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What improvements do you think should be made in future pokemon version games?

They could do with more of a plot and need to learn how to do things in the 21st century
Plot wise, I don't think much has to be done. I just like there to be a good balance of plot and just going around doing what you want.
The first and second generation games were the best in my opinion, because the Rocket storyline wasn't over the top or anything, it was just something to do in the middle of everything and also to help level up your Pokémon.
In the third and fourth generations things went a bit downhill. Fighting the legendary was necessary to continue with the game, the plot was a bit over the top with the whole 'the earth is gonna implode OMG' stuff. I mean, to me the the person who you play as in the game is supposed to be a random person, not someone who has the fate of the universe in their hands by the end. The way see trading/battling with other people is just that two friends come together to have fun. With the later games, both people would have saved the world and caught the ancient Pokémon that there's supposed to be only one of. So I don't like too much plot.
In Colosseum and XD, on the other hand, they were entirely plot based, so it goes well. I know a lot of people didn't really like them because of no wild Pokémon or doing whatever you want, but I don't really think think that the 3Dness of console games go well with things like that.

Apart from that, there's not much else I'd like to say. I guess it would be nice to have some way of knowing your Pokémon's IVs and such without having to use a calculator or anything.
Two or more save files would be nice because I can never get myself up to deleting some of them, but I doubt it'll ever happen.
For the teams, I don't think they should make more, but no stupid excuses to bring them back. I want Rocket-esque teams, but not make Team Rocket come back and just use the same excuse they used in G/S/C. Maybe if there were a game set the same time as the original games then they could just say that they still exist. And maybe even bring Giovanni back :D.
if not, definitely less evolutions of older pokemon, especially since they are hardly ever any good at all.

I second the more than one save file thing. I don't know why they haven't done that yet.

Trainer customization would be cool but I don't see it ever happening.

you know I actually don't really want any more games in the main series at all. D/P was pushing it.

~HUGE EXCEPTION~ to that is a G/S/C remake. I would definitely love that to death.

They could do with more of a plot and need to learn how to do things in the 21st century

1. NO NEW POKEMON. We have about 500 already, do we really need more?

2. Trainers and gym leaders need to go. They are too repetitive and boring. What we need is something like the battle arena thing in Emerald, but spans the entire game. Less gyms, less fields, more challenges that are actually unique.

3. Too many gimmicks. Pal Park? Sinnoh? Giratina? 500 Pokemon? 500?!

4. Plot? What plot? The reason why R/B/Y were good because there wasn't really a defined plot with it. There were hints as to what the story could be about (clipboards in Pokemon Mansion, talking to people, signs, etc.), but there was no true definition of the storyline--it had to be figured out by the player. Now, we have shitty plots that don't make sense (Team Galactica, the whole thing between the legendaries in Emerald, Giratina). And, what about the dialog? The first games' dialog was somewhat choppy, and it didn't make sense. But that was a good thing, because it was up to the player to figure out what the dialog meant. In D/P, we have LOLspeak, and all the dialog is taken literally by the character speaking it. It feels as if the plot is becoming more of a burden to the player, not as a way to carry out the game's events.
Evolutions for more Johto Pokemon.

Cornier Pokemon.

Something that is neither an attempt to be edgy nor a rehash of the earlier games.
A wider variety of all of the pokemon!

As soon as I play one game and get to like a Pokemon alot, BAM! It's gone and there's all these random new ones that I don't like!!! *or at least yet...*

Medicham...! The greatest Pokemon ever...
A wider variety of all of the pokemon!

As soon as I play one game and get to like a Pokemon alot, BAM! It's gone and there's all these random new ones that I don't like!!! *or at least yet...*

Medicham...! The greatest Pokemon ever...

I believe Medicham was in the Sinnoh Dex.
I don't want a new storyline; I like having a world to explore and a reasonably vague goal to reach with something only semi-linear to get there and then being able to train my Pokémon while exploring more places and finding more stuff. I'd love a storyline-based spinoff, but the main series works like this for me.

All for more new Pokémon, don't particularly mind them being evolutions of older ones although I dislike it when a Pokémon I like suddenly evolves into something I don't like, nothing against baby Pokémon at all.

A bigger world, perhaps, with more unique locations in terms of appearance and wild Pokémon.
I dunno...I thought some of the new Pokes were nice. As in "ha ha you look funny" nice. But new plotlines, such as branching ones, or better sprite animations would be nice. *pokes ugly new animations* Is it just me, or are they getting worse?
Ooh, I had a ton of ideas that I think would make the Pokemon games better in the "What would make a better plot?" thread.

Here we go:

  • More crossdressing. Maybe the Elite Four could do some kind of Rocky Horror thing?
  • You should get a unicycle partway through the game; the bicycle thing's been way overdone.
  • There should be a town where people actually care when you come into their home and examine all their stuff; they could point guns at you and arrest you and everything.
  • Towns should also have things like Post Offices, circuses and crack dens.
  • More musical numbers. Probably something from Avenue Q. "Shadenfreude" could be the music that plays over the credits.
  • They should bring back Firebreathers because they were the best trainer class ever and introduce other totally random trainer classes, too, like "George Foreman Grill Maker".
  • "Fresh water" should stop being sold. Water is a basic human right, dammit, not a commodity )<
  • The game should refrence as many aspects of modern culture as possible, including House MD, Final Fantasy VII and the Teletubbies.
  • At least one town should have music that has hidden messages when played backwards.
  • You should have two dads. One could be the professor. He could be Professor Fabulous and wear a bright pink labcoat.
  • You should start in a town in the North-East of the continent and have to fight the Gym Leaders in reverse order because that'd be funny.
  • Celebi, Mew and co. should be readily available, but you have to get an offical Nintendo Download to get Bellsprout on your game.
  • Sarah Palin should be a Gym Leader.
How about use some of the unused things from other games, mix them up with new things, and have the new team be a bit more like Rocket. I want to ride that skateboard that was promised to be in G/S!

Oh, and replace those damned Sweet Honey trees with the Headbutt trees! That way we don't have to wait all day for a pokemon to appear.
Headbutt. Bring Headbutt back, Game Freak!

And Firebreathers, because I'd LOVE to see them in better graphics.

Other than that, I can't say I'd actually like to see any huge changes. I'm a creature of habit, whatcanIsay?
Headbutt. Bring Headbutt back, Game Freak!

As much as I like them to, as you can see from my post, unless there is a GSDS it isn't going to happen, since the Sweet Honey trees were originally planned to be in G/S. Go ahead and read it up on Bulbapedia.
Dannichu said:
all the things she said with the stuff

Uh, I think I love you.

Also pokemon that use the Thunderstone/Fire stone in evolution.
Character customization is a MUST.
the plot should keep it's basic idea, but become better in details.
You should definitely become able to choose what trainer class to be.
I actually want more pokémon, I think it's amusing to see new ones.
Character customization is a MUST.
Hell yeah.

As almost everyone said in this thread, we definitely need a better evil team. One that's actually evil instead of saying "Yes, we're evil, and we love it!". There should definitely be a Team George Bush/Stephen Harper in the next game; just so they still have some of the comic stupidity and the obscure diabolicalness.

Also, we should make all physical moves not hit Ghost-types. It makes no sense for a Normal-type move not to hit when any other physical moves can.
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