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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

Za shrugged. "I'm alright." He wasn't really, but it was hard to tell it from his voice.

((Never mind, epicness is over. I gotta think about this...))
((Wow, I missed so much. It's kind of hard for me to take in....>_O))

"Okay..." Chirin shrugged, but still looked nervous. He knew that Za was hiding something, but maybe that was a discussion for another time.

"So where do we go from here?" he asked everyone, "I didn't quite catch the discussion you had earlier."
"We haven't made up our minds yet," Ruby lamented. "But if we stay here, the Air clan will warn the rest of the clans, and we'll probably be killed. If we sneak east while we're still mysterious to the other clans, we can get past their territory."
((And east would be past all the Clans? Through some territory? Where...))
Stormfeather nodded, turning her head east.
"I'd be nice to go soon, I want to get in the air."

EDIT: Effing Postninjas. Storm agrees.
((Mmm, no, I's Canadian. The Air Clan attacked, we're voting to go east. Say yes now. Three cents says I get Postninja'd.))

EDIT: ((I meant thread, which was a typo, I really meant sub-forum, but who checks? Look down the list, the top three last posts.. were mine.))
(( I'm usually the one with all of the top posts. And I was already where I needed to be yesterday, and I ain't leaving till sunday. And Dragonfire, You heard of Rochester, NY, right? Across Lake Ontario?))
East, east... The Water and Fire Clans are in the east.
"...Okay," said Kyo after careful consideration. "I'd prefer to go a bit north, but I'm one person, so."
Hey, how do I talk without a mouth anyway? Am I, like, using an odd, non-mental form of telepathy or something? Hm...
((Nope. Thanksgiving is for sitting in front of the computer all day and stalk threads.))

"The 'aye' thing again, eh..." Haktor muttered to himself. "Some people have no imagination."

Blast shrugged. "Hey, at least we get to fly around a bit. Just go with it." He swished his tail around, excited that he would get to fly for a bit. Sitting around on his butt is getting tiresome.

Haktor rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure. As long as we get to smash some Pokemon butts on the way. Aye."

"Aye." Blast sighed. His lifespan is getting shorter the more he spends time with Haktor. "I can probably carry a few of you guys, for those of you who can't fly. It'll probably be easier this way," the Charizard offered. He had quite a lot of experience carrying things in flight, since he was the only Pokemon that could fly in his Clan.
((Next time instead of Aye it should be Porn. I dunno why that came to my mind. I'm crazy, all that agree say 'Porn'))
((Mmm. It's just a bit weird to see my name/username all over the screen. And yes, I have. I'm across Lake Ontario, too.))
Storm unfolded and folded her wings.
"Well, maybe we could compromise. We could go a bit north, northeast?" She suggested.
((God, you people have no life. Wait, I don't either! Well, now. What to post and not sound dumb because I missed 7 pages..))
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