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What Games Are You Waiting For?

Because gaming journalism's a lost cause.

Totally forgot; it's already out now, but I gotta save money for it! Phantom Brave on the Wii.

And I definitely wanna play Monster Hunter Tri.
Maybe so, but still informative! D:

I don't quite understand all the hype over scribblenauts; sure, it looks fun, but still, it doesn't seem like something to drool over. :/
Brutal Legend~ It looks fuckin awesome <3

Also, Bioshock 2 and Assassin's Creed 2.

And Elder Scrolls V. Heard they're gonna make one. Oh, and Fable 3. <333
I rather like Nintendo Power too.

Basically, I tend to avoid 'pan-gaming' magazines that try and cover everything. I prefer specialist or niche magazines.

Oh but we're off topic now. There's now one more game I'm looking forward to, Football Manager 2010. Might pre-order it soon, actually, except that GamersGate is only offering a bundle with a game I've already played. A good game, but still.

EDIT: Oh wait it's a free copy. Nevermind then. October 30th couldn't come quickly enough...
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Eww, why are you reading GameInformer? =/

Looking forward to a Castlevania that doesn't look like God of War. I hate God of War anyway >.>

I love you. XD

Anyway, I'm going on a bit of a Team Fortress 2 shpeel and am waiting for the Soldier updates! I know that's not a new game, but meh
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I rather like Nintendo Power too.
Nah, Nintendo Prower is OK, but I'm liking Nintendo that much nowadays. I'll sick with Game Informer. D:

Oh, by the way, speaking of Team Fortress 2, I think I'll be getting the ORange Box for the PC soon. Five games for 30 bucks=w1n.



NINTENDO POWER PWNS ALL OTHER MAGAZINES. Or at least thats what I think anyway....


How the hell did I forget Scibblenauts? That game is perfect for my overactive imagination. Also, the next DS Castlevania game. CASTLEVANIA BELONGS IN 2-D DAMMIT! Oh, and God of War III as soon as I get around to finishing GoW 1 and 2, which I own but haven't played yet.

How the hell did I forget Scibblenauts? That game is perfect for my overactive imagination. Also, the next DS Castlevania game. CASTLEVANIA BELONGS IN 2-D DAMMIT!

Not necessarily... It could be done right if they actually tried. And it really showed with Lament of Innocence. It just needed to be longer, and... Walter needed to be a bit more decorative xD
Nah, Nintendo Prower is OK, but I'm liking Nintendo that much nowadays. I'll sick with Game Informer. D:

Oh, by the way, speaking of Team Fortress 2, I think I'll be getting the ORange Box for the PC soon. Five games for 30 bucks=w1n.

No offense, but these typos are hilarious.

...To stay on topic, I'm ready for Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth. I just love that guy's hair.

Another fun looking one is Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. It seems a little weird, but I've always loved the Mario and Luigi games. And I won't have to wait long for that one, it's coming out this fall! Hooray!
Add Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 for me. Yes, I know these games are 20 and 19 years old repectively, but I mean I'm waiting for my mom to let me use her EBay account to buy them. I can get both for $12-$15. Sure, I can always use the Virtual Console and spend $10, but I want the actual catridges. These things are getting rare. Plus, I have a NES. Why not use it?

Post...217, I think it's called? In said game?
Yeah, most amazing thing ever. Want it and HG/SS.

But since I *gaspshockgonnagetkilled* don't really play video games, that's it.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

And that's all I can think of right now.​
I've never been to interested in Kingdom Hearts before, but when I heard the Xion battle theme, I got an urge to buy it when it comes out, it looks pretty promising, even thought I have nothing to expect.
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