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What improvements do you think should be made in future pokemon version games?

Plot please. Something besides the "save world from evil bad guys and legendary" would be nice.

I should go buy Mystery Dungeon, shouldn't I?
^ Of course~ OMD is awesomesaucity. Plot was what made me play PMD. It isn't the best plot ever but much better than the main games who just...don't have a real plot.
I agree with the plot thing (see my post in the "What would be a good game story?" thread for my idea).

I also think it would be a good idea to be able to travel through different regions like in GSC where you could travel to Kanto.

Pokemonwise, I'd like to see a lot more pokemon like Rhyperior and Dusknoir that evolve when traded holding a specific item, and I (not sure about everyone else, but meh) would like pokemon with evolution trees that branch a lot more, so you can get three or four different pokemon from just one common pokemon. Preferably these would be different-typed.

And, of course, more Eevee evolutions, so Eevee's still special.

And of course, better plot, eviler bad guys (I wouldn't mind a return of TR).

Also, mood. This is hard to objectively decide, but, for example, I didn't really feel the world of Sinnoh. It seemed a little bland except for a few cool areas. In other games I enjoyed just wandering around, talking to people, catch some semi-worthless Pokemon, etc.

Although this is different for everybody, I didn't really like D/P's music that much. Especially the battle music.

I think that Wi-Fi battles could be improved, too. I think it would work better just to have, like, some item that turns on your connection, so you don't have to arrange times beforehand or w/e. Sort of like an IM program. You are 'on' but not just sitting there waiting for a battle, you can still go play the regular game. Of course, I don't know if that's technologically feasible, but I'm sure they can figure something out.
Bringing back the item storage on the PC and not making new teams - team galactic was all kinds of lame, they should stick to the classics. :/

I also really liked the radio from GSC. ;-;
No more "3D Just Because We Can" graphics. We saw more than enough of that in the Stadium series (proof that Pokémon and 3D don't mix!) so the last thing we need is having it in the main games, too. Nintendo is definitely capable of making good 2D graphics, even in Pokémon games (as seen in Mystery Dungeon and Ranger... and D/P's in-battle sprites), so it seems a bit silly to ditch all that for sub-par 3D.
Plus, having 3D graphics in a game that's still 2D in every other way is incredibly stupid.

Multiple save files would be good, too. Pokémon save files can't be THAT big compared to some of the other RPGs that do allow multiple saves.

No "return of Team Rocket." Or should I say, not another return of Team Rocket--they did that already in Gold/Silver, and doing it again post-G/S/C just wouldn't make any sense.
Yeah, adding new gangs for each generation is kinda cheesy and all (especially if they're all called "Team ____"), but it's still better than not making any sense at all--if Giovanni wanted to be involved with Team Rocket again, he would've shown up in Gold/Silver, and without Giovanni in charge the others are pretty much just a bunch of thugs who can't pull off much of anything by themselves.

And the storyline... well, if you have a real storyline (more than "Team ____ wants to catch ____ in a feeble attempt to take over the world!") in a standard Pokémon game, something's going to feel tacked-on; either the storyline itself or the "beat 8 gyms and then fight the Elite Four" path that every game goes through.
I doubt they'll ever come up with a way to have both a decent storyline AND the usual "8 gyms, then the Elite Four" thing.
I don't want a new storyline because that's what's good about the pokemon games; they aren't plot-based, they're player-based. 90% of the time you can do pretty much whatever you want and raise whatever pokemon you like. I'd hate to be restricted by a stupid plot in a pokemon game.
Ability to choose which region you start in...and not have to travel to other regions to beat the game, but the ability to do so as side quest.

Ability to choose careers please, I don't like doing Gyms.

Trainer customization.

Yes yes yes. And the trainer customization thing, I really don't want to look like dawn O.o I want to be a trainer with black hair, blue eyes, black shirt, blue jeans, and black&white shoes, I want to be a GIRL who wears PANTS D:
make them not boring

I have owned Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Crystal, Sapphire, Leaf Green, Diamond, and Pearl. the last game in which I beat the Elite Four was Silver because I either lose interest before I get there or can't be buggered to grind for eighteen hours to beat them or earn the cash to item-scum my way through. I didn't beat Red for obvious reasons so I don't even know if that counts as beating the game.

it's the same story over and over, just with some new mechanics that are never explained in-game, another Important Person somewhere to give you some tiny glimpse at your stats or make the game slightly less of a grind, and a new replacement for Rattata and Pidgey

I don't want a new storyline because that's what's good about the pokemon games; they aren't plot-based, they're player-based.
this is another way of saying "there's nothing to really do so we have to make up some enjoyment ourselves"

aka "they're boring"
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And of course, better plot, eviler bad guys (I wouldn't mind a return of TR).

Also, mood. This is hard to objectively decide, but, for example, I didn't really feel the world of Sinnoh. It seemed a little bland except for a few cool areas. In other games I enjoyed just wandering around, talking to people, catch some semi-worthless Pokemon, etc.

Ability to choose careers please, I don't like doing Gyms.

Trainer customization.

More boxes.

Item storage as well as unlimited bag room, not one or the other.

All this stuff.

Also some new pokémon based on life forms we haven't seen before, like a real worm, centipede/millipede, slime moulds (fungus-like things that move. seriously), proper (sea) sharks, sponges, and so on.
DEFINETLY a new plot, like everyone says, and character customization, definetely. and a way to dress up your pokemon for battles and the stats screen, instead of just contests.
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