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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

((Fine. But that's not what I learned.))

Ruby nodded. "Good idea." She turned to the others. "Has everyone found dens?"


"Appears so," Tigerflame said, nodding. He did his little thing that he always did when he was approving of something or thinking; the Combusken scarred the ground with his left foot.


Ashi cringed. She would have to confront them sometime. Better get it over with.

The shadow-colored Zangoose with glowing eyes and bloodstained claws finally emerged from the undergrowth and revealed herself. She tried to avoid looking into anyone's eyes, but she still glared at Ruby.

"I'm an ally," she said quickly. "I wanted to be in the Darkness clan."

She stepped further into the clearing. "I've heard about you. I was not exiled because of my color, but because of my attitude. But that's not something to dwell on. I'm only dark purple because I was consumed by shadows." She held her paws out in front of her. "As for my claws..." Shyly, she paused. "It's blood."


Tigerflame flinched. This was one strange Zangoose.

"I hope to be deputy of this clan. And with that hope of authority, I accept you."


Ashi winced slightly, stepping back.

"You may call me whatever you like," she stammered.


"Why don't you tell us your real name?" Tigerflame asked.


Ashi didn't respond very directly. "Most just call me the Loner Zangoose. My real name has grown useless over time."


Tigerflame appeared disappointed slightly, or was it sympathy? Sorrow, even?

Some life she must have had, he thought, sighing.


Acknowledging the fact that she was now in the Darkness clan, Ashi took a deep breath and found a den that was near the entrance. It was far away from most others', but she didn't mind. She wanted to be alone most of the time anyway.

Instead of whatever else she was supposed to do, she curled up and fell asleep.
Yukim laid in a den, his head had hit the ground, making the hollow "body" lay on the ground like a trashed towel, he hadn't said or done anything recently, in fact, he had said and done practically nothing, just following the group, he realized what trust they had for the ones in the clan, Yukim hadn't even told why he was exiled, and no one even asked. He was good with that, really, but he did, of some reason, just wish someone would talk to him.
((Kay, can someone talk to me nao? D:))
Tigerflame nodded, even he hardly understood. Then he went over towards the Froslass who had arrived earlier. "So, your name is Yukim, right? I might have you do something for the clan. Do you need something to do?"
Yukim looked up at Tigerflame, and said excited: "Yes, I'd-" Then put his hands over his mouth, realizing he was talking with his usual male voice, instead of talking with the feminine tone he used those times before he talked.

Chirin cocked his head to the side.

"So...you're not a girl?" he asked naively. There was a pause...

"That's okay!" he said brightly. "You're not the only one who's gender isn't right." he said pointing towards Za. "Besides, it doesn't matter. We're all here to look after each other, so there's nothing wrong with it!" he smiled.
Yukim turned to Chirin, looking a bit insecure, but it turned into a smile, "heh, that's good to know!" He then turned to Tigerflame again, "Now, what did you say I could help with?"

((I want to make another character.
Name: Vajra.
Gender: Male
Species: Gardevoir(lolwut)
Allegiance: Water(hunter)
Biography: Born in the Water Clan, Vajra, has always wore a scarf over his eyes, he says that he is blind due his eyes stuck in a position where only his scleras visible, yet he has NEVER showed his eyes. Despite this, he uses his psychic abilities to sense his surroundings(Somewhat like the marvel hero Daredevil) This gave him some respect, and ended up being a hunter, due his advantages of being able to feel the presence of anyone around him, and as well being able to accurately tell which Pokémon it is.
Personality: PO'ed.
Quirk(s): Blind, but isn't exiled because of it, since he can use his psychic abilities to "see"
Other: :D
Stormfeather flew back into the camp.
"I didn't find much interesting things, and- oh, who's this?" She flicked her tail at the Zangoose.
Tigerflame replied, "We could gather berries for the rest of the clan. Would you like to do that?"

Then he turned to Stormfeather. "She says she doesn't remember her name very well, and she won't tell us. But I'm not going to force her."

The Cat Ferret Pokémon's fur was ruffled as she slept across the camp from Tigerflame, Stormfeather and Yukim.

((Accepted, Male Gardevoir.))
"I could do that right now" He said, "I never get any sleep at night what so ever" He flew up, and quickly got to a nearby bush and began looking for berries, and flew deeper into the shrubbery to look for more.
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"All right. First we need Oran berries," Tigerflame said. "I might know where a patch of berries are. Follow me."

He beckoned to Yukim, then headed out of the camp.
((Male Gardevoir, the same thing happened with Philly. PLEASE TELL ME WHEN YOU WANT A MAJOR PLOT EVENT TO HAPPEN INSTEAD OF JUST DOING IT WHILE I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON! For now, it will be cancelled.))

Ashi was still sleeping soundly, but she did not dream. That was the bad thing. Could she dream? Could she even feel emotions?

Yes, that was in check.
((Male Gardevoir, the same thing happened with Philly. PLEASE TELL ME WHEN YOU WANT A MAJOR PLOT EVENT TO HAPPEN INSTEAD OF JUST DOING IT WHILE I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON! For now, it will be cancelled.))

Ashi was still sleeping soundly, but she did not dream. That was the bad thing. Could she dream? Could she even feel emotions?

Yes, that was in check.


((Please do not be sarcastic with me like that.))

Ruby asked, "Tigerflame, where are you going?"

"To get some berries with Yukim," the Combusken replied. Then he turned to the Froslass.

Tigerflame began to head towards an orange-leafed tree nearby with round, blue berries. "This should be it," he said to himself, plucking a berry. "Yes, this is correct." For a moment, he analyzed it, before picking the rest of the berries.
((Because I love all your RP's))

"Personally I prefer these" Yukim said, holding up yellow berry, "But that's just me" he chewed at the berry, while looking for some oran berries.
((Male Gardevoir, the same thing happened with Philly. PLEASE TELL ME WHEN YOU WANT A MAJOR PLOT EVENT TO HAPPEN INSTEAD OF JUST DOING IT WHILE I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON! For now, it will be cancelled.))

((Then, can we have a major plot event?))

Stormfeather flew back up to her den, and looked down at the others picking berries. She had eaten before going to Center Hollow, so she'd be fine for a while. Stormfeather turned and started to preen her feathered wings.
((How do you want to introduce Vajra?))

Tigerflame replied, "We might need Rawst berries, too. Just in case there's a forest fire or something. Sitrus berries are a good idea, also. We should get some." He began getting some off the tree.
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