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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

((Wait whut?))

Haktor sighed. Quite a lot of Pokemon had already went into the tunnel, and, from what he can tell, there was a fight going on in there. He rolled his eyes as a few Digletts popped out of the ground, then back in again. "Thought so. There's always Pokemon in tunnels." He turned to face the other Pokemon who hadn't gone into the tunnel yet. "I say that we get going already and stop wasting time here already."

The Charizard grunted in reply. "I personally don't want the clans attacking while we're just lolling around and not doing anything." He spread his wings and took off into the air, and Haktor followed suit.

"Anyone with us?"
Varnal nodded in agreement, flying back into the air. "Really, it was just foolish to get sidetracked in there like that. It's not our responsibility to know what a group of Digletts are doing, as long as they're not taking orders from one of the Clans." He continued alongside Haktor and Blast.
((Uhh, I'll try and fit in with this.))

Lucienne buzzed after Varnal, nodding her head in agreement, though not exactly knowing what she was agreeing to.
"What if they are taking orders from another Clan?" She asked, not speaking directly to anyone.
"Then we should get out of here as fast as we can," Haktor said to Lucienne. "Because they might alert the Clans and we'll be in deep trouble. Very deep trouble indeed." He and Blast continued to fly east. The other Pokemon should be able to take care of themselves, and it's not like they can deal much damaged to the Digletts.
Lucienne nodded to Haktor, scanning the ground below. She wondered how the others would deal against the Diglett; there had been a few in the Earth Clan that had been her friends. But now, it seemed a long time ago. They were no longer friends, but now enemies. Everyone back at home - no, it wasn't home anymore - was an enemy.
New character. :D

Name: Ashi. Her name is not widely known, however, so most just refer to her as "the loner Zangoose."
Gender: Female
Species: Zangoose
Allegiance: Former Earth
Biography: While in the Earth clan, she learned many offensive and defensive moves, almost all physical. She was one of the best fighters.
However, what had gotten her exiled was her nature. She hadn't learned very good social skills, first of all. She was also sassy, always talking back and arguing. Most misunderstood her because they thought she was trying to boss others around, but she was really just trying to prove that she wasn't as wimpy as she appeared. After all, even though she was the leader's daughter, she was born small, and everyone thought she was weak. She had tried to prove herself, but everyone had taken it the wrong way. Her father was rather soft on her, so he couldn't think of a way to punish her but exile her.
Now, this was rather a problem, because at the moment, she had a crush on a Leafeon in the clan. So, when she was exiled, her heart was broken as she was forced to silently say goodbye to the Leafeon. She had never known his name, and only looked at him from afar, but it was still tough from her. From then on, she was a rogue in the territories, surviving by mysteriously killing prey, even if it was a member of a clan, when she was hungry. As she lived her life unseen and in darkness, the shadows shrouded her and mutated her fur, causing the red to become a dark purple, her claws bloodstained.
Personality: Ashi doesn't really know how to interact with others. She doesn't have much positive emotion in her, and has almost completely forgotten about the Leafeon. He only remains as a shadow in her mind that triggers no emotion. She acts independent and mostly stands alone from others. She's cowardly under her ambitiousness and irritableness. It's hard to encourage Ashi, and she particularly doesn't like it when others try to cheer her up. At the same time, she's easily discouraged, and it's tough to get her out. She prefers to stay away from others, and not be seen. She's been following the Darkness clan for some time, and has apparently gained a crush on Tigerflame. He's pretty much the only one that would be able to cheer her up when she's discouraged, but of course, he doesn't know that yet.
Quirk(s): Her attitude is really what got her exiled, but she gained the purple color after staying outside of her clan and, most importantly to her, her few friends.
Other: When her mouth is too dry, she licks her claws to get the taste of blood into her mouth.

All right, we're at the camp, okay?


It was beautiful. There was a hollow that would fit all of them, with many places for dens. Ruby gazed for a moment at it, twitching her ears at the Pidgeys' song.

Tigerflame was the first to step forward. The wide dip in the ground was grassy, with stone walls surrounding three sides. There were many, many areas for dens, including in the midle of the camp.
The Combusken nodded approvingly. "Darkness clan, looks like we've arrived."

Ashi shivered. These were the exiles, and with them, Tigerflame. He had stripes all over him, like a Purugly, sort of. She had seen him use his flame, and it was amazing. Not even the Blaziken used Ember like he did...

She licked her right claws once, and backed away slightly. There was something in the tree behind her. It was some prey, she hoped, because her belly was starting to growl. Luckily, she was pretty far away from the others, and her scent was downwind. Carefully, she circled around to the other side of the oak, and used her claws to scale the tree.

When she pulled her right paw out the second time, there was a yellow liquid on it.

Delicious... honey.

She quietly slurped it up and continued, finally leaping at the Taillow. Neither it nor she made any sound as it was killed with a bite to the neck, and the shadowy Zangoose nibbled on the bird, hidden in the leaves.
Stormfeather stepped ahead of Tigerflame, and went into the dip in the ground. She looked around in awe, and flew to the stone walls.
"This is great," she yelled, and grinned at the others.
((Did you base it off of the ThunderClan camp in the lake territory? =3))
((As a matter of fact, I think I did.))

Ruby said, "I think everyone should find dens. There are plently of holes in the wall, big enough even for a Salamence, and perhaps you could find one that you like. We'll add bedding later."

The Delcatty had her eye on a hole a few feet up that was on the left side. It was perfect, and it would be fairly easy to climb up.

There was a hole in the top that Tigerflame was looking at, but it was large and shoud probably be saved for Stormfeather. Instead, he went towards one on the bottom that was near the outside edge of the camp, facing the entrance.

Ashi watched as a few Combee flew out of the uncovered hive. Thankfully, they did not sting her, and instead, floated towards the group of other Pokemon, particularly the Vespiquen, humming, "We've lost our queen, we've lost our queen..."

Ashi hoped it wasn't her fault. But then again, she had only felt honey.

She climbed down from the tree and hid behind it, watching the Combusken from a distance. She had overheard someone calling him "Tigerflame..."
Za heard voices. They were tiny and many.

"We've lost our queen," they buzzed. "We've lost our queen, we've lost our queen...."

"Is it just me or are those real Combee?" he asked. "I HAVE A QUEEN!" he shouted, and pointed to the honeycombs beneath his "dress" which he was never embarrassed about.
((BTW, Salamences aren't that big. 4'11", to be exact. XD))
Stormfeather looked at the hole Tigerflame had glanced at, and flew up to check it out. It was pretty big, probably enough to fit her. It would probably work for her, she decided. Storm turned around, sat and poked her head out of the den, and watched the others find their own dens.
Chirin hopped off Storm's back.

"Thank you so much!" he said sincerely as he scooped up a few mouthfuls of grass. Afterwards, he saw a rocky overhang, and decided it would make a good den. He settled underneath it.

He watched as several Combee gathered near Za. He smiled. Maybe now he'll feel a bit more comfortable.
"Can you help us?" The lead Combee asked.

"We lost our queen," the others hummed again. And if one was to look, it was quite obvious that there were, oddly, no females in the group.

Ruby grinned, waiting for everyone else to choose their den. Tigerflame sat outside his den.

Shyly, Ashi held her back to the tree, watching. They didn't seem hostile, but....

She shivered. For now, she would leave them alone. With a silent sigh, she got onto four legs and strode off deeper into the surrounding forest. She had no den, really, but she had learned to sleep in trees when there was no threat of a storm.
Kyo immediately started exploring, a search that was well worth it.
She came across a small den, covered in sand at the bottom, like the sand that had covered her nest back at the Water Clan. The walls and ceiling were rocky like the den she had used to live in.
But what really caught her attention was a small trickle of water coming from between two of the rocks, pouring down like a tiny waterfall and forming a small pool at the far left side of the cave. The pattering was comforting; not quite like a river, but it was still water.
There must be some kind of river or something nearby, she realized.
It was perfect for her.

((Er... I hope that wasn't godmodding))
"Thank you, miss!" The first one said. They all flew into Za's honeycomb, which might have been rather awkward if one didn't have much knowledge of a Vespiquen...
"What would you think if a male Vespiquen came along?" he asked them, trying to sound as if he was joking but wanting them to answer anyway. He didn't say that he was a "mister."
Haktor landed on the ground. The camp was beautiful, he must admit, and it was a perfect hideout; there were plenty of food, water, and shelter, and it's far away from the other Clans.

A perfect place to build an army.

The Skarmory dipped his beak into the moist, rich soil. There's definitely a nice water source around here, and the rocks looked promising, like a nice den could be built there. He took off and landed on the top of the stone wall. It was good, strong stone, and nice and flat and right under the sky. It was a perfect place for a nest. Haktor sighed contently, worries and plans forgotten for the moment.

Blast, too, landed at the site. It was perfect; maybe a bit too wet, but he was sure that he can find a nice, dry hollow... Ah-ha! The Charizard peered into the cave. It was pretty dark, and the musty smell promised him that no water will be getting in there anytime soon. The Charizard walked into the cave, his tail flame lighting up the interior.

It was a big cave, and Blast found that he could fit in it comfortably. "This is like a dream... " he muttered, and felt truly happy for the first time in many, many, years.
there was no threat of a storm.

((Wrong. There is always the threat of a storm. Specifically, the Storm.))
Stormfeather watched the Combees fly up Za's 'dress', and she winced. That image would never leave her mind... From what she understood about Combee and Vespiquen though, that was completely normal. Either way, Storm was deeply disturbed. She launched herself out of the den, and landed on the ground.
"I'm going around to see the territory, and maybe get an idea for a scent marker," she told the others. "Be back soon." With that, Stormfeather flew into the surrounding trees.
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