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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

"So, when will we go west? I believe that we should eat our fill and then go." he said, and then picked up a starly and started going to town.

(west? town? errrr...)

Varnal let Lucy keep the Staravia, and found one more creature lying fainted on the ground, recognizing it as the Fearow that had hurt him. He gave a toothy grin and picked it up, deciding to eat it whole. He bent its long neck back so its head faced backwards, then stuffed it neck-first into his mouth. It was a little big, but he managed to swallow it without too much difficulty.
"Tell us when you're all ready to go, and we'll head out. But let's hurry now.. .we don't know when more Airs, or another clan, will find us."
Lucy seemed to be in the same predicament he was in, Haktor noted. He actually felt a bit of sympathy for her. "The Earth Clan and the Air Clan had a fight a while ago, and both clans drove us Skarmorys out because we are both Flying and Steel type," Haktor spat, angered by the memory, "Who did those bastards think they are?"

Blast, who had been silent during the conversation, spoke up. "I think we should leave now, before anything else finds us. Anyhow, I'm ready to go."
((Sorry, again, I meant East. And going to town=eating ravenously.))
"I'm ready to go too, so let's get a move on." He finished his starly in one more bite.
((How many times have I said that WE DID NOT KILL THEM! There were only two that were dead, and the rest were knocked out but managed to escape!))

"Now would be the best time," Ruby said. She began her climb up the cliff side, while Tigerflame made it in one leap.
The Vibrava took another bite of the Staravia, ignoring the feathers. Another couple a big bites and it was almost gone. Lucienne tore into it again, antennae brushing the carcass. She noticed Varnal stuff the Fearow into his mouth and swallow. She didn't dare try to do that, but instead ate without chewing. She felt the food slid down her throat with ease, but then feel like it was scraping her chest. It hurt badly, so she just decided to start chewing again.
The Staravia was finished with a few extra bites, and Lucienne licked her lips. "I think I'm ready to head out," She chirped.

Kyuub followed the scent of blood. Suddenly, she came into an area where there were lots of dead bird Pokémon laying on the bloodied ground. Further away, she could hear voices.

"... more Airs, or another clan, will find us."

What? Who were that? Enemies? No, probably not, looking at the Pokémon bodies around her, they were at least enemies with the Air Clan. Another one of the clans?

The red Kitsune Pokémon decided to get a little closer to the voices. She silently leaped into a bush and laid her stomach flat on the ground, then she slowly began crawling closer.

"... ready to go."
The voices began getting louder as she crawled.

"... ready to head out,"
Yukim had been watching quietly most of the time, he never used to say much either way, the less he said, the safer his identity was, still he was hoping someone would talk to him, he wanted to know those around him better.
"Who said you were leader?" said Za. There was a bit of hostility in his voice as he shot it towards Inferno.
"Hey! We need to do this with as little fighting as possible! For now, we just have to leave! We could be found out any minute!" Chirin shouted over the bickering.

((Last post. See ya later. Remember, assume I go where you go.))
Other exiles! Kyuub thought excitedly. She almost jumped out from the bush she was hiding behind, but then began to think. Wait? What if they are hostile, still? I mean, look what they've done to those bird Pokémon. She turned her head to look at the nasty scene, and...

Dunk, rustle, rustle...

Kyuub's head had banged into a tree branch. Oh no! Now the Pokémon are going to find me! She almost panicked, but managed to keep still, somehow. Oh shit oh shit oh shit...
"Hey! We don't know whether it's an enemy or an ally!" Ruby hissed.

"Please, show yourself," Tigerflame said softly. "We won't harm you."
Lucienne faced the tree also.
"Please, come out so we can see if you're friend or foe!" She called up, adding a friendly tone to coax the stranger out of the tree.
Blast faced the bush. Really, crowding around a newcomer isn't the best way to greet them. "Honestly, we really should be leaving. Come with us if you want. But be warned, if you try to attack us, we will fight back." With that, the Charizard took off. He flew to the top of the valley and hovered there, looking over the new Clan. He then scanned the horizon worriedly. The news of Air Clan's defeat should be reaching the other Clans soon.
Varnal looked over at the new Ninetales exile, and lifted himself up in the air. "All right... we'll meet again at the top." He started to fly up, out of the ravine.
Haktor looked around. "Anyone needs a ride should speak up right now, before Blast leaves," he called out loudly. Haktor wasn't big enough to carry anyone for very far, but he can fly up and call Blast down to help some of the fellow exiles.
((Kali, Kyuub has not shown herself yet.))

"Meep." Kyuub poked her head out of the bush slowly. "I'm a friend, a fellow exile..." She said shyly. "Who are you?" She asked and stepped out of the bush, slightly nervous. Her nine tales waved a little bit, then lowered themselves to the ground, to show how Kyuub was feeling; nervous and afraid.

((Now she has))
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Storm dipped her head.
"I'm Stormfeather, or Storm. We're exiles, obviously, and we're going to leave soon. I suggest coming, and if you need a ride, I'm temporarily willing to provide one."

((Damn I missed a bit. So, we were discussing leaving, but haven't exactly left yet, yes? Some of us are in the air or already moving from what I read on this page. Anything I missed..))
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