of them.

Which is good because you'll hear me bash it a lot.

I'm playing Donkey Kong Country 2 and 3, I beat 3, but I'm still stuck on the Toxic Tower in 2.
That stage is a bitch.
Videogames. :3
I've been playing Silent Hill 3. But I'm stuck in the Hospital area, I killed all the bloody nurses so now Heather's just been running around like a dumbass. D:
Still playing Magical Melody, and have decided that next time I make a new file I'm gonna be a boy and marry Nina. (Two of the three fictional girls I'm bi for are from Harvest Moon games, oddly. The third being Sherlotta XP)
I've gone back to Ikaruga again. For the gajillionth time. This time I'm working on a Perfect run on Hard Mode, as well as the highest score I can possibly. I can get up to halfway of Reality without dying. Then I have to quit. It's quite annoying, since my scores aren't getting recorded to my VMU either, since I've had free play unlocked for the last... Like 6 years O_O And I can't change it on the Dreamcast version, unfortunately. My biggest chain so far is 98, and the highest score I've got recorded is around 3 million... Goddamn score boards. I know they're defunct and out of date, but seriously... This is making me want to take on a Ys Boss Rush on Nightmare ;~;
Which is good because you'll hear me bash it a lot.
Heh, heh, I had a feeling I would eventually find someone who would. No biggie. I think some of those FF's are overrated anyway. The only one I defended was the 12th game, and that's because some people hated it just for being so drastically different compared to the other Final Fantasy's that came before it.

Pardon for my rambling-- Sometimes I don't know when to stop.

I haven't done much. Still testing my limits in Platinum's Battle Frontier. Either that or I spend my time leveling... My list of level 100's is steadily growing. Its only a matter of time before I once again have a box-full. Haven't done that since the second gen Pokemon games (before the battery died and killed everything in Silver)
Tactics Ogre

I've been playing it non-stop lately. Definitely worth the $88 bucks I paid for it. :/

Tactics Ogre is well worth any amount of money. And you sir, are a lucky man, and a trooper, for having even found the game and buying it.

and OMG

you have Anastasia in your avatar <3

That just inspired me to go play Wild Arms 2 again.
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