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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

((That's all right. I don't know what "inconsequential" means, but I'm sure that it's not as bad as it sounds.))

Ruby nodded. "I promise you that if you are one of the exiles, we will not harm you for the time being." Perhaps she shouldn't have added that....

Tigerflame stepped up. "What she's trying to say is, don't worry. My friend Ruby has never been good with words."
((That's all right. I feel unimportant in most RPs, but perhaps I could find a way to make us all important by giving us different jobs in the Darkness clan.))
Za didn't turn to face the Froslass. He stared into the distance, eyes once again clouded with despair. He wanted a friend here, and he had basically bought allies with his own blood. They weren't true allies, were they, if someone did something like that to get them?
Ruby noticed that Za didn't look happy. "Is something wrong?" She asked, placing the end of her tail on his shoulder.

((Why do I always imagine Za with dark glasses like Shino?))
Chirin noticed a tiny sigh come from the Vespiquen. Enough is enough... He left the Frosslass and let the others take care of it.

"Za, I know you're upset about something," he said innocently, "Please, you can tell me what's wrong. I won't hurt you."
Za turned around and held up his cut hand. That should tell them, he thought. I don't feel like talking right now...
"Something about the blood?" Ruby asked. "I don't really like it either. I didn't know what it meant..."

Tigerflame didn't seem to notice their talk.
Za didn't answer, and lowered his hand. His eyes fell to his other one, which was still slightly bloodstained. He turned around again, gazing at the looming canyon walls.
Chirin looked at the scratch on his left ankle. To be honest, he wasn't really sure why he did it, either. It just seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Why do I always do things without thinking?

"I think it was just to show our dedication to each other or something," he said, uncertainly. "But don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you if you're unsure about this. We've all we've got now, so you can trust us. Or me, at least." he smiled brightly at Za, hoping desperately to cheer him up.
"Everyone deserves to be in the Darkness clan. We have no reason to drive you out," Ruby said.

"When should we leave?" Tigerflame asked, interrupting. "As soon as these newcomers are taken care of in one way or another?"

Ruby nodded. "That should do."
Za looked at the smile, but didn't seem fazed.

"We're buying each other with our own blood," he said. "It's not right."
"I think it was just a symbol, and not really an actual seal," Chirin added, his smile faltering from Za's gaze. "It must be a Flygon thing, because I'd never heard of it, either."
(first off, I didn't at first intend to use the blood thing for this reason, but it caught on before I knew it, so I went with it. It's not supposed to be magical, just a symbol of our devotion and friendship to each other and to our cause... like we're all one big family.)

Varnal appeared over the hollow, and noticed a creature buzzing toward it. At first he thought it was a yanma or something, a remnant from the air clan... but then he took a closer look, and his eyes opened wide. It reminded him of none other than himself when he was younger... A vibrava? "... Hello there..." He found himself hardly even able to speak.
Lucienne noticed the large creature flying up towards her, thinking maybe she should turn around so that she wouldn't end up like the Air Clan. As she turned her back, she heard it say hello in somewhat surprised tone. Turning around again, she responded with a similar, simple, "Hello to you also."
His huge green body and tail ending in a fan surrounded by red dazzled her. What kind of Pokemon was this? He had the same shield covering his eyes also, instead they were red instead of green. He even had similar wings, instead he had only two and they were green surrounded by red.
"I am" Yukim answered him after a being silent for a while, "From the water clan"
He talked with a feminine voice, too pretend he was a female, he was actually a bit ashamed for being a male Froslass, and tried to keep it hidden. he flew closer to the group, and introduced himself. "I'm Yukim, nice to meet you"
Varnal stared at the newcomer Vibrava, seemingly fascinated by her. "... I'm Varnal. Who are you? I haven't seen one like you before since..." He found he had trouble finishing his sentence... his mind was racing for some reason.
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