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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

((Bye people, checking out for tonight. If you leave, I'm with you, any fights break out, I'm there.))
((God, you people have no life. Wait, I don't either! Well, now. What to post and not sound dumb because I missed 7 pages..))

((Aye, we seem to have a lot of no-lifers. I actually went out and ate today, then worked on a project, then ate a bunch, then went to Dave & Buster's...

I've read over the posts, but could someone explain nonetheless?))
((We met in a canyon, got attacked by flying types who are now either away or unconscious, and we're discussing something.))
((Whether to go east or not. All in favor of sneaking east and finding a territory past the Water and Air clans' territory, say "aye." That's pretty much the discussion.))
((Sorry I haven't posted yet, I was too busy Thanksgiving-ing. Can I please have a summary of what's happened?))
(( The good guys had a meeting. The air clan attacked, we slaughtered them, and now we are debating on what we should do next. Namely what Darksong just said.))
((Uh, okay.))

The buzzing of Vibrava wings was undetected by the few wild Pokemon below, high above all treetops. The one with the four dragonfly-like wings soared towards Center Hollow, where a meeting was supposedly planned between the exiled from other Clans. Lucienne blinked behind the shield-like covering over her eyes. The scent of dead Pokemon hit her nose; the scent of the Air Clan. The dragonfly swooped in for a closer look, getting ever-so-closer to Center Hollow.
((No snow yet, but it was a day ago, and probably later today.))
Storm flipped her tail to the side, and preened her wings. She heard a faint buzzing, but passed it off as the breeze.
(To answer an old discussion, Varnal knows most of them are still alive, but he wouldn't care. Killing them now, and eating some of them would take care of two issues at the same time... reduce Air Clan troops and feed them for their journey. He's more dark-tempered, but also practical.)

Varnal stood silent for a while. It had been a long time since he had left his territory, and now they were asking him to completely give up his home and move. Finally, after some thought, he replied. "All right. I just have one request though... that we travel through Air Clan territory to reach the mountains. I would prefer not to announce our presence to yet another clan so quickly, and, well truthfully their lands feel more comfortable to me." He suddenly looked up, and started to fly upward, hearing something in the air. Another Air Clan member? This sounds different though... more familiar... He remained holding onto the Staravia, however.
Gervais slid down into the pit again. He noticed something flittering in the air on his way down.
"Sounds good to me", he agreed when Varnal announced his idea.
He heard buzzing, "Anybody else hear that?"
He turned to look back a thte way he came, and still noticed that something flying about.
You don't mind I sign up now, right?
Name: Yukim
Gender: Male
Species: Froslass
Allegiance: former water
Biography: Was a respected fighter in the water clan as a Snorunt, but lost during a fight with enemy Aggron(which the Aggron won quite easy), after the fight, the Aggron force-fed(seriously, he showed his hand down yukim's throat) him with a dawn stone, which somehow caused him to evolve.
Personality: Quite, often pretends to be female to spy/just not reveal his identity
Quirk(s): Being a male Froslass.
Other: Males/females being female/male only evolutions is quite popular here, isn't it?
((Accepted! :D))

Ruby thought a moment, and then nodded. "So we travel through Air territory, then go around Fire territory? It would be about a mile and three-quarters, but I guess we can handle this. We were only exiled this morning, right?"

Tigerflame nodded. "At least we were..."
((Male Gardevoir, are you a REAL transvestite? Is that legal?))
"OK, so we go through air territory. I can run fast, so I won't need to fly."
((Thanks, Also, I didn't read through all eleven pages, so I'm not sure where the characters are just now))

((Male Gardevoir, are you a REAL transvestite? Is that legal?))
"OK, so we go through air territory. I can run fast, so I won't need to fly."
((No, I just have really long hair, and I actually like a lot of the female only-evolutions, Froslass/Vespiquen for example, I was thinking of being a Shedinja or Banette in this RP, but decided not to))

Yukim hovered over the ground silently, he turned around, and looked back at the water territory, "I guess they don't need me anymore, what so ever" He picked a berry from a bush and ate it, then yawned, "I haven't slept in several days" He told himself, while getting closer to the central hollow.
((I have long hair too, in fact, from behind, I have been mistaken for a girl.))
Inferno heard a pokemon talking to himself. He jumped up from the pit and saw a Froslass. "Who are you, and what clan do you belong to?" he asked, redying to fight, in case it was an enemy.
Chirin slowly approached the Frosslass. He was gentle, but still tightened his muscles in cas e he had to fight.

"I-if you're an exile, like us, you can come out." he said, "We won't hurt you."

((Damn, I feel almost inconsequential in this RP. ._. That's what I get for being gone so much.))
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