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What improvements do you think should be made in future pokemon version games?

As much as I like them to, as you can see from my post, unless there is a GSDS it isn't going to happen, since the Sweet Honey trees were originally planned to be in G/S. Go ahead and read it up on Bulbapedia.

but... but Headbutt's more awesome! :looks on Bulbapedia: Frick.
I just got this idea, what if Nintendo/GameFreak actually decided to use the official anime voice actors instead of making those electronic sounds that just leaves you either freaked disappointed. (Pikachu's cry suck)
Places where you can train your level 70's and 80's. You can only train on 50's for so long, and you switch to either Pokesav or Rare Candies. Ignore that first one.
I just got this idea, what if Nintendo/GameFreak actually decided to use the official anime voice actors instead of making those electronic sounds that just leaves you either freaked disappointed. (Pikachu's cry suck)

That would never happen. The anime is based on the games; Pokémon were not originally intended to repeat their names over and over, they were supposed to have distinctive cries, like real-life animals.
That would never happen. The anime is based on the games; Pokémon were not originally intended to repeat their names over and over, they were supposed to have distinctive cries, like real-life animals.

You do have a point.
But the in-game cries still suck, expect Drifloon's.
Actually, I do sometimes think that the older ones should be updated to fit in with the newer ones...
Actually, I like the older ones better. I think the new ones seem too real in a better-technology-to-make-the-sounds kind of way, and sound too distinctive. I prefer the obviously synthesised ones like Mew or Dodrio. I don't like ones like Purugly that sounds (nearly, kinda) like an actual meow :(
It's like the difference between old ringtones and mp3s.
Ooh, I had a ton of ideas that I think would make the Pokemon games better in the "What would make a better plot?" thread.

Here we go:

  • More crossdressing. Maybe the Elite Four could do some kind of Rocky Horror thing?
  • You should get a unicycle partway through the game; the bicycle thing's been way overdone.
  • There should be a town where people actually care when you come into their home and examine all their stuff; they could point guns at you and arrest you and everything.
  • Towns should also have things like Post Offices, circuses and crack dens.
  • More musical numbers. Probably something from Avenue Q. "Shadenfreude" could be the music that plays over the credits.
  • They should bring back Firebreathers because they were the best trainer class ever and introduce other totally random trainer classes, too, like "George Foreman Grill Maker".
  • "Fresh water" should stop being sold. Water is a basic human right, dammit, not a commodity )<
  • The game should refrence as many aspects of modern culture as possible, including House MD, Final Fantasy VII and the Teletubbies.
  • At least one town should have music that has hidden messages when played backwards.
  • You should have two dads. One could be the professor. He could be Professor Fabulous and wear a bright pink labcoat.
  • You should start in a town in the North-East of the continent and have to fight the Gym Leaders in reverse order because that'd be funny.
  • Celebi, Mew and co. should be readily available, but you have to get an offical Nintendo Download to get Bellsprout on your game.
  • Sarah Palin should be a Gym Leader.
...how'd you get so awesome? :3

I'd want to cut out that thing in D/P where the text scrolls on after saying what Pokémon your opponent's sending out, so if you're not paying attention you don't know what the hell's going on any more... everything else I'd've said has already been posted.
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