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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

Ruby aimed a Doubleslap at the remaining Taillow, hitting it over and over until it fainted.
Tigerflame just managed to Flamethrower an attacking Haunter out of Ruby's way. The Haunter used Curse, but Ruby shielded Tigerflame as the Combusken proceeded to use Peck.
Inferno jumped down and instructed the others to come down also. He then shot the hottest flamethrower he could at the sand, attempting to turn it to glass and trap the enemy. "Join in if you have a fire attack!" he yelled.
The Fearow behind Varnal was suddenly thrown back a little from the dragon rage, weakened, and the Flygon took the opportunity then to slam it against the rocky slopes with his Iron Tail. He noticed Gervais below him and gave a little grin.

Suddenly, the air began to heat up nearby, coming from below. He shouted down, "What are you doing?" The voices were a little muffled from all the little impacts of pebbles.
Tigerflame used his strongest Flare Blitz, receiving major recoil. However, lots of sand had turned to glass, trapping them all. Luckily, Tigerflame could muster up a Double Kick attack, freeing only his teammates.
The glass started to fall from the sky, which would be bad. Just then, Shelly came out from the shadows and used psychic to keep it up. She gently lowered it to the ground. "What do we do with it now?"
Varnal suddenly saw a section of the rocky (not really sandy) sandstorm liquify and reform into glass. He looked shocked. "What the hell are you guys doing! Stop that!" He screamed. The section of glass fell to the ground, shattering and sending debris all over. Varnal also knew he couldn't get out without the sandstorm dissipating, since he was the one keeping it going.

(eww, post-ninja'd... but come on, did you really think that glass thing through?)
Tigerflame used Protect to shield everyone from the glass.

"Spread it to the sides of the trench so that it lands there," Ruby said.

((Never mind about Tigerflame's Double Kick. I don't really know how glass works ^^'))
Gervais looked up to see molten glass above him. He scrambled to dig underground before he melted or got cut up. Gervais dug out of the way, nothing touched him. He rapidly tunneled away from the pit and appeared on the edge.
"What do we do now? Well, how many are left?", Gervais asked.
"Wait, throw it at the birds!" Ruby whispered. "They'll be sure to give up!"

Tigerflame nodded.

((link008, Tigerflame used Protect, so Gervais couldn't have gotten hit by the glass.))
"I'll try this," said Za, and used Defend Order. "I'll have to clean my cut after this... sandstorms can be vicious and cause infection."
Sighing, Varnal did the only thing he really could do... he flew straight up, letting go of the 'sandstorm, before he himself could get trapped in glass, or melted from it. The creatures below were struggling to keep the glass itself from hitting the ground and shattering into them. He soon found himself surrounded by flying Pokemon.
Za's defend order failed because of lack of underlings, and the only thing that defended was himself.

"How will I learn these moves if I don't have the stuff to use them?"
Chirin looked up and saw the glass starting to form. He immediately halted what he was doing and ran out of range, firing bolt after bolt as he ran to try to bring down any flying pokemon in range.

((I'm gonna be Thanksgiving-ing for a good deal of the day, so assume I'm fighting along you guys. Feel free to write in my attacks if you want, too.))
Shelly then threw the glass ball up into the air, and swung it around like a giant flail, hitting every Pokemon up there.
(I don't see how in the world you could do that in the first place. Either that ball is too big really to lift, and would likely once again come crashing back down on your head for a gruesome and bloody death by shattered glass, or small and no better than a rock throw, in which case you could only hit a couple of creatures. If I can dodge it, you can bet that smaller and more agile pokemon can too.)
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