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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What if you knew the world was ending?

Re: What if you knew?

I could stare at that all day long.

Ahem! Anyway, I'd probably want to spend time with my family and friends, and I'd definetly want to meet all of my Internet friends. I'd want to do the things that I was too scared to do. I'd make it so that my last days on Earth are fabulous ones. I want to die happy, thank you very much. I'd also spend some time with my boyfriend and tell him I love him. I'd just want to spend time with all the people that I love, you know? But honestly... I don't really have this planned out because I really don't believe that the world is going to end in my lifetime.
I would try to meet as many people from here as I could, I would travel, I would make something, I would drink tea.
I actually don't think I would change that much. I would travel to see a few sights maybe but that's it. I am pretty content with my life right now.
What everyone else is saying, basically. Meet everyone I could from here, travel the world, love like I've never loved before...

Also try to get laid as much as humanly possible, but THAT'S JUST ME.
inb4 killing spree.


Basically, tell everyone I hate a nice 'Fuck You' and then do what I want.
I'd probably just try and spend it all partying at first, but then I'd snap out of it and visit my brother with my mom. I don't spend enough time with him, and he'd be one of the most important people to me in that sort of a crisis.
Well, I'd ditch school, hang out with all my friends, spend money like there's no tomorrow, and then in my remaining days stay with my family.

Now, imagine if people were to do stuff like wasting money, crimes, etc. because they thought the world was ending... and then it was a false alarm xD
I would drop out of school because there wouldn't be a point, spend my money like crazy, travel the world, draw loads of stuff, hang out with friends a lot, and just spend the last days with my family.
Step One: Buy an Ocarina off of e-bay.
Step Two: Wait till doom's day.
Step Three: Play Oath to Order over and over, and hope to god those giants come to our aid... Props to those who get the reference.
Step One: Buy an Ocarina off of e-bay.
Step Two: Wait till doom's day.
Step Three: Play Oath to Order over and over, and hope to god those giants come to our aid... Props to those who get the reference.

And if that doesn't work, play the Song of Time.
Also try to get laid as much as humanly possible, but THAT'S JUST ME.

It's not just you. End of the world sex, anyone?

But besides that, I dunno. I think everyone's covered it. I've no regrets at this point, so I'd probably find something absolutely huge to do. Unfortunately, I don't think I'd have enough time to backpack from Inverness to Yogyakarta, but there would be places I need to see.
Wouldn't tell anyone if they didn't know. Let them die happy.
And I'd live as normally as I could while doing my best to find out a way to achieve as many goals as possible. Use what savings I have, dedicate more time to learning how to drive and get that extra freedom. Draw like hell and spend more time with friends since school would mean that much less.
Probably get laid, yeah. In between panicking and counting down the days.
Also, if the world does end on 12/21/2012, where do time zones come in? Would Australia go down first?
St. Christopher said:
Also, if the world does end on 12/21/2012, where do time zones come in? Would Australia go down first?

well, not really, we'd just be awake for it.
Re: What if you knew?

not give a shit about school any more. That's about it.

You go to school?

I'd just treat it as I would if I was a dying person, which for most part is just being all cool about it - make humor out of it with my friends ect

And prolly travel the world a bit
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1~ Stop caring about school, doing homework, anything else that eats all of my time.
2~ Stockpile caffeine and foods. Oh, and tea.
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