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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

Chirin gritted his teeth. He was getting very frustrated with Za. He spends all his time sulking and never talks to any of us! He turned to face him.

"Look, none of us knew exactly what the point of that was, but what's done is done!" he said angrily, "Put it behind you already! The clans are already onto us, and if we might kill you, they definitely will, and you stand no chance against them if you're on your own!" His eyes softened a bit, as to not scare him too much, "You may not feel safe with us, but we're all you've got now, so I suggest you get comfortable and open up a bit more."

He turned his head away, "Besides, how many times have I promised that I would protect you should anyone threaten you? I really meant that, you know..."
Za looked up, but didn't respond. Again, he wanted to say that they weren't his true allies, but that would cause something that wouldn't turn out well.
"He doesn't need to talk if he doesn't want to," Ruby hissed softly. "If he's upset, that's okay!"

Tigerflame still hopped on the trail.
Inferno stopped in the forest, waiting tor the rest to catch up. He saw Za standing there, moping. He ran back, at full speed. "Za, I am tired of this 'I'm so sad, I gave my blood' buisness. Either you contribute and pull your own weight or I will kill you where you stand." he said, raising an flared wrist.
Stormfeather nodded.
"I agree with Inferno. Za, it's a cut, you'll heal. Deal with it, you've have worse before, definitely. Come on," she muttered, and flew ahead.
"Stop harassing him!" Ruby hissed. "He can have his own opinions!" She glared at the two that had gotten angry at Za.
Za grunted in his mind, and silently thanked Ruby. She had known his sadness; not all the way, but at least a bit. The others didn't understand; they were blind to the fact that the only thing that brought them together was a drop of blood from each of them. No relationships, nothing. Most of them weren't true allies. He was cheered up a bit by Ruby.
Inferno raised his other arm at Ruby. "You are defending this dead weight? He will only slow us down if he is allowed to continue like this. Maybe you need some convincing also?"
"Don't even try," said Za quietly. He spoke up and held his undamaged hand in front of Ruby.

"Stop. It will only hinder us more if we fight. If we go on now, we could very well avoid an attack that could be coming in our direction."
((We've taken this too far, don't you think? Stop antagonizing Za. *coughfornowcough* >=D))

Stormfeather looked down at the Pokemon on the ground.
"Hurry up," she yelled.
"Fine. But this isn't over. If you continue to be a stick in the mud, I WILL kill you." Inferno said, and ran off.
Ruby hissed a final warning before continuing. He definitely wouldn't be leader...

"Za, I don't believe in it either. You can tell me. It's better, because if you don't... My brother used to say 'they will burst,' and I think he means it's unhealthy."

Tigerflame continued to look ahead. "I think we should be turning east now. Ruby, how's the scent?"

"Fire scent is fading," Ruby called.
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"Whose-a-what?" asked Za. He was confused by Ruby's fast talk, and shook his head. He started talking, and the words spilled out of his mouth like water pouring over a cliff. "The only thing that links most of us is a drop of blood. It's not right. That dot could mean the difference between life and death. We only have a couple of relationships among the group, and those are negative ones. Unless we linked our hearts together from the start, which we didn't, we'll only be specks of dust happening to float together, not buildings forming a city that won't give up."
And then something horrible happened. A large group of fire type Pokemon jumped out from nowhere. And leading them was... Shelly. She was traitorous. She had tipped off the fire clan, and most likely, the Wind Clan. Inferno jumped at her, and she managed to stop him for a second, but he got to her, and managed one slash before a Typhlosion jumped on his back and Shelly flew away. "Za, Ruby, Prove your loyalty, Help defeat them!" Inferno yelled.
((Philly, that's starting an event without me. Please go back to before this happened, and tell me if you want something important to happen.))
((Sorry, I never read a notice that we're not allowed to make stuff happen. Can this happen? I wanna get rid of Shelly in a dramatic manner, and maybe this would make Za more loyal to the group.))
((Yup. We can do it, though, just let me start it. Remember, just because you are a co-DM does not mean that you don't have to tell me about events.))

Suddenly, Ruby caught a scent in the air, and it wasn't good.

"The Fire clan!" Ruby cried. "And they're attacking from behind!"

She whirled around and used Ice Beam on the leader, a Dragonite. It held back, but the rest charged. One Arcanine tried to tackle Za, but Ruby shielded him.
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