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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

"Most definitely," said Za, and raised his uninjured hand.


Perzhan gazed up at the sky. "The sun. It weeps. It sheds blood."
Stormfeather flew back at Tigerflame's scream, and looked down at the hole he had fallen into.
"Great job," she laughed. "And do you think I'd fit in there?" She jumped down, getting through by a inch. "Well, I guess I do." She looked up at the others.
Blast and Haktor landed next to the hole. The Skarmory peered inside cautiously, then looked at Blast. "Really though. I don't exactly feel safe going into a hole in the ground."

Blast grunted in agreement. "Too many problems with this. First of all, we don't know where it leads. Secondly, it might lead to nowhere at all, and we'll have to come back. And, while we're in the tunnel and someone attacks, we're doomed. Quite a lot of us are too big to turn around in this tunnel, and won't be able to do anything if someone shoots a Hyperbeam from behind."

"And the tunnel might collapse. Or we may run out of air. Or maybe it's a trap and there's some Pokemon hiding inside, waiting to ambush us. Really, you might want to think twice before entering the tunnel," Haktor finished. Really, Flying Pokemon aren't supposed to go underground. He felt claustrophobia setting in just by looking at that dark tunnel.
"Fine. Anyone who wants to stay behind can," Ruby said. Every once in a while, I'll dig an escape route, just in case. And it won't collapse the tunnel."

Tigerflame nodded. "I'll lead through it. Ruby, why don't you stand guard in front of it?"

Ruby nodded. "We might need someone else to do it, since I can't catch up with the others all that fast, but I guess I'll be fine. After all, I can run fast enough. But should we really stop at this hole?"

At a closer glance, there were many holes all around. "What is this, a Diglett colony?" Ruby asked, annoyed.
"If you need it," Chirin piped up, "I can provide some light. Watch."

The green ball on his tail flickered a few times, then gave a steady, bright glow.
Stormfeather shrugged.
"I'm completely fine with making idiotic decisions," she said. "It's actually pretty fun. I might be able to turn around, so I'm fine being near the front, or the middle."
((Random fact: Salamence is 4"11", and is just a bit taller than me. Salamence's Japanese name is Boomanda. Fwee~))
((We've found a series of cave systems, and are now going through them. A few of us are outside, I think only Ruby, and we're all inside... Yeah. Or right outside.))

((Only Tigerflame is inside at the moment.))

Tigerflame watched as Inferno entered. "So you're going to come in with me? I'll agree to that. Anyone else?"

"But wait!" Ruby said. "This is a Diglett colony! Are you sure you won't get into trouble with a Dugtrio or something?"
"There must be hundreds, maybe thousands of them," Tigerflame pointed out.

It was true. There was a hole practically every three feet for a range the size of at least half a territory.

"What is this, a new Clan?" Ruby joked.
"You really think you can godmode that much without getting caught you'll be able to do that against thousands of Ground-types?" Za asked.

((I strikethroughed the strikethroughed part because i didn't want to "break the fourth wall" as Darksong taught me what that means.))
"OK, fine, I'm not that strong and we need some help. You guys wanna give us a helping hand, or are you just gonna sit up there on your as- I mean butts?"

((How do you do strikethrough?))
((Like this: [S]text[/S] becomes text))

Tigerflame shrugged. "We probably just want to get out of here before we anger anybody. There could be an earthquake."
((C'mon, start the Za epicness back up already! DDD:[/halfsarcastic]))

Za hovered a bit higher. "Ground doesn't affect flying~"
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