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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

((Whoooaaaaa... What just happened?))

Blast and Haktor landed near the defeated Fire Clan and the group of Pokemon. They saw the fight from the air, but it was over before they landed. And... Someone seemed dead.

"What just happened?" Haktor asked, a bit annoyed. He was a bit glad that they had finished off the Fire Clan without him, since, being part both Steel and Flying type, he's not very happy with the thought of battling Fire and Electric Pokemon. However...

The two flying Pokemon walked towards the group of Pokemon. "Great Arceus..." Blast muttered as he saw Shelly's body. "What happened...?"
((We fought Fire Clan, and Philly killed off Shelly. The end.
By the way, to everyone, I'm leaving for tonight. Byes~))
Kyo had not had a difficult time in the battle; she was a Water type, after all.
She was, however, shocked by the death of Shelly. As Inferno spread her ashes over the scene in grief, she caught a few in her mitten-like hand. She felt a great loss, despite how they hadn't even spoken to each other directly.
"She was a traitor. She never wanted to help us. She wasn't even an exile. It was a trick, and I fell right into it."
Chirin looked a bit sad, though the revelation of a traitor in their midst did set him off balance. This'll sure make Za feel better about trusting us...
Ruby let a tear slip from her eye, and lowered her head for a moment. Then, she slowly continued, but stayed close to Tigerflame and Za.
Varnal also landed near the others, having seen what happened from the air. "Poor, misguided fool." He then turned to Za and spoke to him, not really in a comforting style, but more of a brutally honest way. He didn't really do comforting. "I've noticed you still don't care for this group, despite us being willing to put our own lives on the line to help protect you. You know what, why don't you crawl back whining to your mother... oh wait, she shunned you. Everyone you ever knew or cared about has rejected you for the simple act of living. We're the only ones who don't see you as just a mistake. You're unique, just like everyone here. So I hope you can quit complaining about 'untrue allies' or about some silly ceremony so we can get back to what matters... our hopes and dreams for the future. Let's get going." He then took off back into the air, not really giving any time for response.
Chirin winced, but smiled inside. That is what he'd tried to tell Za in the first place, but Varnal had said it much better than he ever could, albeit a bit more brutally.

He shot Za a look that said "See? I told you." and went to follow the Flygon.

"It probably would be a good idea to leave now, in case any more show up." he said.
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Yukim had been watching the whole battle silently, being a ice Pokémon made him unable to do much against the Fire enemies, without saying a word he flew after the rest of the group.
Za flinched, and hoped that Ruby would retort for him. Being the opinion scapegoat, he couldn't think of a reply.
Varnal glanced back, giving a slight growl. "Am I supposed to care about that? It's very simple. If you have a problem, you work to resolve the problem. If you don't have a problem, then you don't worry about it. Now tell me, and speak up... do either of you have a problem with anyone here?"
"That's probably what they want to do," Za whispered to Ruby. He spoke up.

"If you want me to shape up, it's best you leave me alone. I'm not going to leave this group because of the words from some Pokemon's mouth. We were all shunned by our mothers, so you're proving my point. I'd like you to stop this." He knew the best way to keep peace in an argument: ask someone politely but firmly to stop, and that's just what he did.
Ruby nodded. She said so that no one but Za could hear, "They just believe in a silly blood thing, while the Fire clan has probably heard nothing of it. We should just leave them alone, too."
Blast sighed and took off, following the Flygon. Better not let the Fire Clan see him, or else he's going to be in big trouble...

Haktor looked at Shelly's remains disdainfully. "Traitor..." He muttered. "She deserved what was coming." With that, Haktor, too, took off and flew after Varnal.
((Sorry I was gone for a while, my cats chewed all our adaptors for the laptops at home. Can someone please tell me what's happened while I was gone?))
Suddenly, Tigerflame "disappeared" with a scream. Ruby rushed over to where he last was and called, "Are you all right?" He had fallen down a hole.

"Yes, I am, but there's some kind of passage down here!" Tigerflame yelled. "I was careless and tumbled down, but the slope is shallow enough for everyone to walk down, and I'm sure everyone would fit."

Ruby nodded and turned to the others. "Should we check?"
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