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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

((Please don't be sarcastic with me. It seems like it would be a few feet to me...
Shelly is a Togetic, correct? That means her psychic powers wouldn't be quite as good as a real Psychic-type's. So, she probably would be able to hold onto the glass, but not for long. About twenty seconds, maybe.))
(Um, I thought only two chunks of the sandstorm got turned, one from a fire blast, and one from a flare blitz, then the rest of it dissipated.)
((Well, the one from the Flare Blitz was a bigger one, since it's a more powerful attack. And this is diameter, not circumference.))
(well, think of it this way then, Philly. If the ball was bigger, like the size of the whole sandstorm, the togetic would have struggled to even keep it from crashing onto the ground and shattering, let alone be able to lift it against enemies.)

Out of the corner of his eye, Varnal saw a nearly transparent ball flying up near him. It only really showed by how it distorted the ground around, below it. He dove off to the side to try to avoid it, and continued his dive back down to the ground, now that the sandstorm was gone.
((A group of Flying, Ghost, Bug and Poison Pokémon, known as the Air clan, are attacking the exiles in the trench.))

Ruby looked up and saw the glass ball. "If you smash it, make sure you do it way off to the side so none of the glass hits us."
Shelly stopped swinging the ball and just held it, struggling to keep it up. "Protect yourselves!" she yelled, and used psychic to make it collapse in upon itself, and then rapidly expanded in a huge explosion.
Kyo crept towards the clearing up ahead where the exiled ones were supposed to meet. She hoped she wasn't late.

Samur, meanwhile, swung his left scythe into one of the trees, trying to be able to cut atleast halfway through it before he rested. It was a smaller tree, with a medium-large trunk. He was satisfied with the way his right scythe worked; he had spent half an hour sharpening it, and half an hour with his left. He had to train with his left more; if he had been human, he would have been considered 'right-handed.' Right now he was making his left arm stronger, and when he was content, he would move on to a backslice with his right, then his left.
He realized he was thirsty, so he went to a nearby stream and drank from it. He stared at his reflection, which mimicked the body that had almost gotten him exiled. His flat, brown head, with small eyes placed on either side of a bulge in the middle, the ridges along his back, his gray chest and abdomen, and his also gray scythes, the pride and joy of his life. While not as sharp or shiny as a Scyther's, he thought them to be better. A Scyther had always had the use of its blades, whereas he had once been without them, and could appreciate them to their full extent. He thought of them as rather careless with their scythes, but he always took great care of them.
Overall, he rather liked his appearance, despite the trouble it had almost gotten him into. He thought he looked menacing, and handsome, and like a warrior.
With this thought, he got back up, walked to the rather battered tree, and continued to hone his skills.
((Just assume I was fighting all along.))

"Heh. Air Clan, eh?" Haktor grinned evilly and flew up next to Varnal. Being part Steel type, the sandstorm wasn't affecting him at all. That Flygon is smart. He flew higher, until he was barely out of the sandstorm. Then he dove down, spinning his body as fast as he could as he performed a Drill Peck attack. The sand whirled around him as he smashed his way through a large group of Spearows and Taillows, knocking them to the trench below. "Your call, Blast!"

The Charizard looked up to see a very large group of flying types falling towards him. He grinned -- this is exactly what he was looking forward to. Opening his mouth wide, he let out a huge blast of fire, burning the attacking birds to a crisp. "We're having some nice cooked bird for dinner!" Blast shouted gleefully.

Haktor flew back into the air for more ass-kicking, completely not noticing a large glass ball blowing up behind him. Not like it mattered; the explosion wasn't enough to hurt him, and the flying glass shards aren't strong enough to penetrate his steel feathers. Blast, however, wasn't so lucky. He managed to shield himself with a Protect, but not before he was cut by several flying glass shards. Blast cursed loudly. "Watch where you are blowing up your glass balls, you idiot!"
ICefur slid down into the area at which the others stood. "Forming a new clan?" he asked, scratching himself across a tree, dripping his blood with the others' into a seal. With a swing, he let out a small ball of ice.
((Haha. Glass balls. *Snicker*))
"I told you to look out!" Shelly said, flying up in the air, attacking people with psychic attacks, etc.
Quickly, Tigerflame used Protect, shielding all the exiles. The Air clan desperately tried to soar away, but only the leader and a few warriors made it. The rest were defeated, falling towards the shield that Tigerflame had created. They struggled to fly away, and Ruby hissed after them. "That'll teach you to mess with the Darkness clan!"

She looked towards the newcomers. "Welcome. You must be more exiles, to join the Darkness clan, right? We are a group of exiles ourselves, so we welcome others like us."
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